4. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (13.10.2006)
Preliminary Agenda
- Parametrization of Detector responses
- Benchmark Channels (C. Schwarz)
Results and Decisions
Minutes of the Fourth PANDA PID TAG VRVS meeting 13th Octrober 2006
In the comming December PANDA meeting at GSI the PANDA PID TAG has to report on their work and progress in a plenary talk of 60min (including discussions and questions). A full set of detector responses and calculations of the benchmark channels at this time should be the aim of our working group.
- The Parametrization of Detector responses is one of the crucial points in the moment.
- So we had an example of Aida Galoyan for the BarrelTof: Since she could not attend the meeting, Georg Schepers showed shortly her calculations. In the discussion about this example we learned what we need in addition, i.e. background calculations, efficiencies and contaminations. Klaus Foehl mentioned that a representation of results in beta might be more useful than in mass.
- Piotr Hawranek commented shortly about the parametrizations he wants to prepare for the Forward Calorimeter. He still needs some simulations to get input for his parametrization. Since Bertram Kopf works on similar simulations for the Barrel EMC it was agreed to stay in the VRVS room and discuss this point after the officiel TAG meeting between Piotr, Bertram and Jan Zhong.
- Carsten Schwarz reported about the Benchmark channels since they provide the information about the capability of our detector system regarding the momentum and angular coverage and so the Physics of PANDA.
- He put the Benchmark channels written in the progress report into a mail and asked the responsible for the different Physics channels for comments. Like this the list might be confirmed or updated. Three of the four responsible persons have still to respond.
- He asked Bertram to perform with confirmed channels phase space or kinematical calculations. Bertram agreed.
- Tasks
- Piotr and Bertram want to achieve in a few weeks from now first(!) parametrizations for the Forward Calorimeter, respectively, the Barrel EMC
- Betram will perform phase space calculations for some Benchmark channels
- next meeting
- will be in about four weeks from now (beginning-mid November)
GeorgSchepers - 13 Oct 2006