50 recent changes in Tagpid Web retrieved at 02:52 (Local)

Minutes of the PID TAG, 16 17h, June, 13 2006, Carsten Schwarz * Talk, Thierry Hennino Thierry Hennino gave a presentation about the possibility to use the DIR...
Decisions and Tasks of the second PID TAG meeting * Common plot of separation power for the subsystems * Georg and Carsten will put some examples on the...
DecisionsandTaskspidtag01 * a TagPid Wiki page will be installed by GeorgSchepers * the responsible for the subdetectors provide the informations asked or fin...
* DIRC TAG second meeting.ppt: Introduction talk by Georg Schepers Main.GeorgSchepers 14 Jun 2006
Pion Electron Separation with EMC and DIRC Talk by Thierry Hennino 13.06.2006 * TH_panda_GSI_0606.ppt: Talk given at the second PANDA PID TAG meeting 13.06.20...
Just a fast guess of numbers: Disc DIRC The numbers are extracted from a calculation looking only at the optical region. The calculations include dispersion eff...
PANDA Technical Assessment Group PID * C. Schwarz, G. Schepers, Co Chairs * B. Kopf BarrelCalorimeter * R. Kaiser / G. Rosner / I. Lehmann CherenkovCo...
1. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (26.04.2006) Agenda * Communications * Which Detector identifies what particles under which angle? * What was achieved untill no...
Main.MarcoMaggiora 21 May 2006 Purpose Muon identification in the PANDA experiment. First estimations Two muons must be identified in the final state to accept...
Purpose Tracking: The TPC is discussed as a solution for the outer tracking within the target spectrometer. The required momentum resolution is ~1%, the required ...
Main.RainerNovotny 26 Apr 2006 Possibilities of the EM Calorimeter to contribute to PID The EM Calorimeter, based on PWO crystals, provides in case of optimum re...
Main.RainerNovotny 26 Apr 2006 Possibilities of the EM Calorimeter to contribute to PID The EM Calorimeter, based on PWO crystals, provides in case of optimum re...
The PANDA Detector (Bernd Lewandowski 25.4.2006) * panda_v0.1.3_drc.pdf: PANDA Detector * preview (3D and Top view in PDF as well) Main.GeorgSchepe...
Objectives of the Shashlyk Calorimeter * #960;/e discrimination * energy, position and time measurement TPR Layout of a Shashlyk module Number of layers ...
* B field calculation Jost Luehning: According to this graph the candidate areas for photon detector placement seem to have B=0.4T or 0.5T instead of B=0.2T...
Basic Requirements The envisaged physical program (see TPR) of PANDA requires a * hermetic detector with nearly 4pi solid angle coverage * concurrent detec...
Main.GeorgSchepers 17 Mar 2006 Minutes after Hand writings of KlausFoehl * IntroductionPidTag, GeorgSchepers * First Questions to ask: KlausPeters: PLOT: G...
TAG PID: Global PID Requirements * Subject 1. Requirements from physics 2. Evaluate potential of each subsystem 3. Matching of systems * Deliv...
CommunicationofResults * We have several utilities for a good communication and documentation. * two Wiki pages for documentatioon * two or more Fora...
Introduction * GlobalRequirements * MemberList(09.03.2006) Main.GeorgSchepers 17 Mar 2006
First PIDTAG Meeting Dresden 03.2006 Agenda * IntroductionPidTag, Global PID Reqirements, (GeorgSchepers) * ContributionDiscDirc (KlausFoehl) * First ...
Agenda * IntroductionPidTag, Global PID Reqirements, (GeorgSchepers) * ContributionDiscDirc (KlausFoehl) * First Questions to ask * Specific Propertie...
Main.GeorgSchepers 17 Mar 2006
Main.GeorgSchepers 17 Mar 2006 * DIRC TAG Inauguration.ppt: Introduction talk for the first PIDTAG meeting
Main.GeorgSchepers 17 Mar 2006
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