Aida presented new calculations for the proposal of a RPC in the Barrel region. It is clear that we need information on the separation of kaon and pions in the low energy regime (p<0.8GeV&c). We have to take into account the material amount in front of the EMC.
PID with the MVD, Rene Jaeckle
Georg Schepers showed some slides from Rene which showed promising trials to have a particle identifications with the MVD. From the energy loss Rene derives probabilities for slides of momenta.The questions whether there will be a sufficient high ADC-readout resolution was verified by Rene after the meeting.
Georg showed a Wiki-page (DircPlayground) where he compared the Phasespace plots (see VrvsMeeting11) for the relevant reactions with the sigma separation power of the Barrel DIRC to show an example and the necessity to work with all the information the PID TAG has got.On the Example "pbar p to phi phi" he showed which fraction of produced kaons can be separated from pions with the help of the Barrel Dirc. First one sees all the kaons produced, secondly the kaons in the solid angle and the lower threshold (of the Kaon detection) of the Cherenkov detector and last but not least all the kaons over the limit of numbers of sigma separation beeing 4. The latter conditions is done for the two track resolutions "sigma" (track) = 10 mrad and 30 mrad. It shows that we loose with a bad track resolution for higher monenta a not minor amount of kaons (meaning having a not sufficient resolution to separate them from pions) in the angular region of the Barel DIRC. Remark: The calculations are peliminary and the separation limit arbitrary (Example as Playground).
Discussion "Where are we", all
the TAG agreed that a Map of Separation power for all the detectors and all the momenta and angles would be a big step forward. Klaus Götzen volunteered to produce a Map with the Fast Simulation and the parameterizations from the detectors.