Bertram Kopf showed his analyss of the EMC simulated e+e- data with the Neural Network. He obtains a pion background substraction of 10**6 at a electron reconstruction probability of 30%.This has to be and can be optimized with all detectors included in the simulation.
suggested: comparison of different Endcap Imaging Cherenkov detectors Klaus Föhl: vrvs2007march20basis2.pdf rough preview
Klaus Foehl compared the performance of the two studied solution for a Cjerenkov counter in the Forward Tagret Spectrometer, the ToP DISC DIRC and the Focussing DISC DIRC, with the proximity focussing RICH with GEM-foil readout recently proposed by Lars Schmitt.
It was agreed that he will update his basics presentation for the Genua meeting with own calculations and input from the Giessen group for their new ToP Design.
A question was: Do we need a kaon-pion-seperation power in the Target Spectrometer higher than 3.5GeV/c for real physics?
In the discussion we also agreed that we urgently need - similar to the table of momenta of particle species for different theta angles - a table of seperation power of detector species for different theta angles.Thus we can see whether we cover all particles to be detected.
In Genua we want to have time for the discussion of the three different Endcap Imaging Cherenkov detectors.
It was agreed that we ask the Muon Counter group for an update of their activities.