This is the master archive with talks from all our subgroup meetings. Please attach your talks using your account, such that the author name is visible and easy to search for. Talks given by you at other meetings can be added as well, if you feel they are of interest to the PANDA DCS in general.

Please add and explain novel ideas in our IdeaBank and document hardware in our SupportedHardware wiki even if this information is contained in your talk. This will be very likely updated by you later on, but please add a reference/link to the talk where it was first presented.

Darmstadt, January 2019

Darmstadt, November 2018

  • Status of the DCS for the PANDA EMC, Tobias Triffterer at PANDA Collaboration Meeting 18/3, 06 November 2018, Darmstadt
    Note: The image quality of this PDF file had to be reduced to comply with the upload quota of the PANDA Wiki. The original file can be found in the GSI Indico (access code required).

Darmstadt, May 2018

Bochum, March 2018

  • Structure of the PANDA Detector Control System, Tobias Triffterer at DPG Spring Meeting (DPG-Frühjahrstagung) 2018, 27 February 2018, Bochum
    Note: The image quality of this PDF file had to be reduced to comply with the upload quota of the PANDA Wiki. The original file can be provided upon request.

Darmstadt, March 2017

Mainz, September 2016

Vienna, November 2015

GSI, September 2015

Gießen, March 2015

Jülich, December 2014

GSI, June 2014

Jülich, October 2013

GSI, June 2013

GSI, December 2012

GSI, December 2011

GSI, December 2010

GSI, March 2010

GSI, December 2009

LabVIEW - EPICS Interfacing: Target controls:

  • EPICS Tutorial: StreamDevice and Asyn - Accessing Hardware - Peter Zumbruch & Burkhard Kolb

Jülich, September 2009

Turin, June 2009

GSI, March 2009

No DCS subsession.

GSI, December 2008

Ferrara, September 2008

General discussion.

