8. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (20.3.2007)


  • "New steps - preparation for Genua"

  • updates, all

  • preparation of the PID TAG meeting in Genua

Results and Decisions

  • e+e- Benchmark-Studies, Bertram Kopf http://www.ep1.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/~bertram/PID_TAG/EplusEminusStudies.pdf
    • Bertram Kopf showed his analyss of the EMC simulated e+e- data with the Neural Network. He obtains a pion background substraction of 10**6 at a electron reconstruction probability of 30%.This has to be and can be optimized with all detectors included in the simulation.
  • suggested: comparison of different Endcap Imaging Cherenkov detectors
    Klaus Föhl: vrvs2007march20basis2.pdf rough preview
    • Klaus Foehl compared the performance of the two studied solution for a Cjerenkov counter in the Forward Tagret Spectrometer, the ToP DISC DIRC and the Focussing DISC DIRC, with the proximity focussing RICH with GEM-foil readout recently proposed by Lars Schmitt.
      • It was agreed that he will update his basics presentation for the Genua meeting with own calculations and input from the Giessen group for their new ToP Design.
      • A question was: Do we need a kaon-pion-seperation power in the Target Spectrometer higher than 3.5GeV/c for real physics?
  • discussion
    • In the discussion we also agreed that we urgently need - similar to the table of momenta of particle species for different theta angles - a table of seperation power of detector species for different theta angles.Thus we can see whether we cover all particles to be detected.
    • In Genua we want to have time for the discussion of the three different Endcap Imaging Cherenkov detectors.
    • It was agreed that we ask the Muon Counter group for an update of their activities.
Topic revision: r6 - 2007-07-11, GeorgSchepers
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