• XXXIV. Collaboration Meeting, 30 August 2010 to 03 September 2010 - Amsterdam

  • XXXII. Collaboration Meeting, 8-12 March 2010

  • Timelike Nucleon Form Factors and other (p pbar) channels - 2009 Meeting from working group FF - 14 November 2009 - Europe/Paris at Institut de Physique Nucléaire (Salle des Conseils)

  • PANDA Mechanical Workshop at GSI 02 April 2009

  • XXVIII. Collaboration Meeting 2-6 March 2009

  • Institutsseminar KPH Uni Mainz, 12. Januar 2009

  • mec.zip: General pictures (jpg, pdf) for BW Endcap

Home of Mainz
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2010.06.22_DKhaneft_pic.tartar 2010.06.22_DKhaneft_pic.tar manage 12 MB 2011-02-07 - 15:53 UnknownUser Figures to the 2010.06.22_DKhaneft.pdf
2010.08.09_DKhaneft_pic.tartar 2010.08.09_DKhaneft_pic.tar manage 3 MB 2011-02-07 - 15:40 UnknownUser Figures to the 2010.08.09_DKhaneft.pdf
David.zipzip David.zip manage 41 MB 2010-11-15 - 12:05 UnknownUser Slides from David
EmcStudies070610.pdfpdf EmcStudies070610.pdf manage 17 MB 2010-11-03 - 17:56 UnknownUser Collaboration meeting, June 2010 - Stockholm
Group_meeting_assembly.pptppt Group_meeting_assembly.ppt manage 749 K 2010-11-15 - 12:02 UnknownUser Slides from Gustavo
Gustavo_Group_meeting_sept10.pdfpdf Gustavo_Group_meeting_sept10.pdf manage 1 MB 2010-11-15 - 12:01 UnknownUser Slides from Gustavo
Mamen_Cracow_Jun_08.pdfpdf Mamen_Cracow_Jun_08.pdf manage 1 MB 2010-01-25 - 17:21 UnknownUser Collaboration meeting June 08 - Cracow
Mamen_Ferrara_Sep_08.pdfpdf Mamen_Ferrara_Sep_08.pdf manage 1 MB 2010-01-25 - 17:19 UnknownUser Collaboration meeting Sep 08 - Ferrara
PandaMeetingDic07_FINAL.pdfpdf PandaMeetingDic07_FINAL.pdf manage 568 K 2010-01-25 - 17:23 UnknownUser Collaboration meeting Dez 07 - GSI
PandaMeetingMarch08.pdfpdf PandaMeetingMarch08.pdf manage 1 MB 2010-01-25 - 17:23 UnknownUser Collaboration meeting Mar 08 - GSI
PhysicsSeminar.pdfpdf PhysicsSeminar.pdf manage 303 K 2010-03-02 - 17:30 UnknownUser Slides for the physics seminar prepared by Yue
PicturesJorge.rarrar PicturesJorge.rar manage 4 MB 2010-11-15 - 12:00 UnknownUser Pictures from Jorge
Seminar09-01-12.pdfpdf Seminar09-01-12.pdf manage 1 MB 2010-01-25 - 17:24 UnknownUser Institutsseminar KPH UniMainz Jan 09
had2_2.pdfpdf had2_2.pdf manage 4 K 2010-03-01 - 11:29 UnknownUser HAD2 logo prototype NEW
had2_last.epseps had2_last.eps manage 64 K 2010-02-22 - 13:28 UnknownUser HAD2 logo prototype (fixed)
mec.zipzip mec.zip manage 20 MB 2011-02-01 - 10:41 DavidRodriguezPineiro General pictures (jpg, pdf) for BW Endcap
Topic revision: r47 - 2024-09-19, UdoKurilla
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