7. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (1.3.2007)


  • "PID - update and outlook"

  • the development from December 2006 to March 2007
    • the echange of knowledge, as example: Barrel EMC - Forward EMC
    • the matching of detector responses
    • Input - status of
      • detector (material) tests
      • parametrization
      • simulation
      • simulation tools
  • Klaus Foehl: Comments and Calculations to a combined PID and tracking detector based on C6F14, Cs_I and GEMs (Proposal: Lars Schmitt)

  • preparation of the PID TAG meeting in Genua

Results and Decisions

Minutes Seventh_PANDA_PID-TAG_VRVS_1.3.2007:


  • Bertram Kopf commented briefly on new simulations and analysis with help of the neural network. He simulated the reaction ppbar -> e+e- that Thierry Hennino from Orsay was once reporting about in the PID TAG. The major background comes from pi+ pi- (10**6 to 10**8 bigger than the signal). With a tight fit to 10**5 e+e- events with the neural network he obtains an efficiency of 30% and no background, with a less tight fit 60% effiency and 1 background event.

  • Aida Galoyan started to compare the parametrization she did for the Barrel ToF with a parametrization from NA49. We might learn more about this in Genua.

  • At the technical meeting of the Integration TAG 26.-27.2.2007@GSI we learned from Lars Schmitt that there is a need to rearange the tracking target spectrometer. It was noticed that there are not enought tracking points measured or they have a poor resolution since the magentic field is almost parallel to the tracks going to forward angles.

    What affects the PID is that a proximity focussing RICH detector with C6F14 radiator and CsI readout after an expansion volume was proposed by Lars that serves as a tracking and a PID detector as well and that could replace the DISC DIRC in the same psition.

    Klaus Föhl performed some calculations that he presented in the Hadron Cherenkov Forum and (with some plots) in this VRVS meeting.
    According to his results a proximity RICH in the Target Spectrometer could reach a 4sigma kaon-pion-separation up to 5 GeV/c, where as the focussing DISC DIRC on the same position reaches 6 GeV/c, the TOP-DISC-DIRC 4.5 GeV/c (particle 10 degrees). Simulations from Bertram Kopf show that the kaon in the forward region of the target spectrometer go up to even higher momenta than 6 GeV/c.

    Of course the possible detector types have to be compared more carefully which will be a task for the Tracking TAG and for us the PID TAG as well. Please see the contribution that Klaus Föhl will add to this minuits. In Genua he will present as well.

  • We agreed to have a next VRVS meeting one week before Genua (after the DPG Springmeeting in Giessen) to prepare the PID TAG meeting there. I propose already Tuesday the 20th of March at 15h15 for the VRVS meeting.

-- GeorgSchepers - 28 Feb 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Calculations.kf.combined.pdfpdf Calculations.kf.combined.pdf manage 80 K 2007-03-01 - 15:12 UnknownUser graphs for the presentation
Calculations.kf.combined2.pdfpdf Calculations.kf.combined2.pdf manage 108 K 2007-03-02 - 16:36 UnknownUser annotated presentation upload
Topic revision: r6 - 2007-03-20, GeorgSchepers
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