Supported Hardware
This page shows the hardware used by the individual sub-detectors.
To minimize the development and maintenance costs the DCS core group recommends to use common solutions if possible.
High Voltage (HV)
ISEG EHS/EDS high voltage modules
Low Voltage (LV)
Wiener PL500 / Wiener MPOD
Front-end electronics (FEE)
Gas systems
Vacuum systems
Pfeiffer Vacuum HiPace300 with TCP350 remote controller (Turbo molecular pump)
Edwards nXDS15i (Scroll pump)
Pfeiffer Vacuum DigiLine Transmitter (Gauges)
Cooling systems
Huber Unistat 425W
Movement / Position monitoring
Other Hardware
Light Pulser (EMC)
- LabView based PLC
- Integration into PANDA DCS has to be investigated
- Used by: Cluster Jet Target
EPICS Support
IOC/Hardware EPICS support is listed here:
Irradiation Tests of Electronic Components
Additional hardware used for test setups
PT100 (EMC)
The self-made PT100 for the EMC are based on a 50 cm long platinum wire with a diameter of 25 µm. The platinum wire is brought onto a self-adhesive Kapton film and covered with a non-adhesive film on the back-side. The measurement is to take place via a four-terminal sensing, which allows to ignore the resistance of the supply wires to the point where the sensor starts. This is a common method to ensure high-precision resistance measurements. The resistance of the sensor at 0 °C is chosen to be 100 Ohms to provide comparability to commercial PT100-sensors and to obtain measureable voltages with a testing current of only 1 mA. For read-out the THMP will be used. --
FlorianFeldbauer - 25 Sep 2009
Humidity Sensors (EMC)
For the humidity measurement inside the EMC the sensors HIH4000-003 from Honeywell are used. For read-out the THMP will be used. --
FlorianFeldbauer - 25 Sep 2009
Pressure sensors
- Commercial sensors, type MPXAZ4115A6U from Semiconductor Technologies, measure the relative pressure inside the EMC within a range from 15 to 115 kPa. The output voltage is between 0.2 and 4.8 V DC, and the supply voltage is 5 V. Here again, the reading out is carried out by the THMP. -- PatrickFriedel - 17 Jan 2013. datasheet
- Swagelok Pressure Transducers S Model with milliampere output signal are used for measuring the pressure inside the cooling pipes for the luminosity detector. Read out via THMP. -- FlorianFeldbauer - 01 Feb 2013. link
Production of extremely thin sensor cables (EMC)
The very thin cables (90 µm thick) are mainly used for the self-made thin PT100 temperature sensors, but they can also be utilized for the humidity and pressure sensors. They are made from a two-layer copper/polyimide foil, type Pyralux
AC182500R from DuPont. An exposure mask is used for the copper layer. The layout of the mask for the temperature sensor cables is to be found at:

Please refer to

for the layout of the humidity sensor cables and the extension cable. The layouts are printed twice on DIN-A3 transparent foils, and by putting the foils above each other, an adequately dark exposure mask is obtained. Then the non-exposed areas are etched off and single cables are cut out and covered with self-adhesive Kapton foil. --
PatrickFriedel - 17 Jan 2013
Wiener VME crate remote control
Voetsch VT-4021
Julabo FP50-HL
Julabo LH47 Presto