2. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (24.05.2006)


  • Presentation and Discussion of the new Postings
    • TPC
    • Muon Counter
    • updates

  • Combination of values and knowledge
    • closer to a map of seperation power
      • sigma/momentum
      • sigma/theta
  • tasks
  • Preparation of the PID TAG @ the PANDA meeting @ GSI in June

Results and Decisions

Presentation and Discussion of the new Postings

  • TPC
    • Quirin Weitzel showed calculations of separation power (done in the old framework)
    • The seperation power shown will still change after new frame work simulations.and the important separtion of e/pi will be included
    • The seperation power is not depending so much on the numbers of readout channels wich might be decreased from 100000 to smaller numbers

  • DIRC
    • Carsten Schwarz mentioned simulations to the DIRC (old Frw) of Beatrice Ramstein(Orsay) who investigates the possibility of the separation of electrons and pions at low energies where the EMC has problems (being the first combination of two detectors!)
    • We might ask Beatrice Ramstein to report on the PID TAG meeting

  • EMC
    • Rainer Nowotny reported in an e-mail to study invariant mass spectra in the simulation
    • In the next weeks the Barrel DIRC will be included as a barrel of 1to2cm thick Quartz (material budged) to study the influence on the invariant mass spectra
    • Bertram Kopf presented his studied with the old framework where the separation of particles becomes visible already in a qualitativ way. But he proposes to wait for the simulations in the new framework (comming in the next weeks) to obtain reliable results and to perform a separation power plot

  • Endcap Cherenkov
    • Bjoern Seitz introduced plots to the the results of Roland Schmidt calculations (discussed in the first VRVS meeting) which are looking only at the optical region including but not (yet) correcting dispersion effects.

  • Forward Calorimeter
    • A plot or estimation of the separation power is possible in the next weeks depending on the time Piotr Hawranek finds

  • Muon Counter
    • Maria Pia Bussa presented the muon page mentioning the cut in the muon detection underneeth 1GeV/c which is connected with a lost of 1/2 of the good events
    • the cut in the particles is due to the necessary stopping of the high momentum muons in the iron what sets a lower limmit to the detectable momenta. A counter inside the magnet would give the chance to measure more (important first of all in the case of two muon events with one high and one low momentum muon)
    • a plot for separation power is not so easy to perform with out more simulations and combinations with tracking detectors
    • Maria Pia Bussa wants to report on the results of the new simulations at the september meeting in Vienna

Combination of values and knowledge

  • we agreed to have plots with common specification to enable a better comparation of results
    • for this we want to take the DIRC and the TPC as example who show the separation power as function of momenta.
  • We still need the plots of separation power versus theta

  • the final specifications of these plots will be decided do at the PANDA PID TAG meeting at GSI

  • we agreed that we need to perform in close future the phase space simulations for the bench mark channels to make visible which particle momenta and angles we need to cover and which we do
    • Carsten Schwarz proposed phase space calculations with the program packet Pluto
    • Bertram Kopf told that these calculatiuons are possible to perform within the new frame work using different event generators. He agrees to take care of this in the next weeks.

Preparation of the PID TAG @ the PANDA meeting @ GSI in June
  • the meeting will be dedicated to discussions on the common plots mentioned above
  • we planed to have no presentation (however, as discussed after the meeting, we intend to ask Beatrice Ramstein to give a talk about her calculations mentioned above)

The date for the Third PANDA PID TAG - VRVS meeting will be proposed at the PANDA meeting

-- GeorgSchepers - 26 May 2006
Topic revision: r4 - 2006-07-21, GeorgSchepers
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