Krakow, June 2008

GSI, March 2008

GSI, December 2007

GSI, September 2007

Dubna, June 2007

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2009-12-target-slow-contol.keykey 2009-12-target-slow-contol.key manage 2 MB 2009-12-07 - 19:27 UnknownUser Target Slow Controls - Andrea Bersani, INFN Genova
Afecs_Panda_ppt97.pptppt Afecs_Panda_ppt97.ppt manage 2 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:13 UnknownUser AFECS Introduction - Vardan Gyurjyan (Jlab)
AgilentN5700.pdfpdf AgilentN5700.pdf manage 2 MB 2010-03-09 - 14:39 PeterZumbruch Agilent N5700 Manual
CBM_Mirror_Control_System.pdfpdf CBM_Mirror_Control_System.pdf manage 2 MB 2011-12-15 - 13:56 UnknownUser CBM Mirror System by Tanya Torres de Heidenreich
DCS-2008-03.pptppt DCS-2008-03.ppt manage 1 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:20 UnknownUser Status and report from the DCS Roundtable - Dan Protopopescu (Glasgow)
DCS-2008-06.pptppt DCS-2008-06.ppt manage 1 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:15 UnknownUser DCS Status - Dan Protopopescu (Glasgow)
DCS-2009-09.pdfpdf DCS-2009-09.pdf manage 3 MB 2009-09-09 - 09:46 UnknownUser Reminders, reminders - Dan Protopopescu, Glasgow
DCS-Thailand-Jan2019.pdfpdf DCS-Thailand-Jan2019.pdf manage 3 MB 2019-01-16 - 10:08 TobiasTriffterer PANDA Detector Control System, PANDA – Thailand Detectors Meeting
DCS_Triffterer_Dec2014.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_Dec2014.pdf manage 8 MB 2014-12-10 - 17:55 TobiasTriffterer Alarm notification system for PANDA prototypes, talk at LI. PANDA CM, December 2014
DCS_Triffterer_Jun2013.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_Jun2013.pdf manage 4 MB 2014-12-10 - 18:05 TobiasTriffterer Detector control system for the EMC, talk at XLV. PANDA CM, June 2013
DCS_Triffterer_Jun2014.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_Jun2014.pdf manage 7 MB 2014-12-10 - 18:01 TobiasTriffterer FEMC DCS status and available devices for PANDA Slow Control, talk at XLIX. PANDA CM, June 2014
DCS_Triffterer_Mar2015.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_Mar2015.pdf manage 4 MB 2015-03-17 - 17:58 TobiasTriffterer Review of the PANDA EPICS hands-on tutorial, talk at LII. PANDA Collaboration Meeting, March 2015
DCS_Triffterer_Mar2017.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_Mar2017.pdf manage 498 K 2019-01-07 - 15:00 TobiasTriffterer Performance studies on the new generation of iseg HV power supplies, talk at PANDA CM 17/1, March 2017
DCS_Triffterer_May2018.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_May2018.pdf manage 3 MB 2019-01-07 - 15:27 TobiasTriffterer PANDA Detector Control System and Front-End Electronics: Interface Proposal, talk at PANDA DAQ/FEE Workshop 2018
DCS_Triffterer_Nov2015.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_Nov2015.pdf manage 4 MB 2015-11-30 - 17:24 TobiasTriffterer DCS for EMC cooling system, talk at LV. PANDA CM, November 2015
DCS_Triffterer_Nov2018.pdfpdf DCS_Triffterer_Nov2018.pdf manage 1004 K 2019-01-07 - 15:17 TobiasTriffterer Status of the DCS for the PANDA EMC (image quality reduced to fit into wiki), talk at PANDA CM 18/3, November 2018
DP15-071211_DCS-2007-12.pptppt DP15-071211_DCS-2007-12.ppt manage 3 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:34 UnknownUser DCS Status - Dan Protopopescu (Glasgow)
DP15-081209_DCS-2008-12.pptppt DP15-081209_DCS-2008-12.ppt manage 2 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:46 UnknownUser Status of requirements collection - Dan Protopopescu (Glasgow)
DP16-080624_DCS-2008-06.pptppt DP16-080624_DCS-2008-06.ppt manage 1 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:43 UnknownUser DCS Status and Tutorial on Using the Requirements Collection Database - Dan Protopopescu
DPG2018_Triffterer.pdfpdf DPG2018_Triffterer.pdf manage 2 MB 2019-01-07 - 15:23 TobiasTriffterer Structure of the PANDA Detector Control System (reduced image quality), talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2018
ECS-2010-12.pdfpdf ECS-2010-12.pdf manage 3 MB 2010-12-03 - 13:04 UnknownUser Announcements by Dan Protopopescu
EMC_Triffterer_Mar2017.pdfpdf EMC_Triffterer_Mar2017.pdf manage 506 K 2019-01-07 - 15:04 TobiasTriffterer The new generation of iseg HV power supplies: Usage studies for test stand and experiment, talk at PANDA CM 17/1, March 2017
EMC_Triffterer_Sep2015.pdfpdf EMC_Triffterer_Sep2015.pdf manage 5 MB 2015-09-10 - 18:33 TobiasTriffterer EMC cooling machine prototype
EMC_Triffterer_Sep2016.pdfpdf EMC_Triffterer_Sep2016.pdf manage 2 MB 2016-09-19 - 15:37 TobiasTriffterer Long-Term Stability and Recalibration Requirements of iseg HV Modules, talk at LVIII. PANDA CM, September 2016
EPICS-Tuesday.pptppt EPICS-Tuesday.ppt manage 5 MB 2009-09-08 - 15:00 PeterZumbruch EPICS & EPICS @ GSI
EPICSDemo.pptppt EPICSDemo.ppt manage 134 K 2010-03-09 - 14:40 PeterZumbruch How to talk to e.g. N5700
EPICSOverview.pptppt EPICSOverview.ppt manage 5 MB 2009-09-11 - 21:19 PeterZumbruch EPICS Overview (Tutorial)
