-- MarcoMaggiora - 21 May 2006


Muon identification in the PANDA experiment.

First estimations

Two muons must be identified in the final state to accept the event. The first plot show the angular distribution versus the energy in the laboratory frame:

The estimated acceptance for muons of different momenta for the PANDA setup described in the PANDA LOI (January 2004), i.e identifing muons by the mean of the muon trackers only, should be too low for slow muons:


Different strategies for muon identification in different momentum regions must be envisaged:

Basic detector features

The bacis detector features for the muon trackers will be:

Time resolution 2-4 nsec
Single plane space resolution (pitch size) 1 cm
Maximal drift time 100 nsec
Double hit resolution 25 nsec
Gas mixture Ar, CO2, CF4
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MounCounter.20060522.1.jpgjpg MounCounter.20060522.1.jpg manage 6 K 2006-05-22 - 01:04 UnknownUser MounCounter.20060522.1.jpg
MounCounter.20060522.2.jpgjpg MounCounter.20060522.2.jpg manage 12 K 2006-05-22 - 01:34 UnknownUser MounCounter.20060522.2.jpg
MuonCounter.20060522.acceptance.jpgjpg MuonCounter.20060522.acceptance.jpg manage 232 K 2006-05-22 - 01:05 UnknownUser MuonCounter.20060522.acceptance.jpg
MuonCounter.20060522.theta_vs_e.jpgjpg MuonCounter.20060522.theta_vs_e.jpg manage 85 K 2006-05-22 - 01:05 UnknownUser MuonCounter.20060522.theta_vs_e.jpg
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-05-22, MarcoMaggiora
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