"Final report of the PID TAG", Version 0.4, V.05 (additional sep power and phase space plots in the last minute)
overlap Disc DIRC - EMC
next meeting
Results and Decisions
To the Draft 0.5 of the PID TAG Final Report:
Time of Flight:
Aida Galoyan organizes the contributions of the Russian Time of Flight groups and reported about the progress of this work. She said that she expects written text from some parts of the group, from other she will get information which she herself will transform into text. Aida agreed to contribute the first version of the Time of Flight chapter for the next Draft (Draft 0.6) of the report which will be released to the 08.08.08.
Fast Simulation, Seperation Power and the Phase Space plots:
Klaus Götzen presented the chapter he wrote concerning the Fast Simulation, the Seperation Paower and the phase space plots. Here one can find a complete definition of the separation power and examples of the use of the Map of Separation Power. He started to list all the relevant channels that can give information about the performance of the different subdetectors. This list has to be completed. Aida would like to include the elastic pbar-p-scattering to test the TOF. Klaus said that the inclusive channels might be more important since the exclusive channels can be resolved with kinematic fitting too. Bertram Kopf mentioned that eventhough the exclusive channel have inpotance for the background channel have up to 10**10 higher cross section which can not be fully reduced by tracking only. Klaus wants to add all channels of the Physics Book to the list. Bertram mentioned also that one has to consider not only phase space but angular distributions too. Klaus agreed that, if there are know distributions, they could be included in the production of the plots.
However there is the concern of Betram, that this means to perform time- and CPU-consuming calculations, the PID TAG agreed in the point that the EMC as a major detector part of PANDA should be included in the report.
We still have no answer from the side of the responsible of the muon detectors. Aida mentioned to contact the Russian Muon group to write a contribution. Georg Schepers proposed that he will contact Maria Pia Buss again, asking her to collect from all the muon groups the informations and write a contribution.
Beside the report:
Disc DIRC - EMC:
In his simulations Bertram found showers produced in the EMC leakig into the Disc DIRC. When a photon showers in the last ring of Barrel EMC crystals (under 22 degrees) parts of the shower can leak out and can hit the Disc DIRC. Up to 30 electron-positron pairs can make a strong signal in the DIRC. Somehow the electrons and positrons are directed towards the axis of the PANDA detector (what has to be investigated). Klaus Föhl estimated (in quick back-of-the-envelope-calculations) the reduction of the efficiency by this to be in the order of 20%. More simulations (Bertram Kopf) and calculations (Kalus Foehl) will follow.