Basic Requirements

The envisaged physical program (see TPR) of PANDA requires a

  • hermetic detector with nearly 4pi solid angle coverage
  • concurrent detection of lepton pairs
  • good kaon identification from very low energies up to a few GeV/c
  • detection of low energy photons
  • muon detection capability
  • higly segmented low energy threshold electromagnetic calorimeter
  • (second) vertex recognition
  • radiation hardness

  • good PID above particle momenta of 0.5 GeV/c at all angles


Charmonium Spectroscopy

  • Momentum vs. polar angle distribution of muons from formation reaction of the psi(3686)(Ref. TPR):

Momentum vs. polar angle distribution of muons from formation reaction of the psi(3686)

  • example for typical momenta

Charmed Hybrids

  • Momentum vs. polar angle distribution of decay kaons from the reaction pbar p -> Phi Phi -> 4K at sqrt s = 3.6GeV(Ref. TPR):

Momentum vs. polar angle distribution of decay kaons from the reaction pbar p -> Phi Phi -> 4K at sqrt s = 3.6GeV

  • The distribution demonstrates the need for pion-kaon separation up to ~ 3 GeV/c at forward angles.

Charmed Hadrons in Nuclear Matter

  • Transverse vs. longitudinal momentum distribution of neutrons obtained with an UrQMD calculation for 4.05GeV/c pbar * Cu, including low energy evaporation processes(Ref. TPR):

Transverse vs. longitudinal momentum distribution of neutrons obtained with an URQMD calculation for 4.05GeV/c pbar * Cu, including low energy evaporation processes

  • a similar emission pattern is predicted for the dominant low energy part of the emitted protons

-- GeorgSchepers - 19 Apr 2006
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
UrQmd_pbarCu_neutrons.gifgif UrQmd_pbarCu_neutrons.gif manage 28 K 2006-04-19 - 15:28 GeorgSchepers Transverse vs. longitudinal momentum distribution of neutrons obtained with an UrQMD calculation for 4.05GeV/c pbar * Cu, including low energy evaporation processes
kk_p_vs_theta.gifgif kk_p_vs_theta.gif manage 33 K 2006-04-19 - 15:19 GeorgSchepers Momentum vs. polar angle distribution of decay kaons from the reaction pbar p -> Phi Phi at sqrt s = 3.6GeV
mumu_p_vs_theta.gifgif mumu_p_vs_theta.gif manage 15 K 2006-04-19 - 14:49 GeorgSchepers Momentum vs. polar angle distribution of muons from formation reaction of the psi(3686)
Topic revision: r2 - 2006-04-19, GeorgSchepers
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