Kaon-pion separation-plot for the ToP Disc, R. Schmidt, Giessen
connection of (detector-) informations - further steps to go, Discussion
next meeting
Results and Decisions
update on the RPC calculation, A. Galoyan
Since Aida Galoyan did not attend the meeting the update on the RPC will be done in a comming meeting.
Kaon-pion separation-plot for the ToP Disc, R. Schmidt, Giessen
The plot for the kaon-pion separation versus the momentum for the ToP-Disk design showed a saturation at about 6 GeV/c. Roland Schmidt presented now the results of new calculations beyond the 6 GeV/c, which indicate that the separation really goes to zero at higher values. Some questions to the calculation remained open but should be solved in short future and presented on the PANDA meeting at in December 07 at GSI.
connection of (detector-) informations - further steps to go, Discussion
It was mentioned to use the informations on the Phasespace plots to test the coverage of the detectors for solid angle as well as separation.
next meeting
There is no further online meeting planed before the PANDA meeting.