50 recent changes in Tagpid Web retrieved at 03:30 (Local)

May 2006 111 0 0 28 WebHome 6 TasksandResults 5 MuonCounter 5 ForwardCherenkov 5 TpC 3 VrvsMeeting02 3 BarrelDir...
Welcome to the home of Panda Wiki.Tagpid. This is a web based collaboration area for the PANDA PID TAG FINAL REPORT * PID TAG Final Report.pdf: *"PID TA...
Agenda of the 22th EVOmeeting, GSI, 05.09.2008 * discussion about the Draft Version 0.8 * new content: * STT * Barrel ToF * Bare...
Agenda of the 10th meeting, Ferrara, 08.09.2008 * Introduction (G. Schepers) * presentation of the report * Report Draft 0.9 * new missing conte...
Index Subject Meeting Number Background EMC DISC DIRC 27, 29 Benchmark channels 7 DIRC Trapping Fraction 23 Electron ID EMC 8, 10, 11...
Requirements for the PID Detectors * PiddetectorRequirements Basic Informations about the PID Detectors * BarrelDirc * C. Schwarz, G. Schepers * B...
Agenda of the 6th meeting, GSI, 11.12.2007 * short introduction, Georg Schepers including: * PID with a ToF detector, Aida Galoyan * rpc1.ppt: RP...
Agenda of the 22th EVOmeeting, GSI, 05.09.2008 * Draft v0.7 * ToF detectors * MvD for PID * Endcap Disc DIRC, Top design * Name of the report. * n...
Agenda of the 20th EVOmeeting, GSI, 22.08.2008 * discussion about the Draft Version 0.6 * title of the report * what is still missing * the Cherencov li...
Agenda of the 18th EVOmeeting, GSI, 25.07.2008 * "Final report of the PID TAG", Version 0.4, V.05 (additional sep power and phase space plots in the last minute)...
Agenda of the 17th EVOmeeting, GSI, 11.07.2008 * "Final report of the PID TAG", Version 0.3 (available here from 13h 11.07.08 on) * discussion, more contribut...
Guidelines for the Final Report Start up of the svn repository for the PANDA PIDTAG report * First Steps: (Carsten Schwarz, see also PidtagMeeting09, Cracow 2...
Agenda of the 9th meeting, Cracow, 23.07.2008 * Discussion about the first version of the written PID TAG Report Due to the parallel computing meeting, groups on...
Agenda of the 8th meeting, GSI, 5.03.2008 * Discussion about the PID TAG Report to be given to the Technical Board at the same meeting Main.GeorgSchepers 19...
Agenda of the 16th EVOmeeting, GSI, 20.06.2008 * "Final report of the PID TAG", Introduction Georg Schepers * discussion about concepts, way of writing and co...
Agenda of the 15th EVOmeeting, GSI, 25.04.2008 * "Why do we need a Disc DIRC at PANDA?", presentation Klaus Föhl * "Map of Separation power and Mis Identifica...
Agenda of the 14th EVOmeeting, GSI, 15.02.2008 * "Mapping Separation power", talk, Klaus Götzen * PidTag080215.pdf(PidTag080215.PPT) * see upda...
Trapping Fraction Barrel DIRC For the fast simulation as well as for the PID Tag the trapping fraction has been determined as a lookup table (root TH2F). Shown is...
ThreeDseparationplot part of the DircPlayground Calculation of the Separationpower in dependence of momentum and angle The dependence of N(sigma) from the mom...
Agenda of the 6th meeting, GSI, 20.09.2007 * PID with a ToF detector for a secondary target experiment, Presentation, Alicia Sanchez * News from the Muon Coun...
Global PID for PANDA * Global PID Talk by Bjoern Seitz, Glasgow http://www.nuclear.gla.ac.uk/~bseitz/pidtagVRVS/PIDTagJuly.html (Presentation in the PID TAG mee...
Path length in the radiator: * Comment Aida Galoyan: Main.GeorgSchepers 10 Dec 2007
DircPlayground This is just a place to store ideas not yet finalised nor to use in public Calculations for the three dimensional display of the separation po...