GEM-Detectors_PANDAweek_2009-06-14_BV_V1.pptppt GEM-Detectors_PANDAweek_2009-06-14_BV_V1.ppt manage 13 MB 2009-06-17 - 09:20 UnknownUser GEM-Trackers, GEM-TPC - Bernd Voss
HB12-081209_HGF_BaseClasses_Animated.pptppt HB12-081209_HGF_BaseClasses_Animated.ppt manage 2 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:47 UnknownUser LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming - Introduction of the HGF Base Class Library (Helmholtz, GSI, FAIR) - Holger Brand
HB8-071211_PANDA_DCS_-_HB_Dez_2007.pptppt HB8-071211_PANDA_DCS_-_HB_Dez_2007.ppt manage 571 K 2009-06-15 - 15:32 UnknownUser LabVIEW for large detector systems - Holger Brand (GSI)
JS18-080303_dcs_database.pdfpdf JS18-080303_dcs_database.pdf manage 48 K 2009-06-15 - 15:18 UnknownUser Proposal for a DCS requirements collection database - Jaroslaw Szewinski (SINS)
KVI_March_2007_cp.pptppt KVI_March_2007_cp.ppt manage 5 MB 2007-09-27 - 16:34 UnknownUser Seminar on GRIDCC at KVI by Gaetano Maron, March 2007
LS12-070917_controls07.pdfpdf LS12-070917_controls07.pdf manage 158 K 2009-06-15 - 15:29 UnknownUser PANDA DCS - Lars Schmitt (GSI)
LabVIEWDIM-Interface.pptppt LabVIEWDIM-Interface.ppt manage 528 K 2009-12-07 - 19:29 UnknownUser LabVIEW - DIM Interface, Holger Brand, GSI
ML-Online-Dubna.pptppt ML-Online-Dubna.ppt manage 4 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:23 UnknownUser Online monitoring with MonALISA - Dan Protopopescu (Glasgow)
Mario_IFIN_HH_PANDA_DCS_XLV_CM_.pdfpdf Mario_IFIN_HH_PANDA_DCS_XLV_CM_.pdf manage 2 MB 2014-12-10 - 09:29 MarioBragadireanu "Status of PANDA DCS activities in Magurele - Part I", Mario Bragadireanu at the XLV CM DCS Session
Mario_IFIN_HH_PANDA_STT_DCS_Julich_10.10.2013.pdfpdf Mario_IFIN_HH_PANDA_STT_DCS_Julich_10.10.2013.pdf manage 2 MB 2014-12-10 - 09:51 MarioBragadireanu "STT HV and Slow Control Systems", Mario Bragadireanu at PANDA STT Workshop, 10 October 2013, Julich.
Matei_IFIN_HH_PANDA_DCS_XLV_CM.pdfpdf Matei_IFIN_HH_PANDA_DCS_XLV_CM.pdf manage 3 MB 2014-12-10 - 09:39 MarioBragadireanu "Status of PANDA DCS activities in Magurele - Part II", Matei Vaile at the XLV CM DCS Session
PANDADecember2009.pptppt PANDADecember2009.ppt manage 1 MB 2009-12-08 - 13:21 UnknownUser EPICS - LabVIEW Interfacing, Holger Brand, GSI
PZ14-070917_PeterZumbruch-EPICS_at_GSI.pptppt PZ14-070917_PeterZumbruch-EPICS_at_GSI.ppt manage 4 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:29 UnknownUser EPICS at GSI: New Developments and Status - Peter Zumbruck (GSI)
PZ14-080303_PeterZumbruch_-_Interfacing_EPICS_and_MonALISA.pptppt PZ14-080303_PeterZumbruch_-_Interfacing_EPICS_and_MonALISA.ppt manage 3 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:37 UnknownUser Interfacing EPICS and MonALISA - Peter Zumbruck (GSI)
Preamp_Jlich2009.pptppt Preamp_Jlich2009.ppt manage 15 MB 2009-09-09 - 09:30 UnknownUser A low noise/low power charge preamplifier for LAAPD and VPT detectors by Werner Erni
Primer.pdfpdf Primer.pdf manage 201 K 2008-11-06 - 18:49 UnknownUser IRMIS overview
Questionnaire.pptppt Questionnaire.ppt manage 1 MB 2009-09-08 - 15:01 PeterZumbruch Preparations & Questionaire for EPICS tutorial on Sep 10
Turin14June2009.ppspps Turin14June2009.pps manage 2 MB 2009-06-17 - 09:18 UnknownUser The database and what's next - Arkadiusz Chlopik
UK9-071211_071211-AccControls.pptppt UK9-071211_071211-AccControls.ppt manage 2 MB 2009-06-15 - 15:34 UnknownUser FAIR Accelerator Controls Strategy - Udo Krause (GSI)
caDimInterface.pptppt caDimInterface.ppt manage 1 MB 2009-12-07 - 19:30 UnknownUser EPICS - DIM Interface, Peter Zumbruch, GSI
development_thin_pt100.pdfpdf development_thin_pt100.pdf manage 1 MB 2010-12-06 - 11:17 FlorianFeldbauer Development of ultra thin PT100 temperature sensors for the EMC
feldbauer_111213-css-panda.pdfpdf feldbauer_111213-css-panda.pdf manage 814 K 2011-12-15 - 13:58 UnknownUser About a PANDA-specific CSS version by Florian Feldbauer
feldbauer_111213-status_emc_slowcontrol.pdfpdf feldbauer_111213-status_emc_slowcontrol.pdf manage 1 MB 2011-12-15 - 13:57 UnknownUser First experience with EPICS under beamtime conditions by Florian Feldbauer
feldbauer_rpican_css.pdfpdf feldbauer_rpican_css.pdf manage 5 MB 2013-02-26 - 08:37 FlorianFeldbauer CAN bus interface for the PANDA DCS
feldbauer_thmp.pdfpdf feldbauer_thmp.pdf manage 2 MB 2009-09-09 - 09:25 UnknownUser Temperature and Humidity Monitoring for Proto192 (EMC) by Florian Feldbauer
proto192slowControl.pdfpdf proto192slowControl.pdf manage 2 MB 2010-03-09 - 09:44 FlorianFeldbauer Slow Control for EMC Proto192 with EPICS
status_emc_slowcontrol.pdfpdf status_emc_slowcontrol.pdf manage 1 MB 2010-12-06 - 11:16 FlorianFeldbauer Status update of EMC Slow Control
tutorial_files.tgztgz tutorial_files.tgz manage 806 bytes 2009-09-14 - 14:52 UnknownUser EPICS files form the tutorial exercise
Topic revision: r27 - 2019-01-16, TobiasTriffterer
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