Purpose the DIRC provides * a positive kaon identification * a destinction of gammas and relativistic charged particles entering the EMC behind him Workin...
PNADA EVO meeting 13 Agenda of the 13th PID TAG Online (EVO) meeting 23.11.2007 * update on the RPC calculation, A. Galoyan * rpc1.ppt: RPC Barrel *...
Agenda of the 11th vrvs meeting Collection of Information * Status of the detector systems Separation power * TPC, Quirin Weitzel * ToF, Aida Ga...
Agenda of the 12th PID TAG vrvs meeting 5.10.2007 * Definition Separation Power * klausfoehl_sigma5_vrvs2007oct5.ppt: PowerPoint file 6 slides * klau...
Agenda * Calculations from Giessen for the Time0 for the ToP Disc Roland Schmidt, Markus Ehrenfried * Calculation to compare ToP Disc and Focussing Disc, Kl...
9. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (13.7.2007) Agenda * Introduction, Georg Schepers, Intro pidtag9_13.07.07.ppt * Endcap detectors * PID Magnet Design ...
8. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (20.3.2007) Agenda * "New steps preparation for Genua" * e e Benchmark Studies, Bertram Kopf http://www.ep1.ruhr uni bochum.de/~ber...
Tagpid Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Tagpid web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overw...
Web Web Home Search Changes Notifications Index Topics * Webs
5. PID TAG Meeting (27.3.2007) Agenda * "New steps" * e e Benchmark Studies, Bertram Kopf * EplusEminusStudies.pdf * Parametrization of the (Barrel)...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Tagpid web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to c...
Proximity Focussing For more results see presentation in VrvsMeeting07. Here is a quick calculation with slightly different geometry as Lars Schmitt requested. ...
Disc Cherenkov Counter Main.KlausFoehl 25 Apr 2006 * Motivation and Kinematics: Particle ID cannot rely on strangeness conservation as strangeness is...
7. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (1.3.2007) Agenda * "PID update and outlook" * the development from December 2006 to March 2007 * the echange of knowledge, as...
6. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (7.12.2006) Agenda * Status und Preparation * Status Georg Schepers * Very first Concept for presentation, to be discuss...
4. PID TAG Meeting (11.12.2006) Agenda * Status und Preparation * EMC Neuronal Network analysis and ideas * Status Georg Schepers * Conc...
Presentation comments: Klaus Foehl has a lot of nice performance plots for the endcap DISC. They surely should be included. Matthias Hoek can probably provide a...
5. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (9.11.2006) Agenda * Parametrization and Phase Space * Barrel Tof example Aida Galoyan: http://www linux.gsi.de/~galoyan/t...
Barrel Time of Flight Aida Goloyan provided a parametrization for the Time of Flight measurment with the barrel tof: * TOF_galoyan.ppt: Parametrization for Bar...
4. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (13.10.2006) Preliminary Agenda * Parametrization of Detector responses * Barrel Tof example Aida Galoyan: * TOF_galoyan....
3. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (20.07.2006) Agenda * Common plots for separation power * example K. Foehl: * http://wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/view/Pandatagpid...
3. PID TAG Meeting (Vienna, 4.09.2006) Agenda * Introduction, Georg Schepers DIRC PIDTAG third meeting Vienna040906.ppt * Up date of the Status of the Muon Co...
Second PIDTAG Meeting GSI 13.06.2006 Agenda * IntroductionGsi130606: Separation Power and Detector Performance, (GeorgSchepers) * PionelectronSeparation wi...
2. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (24.05.2006) Agenda * Presentation and Discussion of the new Postings * TPC * Muon Counter * updates * Combination o...
Main.GeorgSchepers 19 Jul 2006 * Barbar separtaion power NIM A538(2005) 281 357:
Example Plot for Separation Power This histogram visualises how distributions in beta look for kaons and pions, the example being a Time of Propagation calcu...
Example Plots SeparationpowerExampleplots * tagplot1.eps: parameter space Standalone Endcap DIRC Analysis (my suggestion) target vertex (theta,phi) as in...
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