Results from PANDAMainz web retrieved at 20:35 (Local)

* Topic I: PANDARoot and BaBar simulation comparison Talk by Mamen, Talk by Dmitry * The result seems reasonablly consistent. * However, with 250 MeV...
* Topic I: Physics session by Frank * Frank gave a talk on the EM form factor. The cross symmetry in the quantum field theory and the physical meaning of G_...
* Dmitry tried adjust cutting parameters used in PandaRoot in order to compare his results with Mamen. However, the correspondence between energy cut and step len...
Mamen: EmcStudies190210.pdf tried to read dead material distribution from the presentation of Thomas, where only a theta phi distribution is available. The unce...
* EMC Studies * Mamen and Dmitry will compare their results with the same parameters used in BaBar's simulation. This will clearify the long standing uncert...
* David Rodriguez Pineiro: Support Beams Length Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes
Mamen: Presents the status of her work. Does it make sens the work that it is bein done? Which is the question to answer? Dmitry: Presents the studies on t...
Group meeting at Mainz * Dmitry: * Presents the studies on the radiation lenghts with Geant3 and Geant4 with smaller binning. * There is still m...
* Status report of simulations for PANDA by Mainz group Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes
* Gustavo Tejerina Álvarez: Assembly of Subunits of the EMC BW Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes
Group meeting at Mainz * Gustavo Tejerina Álvarez: Redesign of Subunits of the EMC BW * David Rodriguez Pineiro: SciTil and Next Steps Home of Mainz Meetin...
Group meeting at Mainz * Maria Carmen Mora Espi: Simulation pbarp e e pi0 à la Lansberg * Suppression factor for the pi pi pi0 background is 2 order of...
Group Meeting at Mainz 1st December 2011 * Feher Bertalan: Development of a Superconducting Cryostat Internal Polarizing Magnet for Polarized Targets ...
Group Meeting at Mainz 14th July 2011 * Feher Bertalan Transverse Polarized Target for Panda Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes
Group meeting in mainz KPH at 13:00 to 16:00 * Dmitry Khaneft pbarp e e study with PANDAroot * Minutes : Dmitry Khaneft show new progress in pbarp goi...
Group Meeting at Mainz 10th November 2011 * Roberto Pérez Benito * SYMB install in Olympus done * Servicing week was successful for the SYMB ...
Group Meeting at Mainz 17th November 2011 * Dmitry Khaneft: Feasibility studies of Proton electromagnetic form factors with the PANDA detector * MC ...
Group Meeting: Dmitry Khaneft *pbarp e e study with PANDAroot * Show slides of first simulation/analysis of pbarp e e with PandaRoot. Anti p_Momentum=10...
Group Meeting at Mainz 5th April 2012 * Dexu Lin: GiBUU Simulation for Antiproton Nucleus Collision * Keith Griffioen: Study of Timelike Form Factors...
Group Meeting at Mainz 19th April 2012 * R. Perez Benito : Chi² * K. Griffioen: Measurement of the Relative Phase of Timelike Form Factor GM and GE a...
Group Meeting at Mainz 26th April 2012 * Y. Ma : Future Plan Meeting minutes * Christine: * Chiller don't arrive to 25°C due to the compressor...
Group Meeting at Mainz 30th April 2012 * Ceballos Velasco, Jorge: Status Report * Valente, Roserio: BWEC Carbon Fiber Alveoli Home of Mainz Meeting Minu...
Group Meeting at Mainz 14th June 2012 * Roberto Perez: Cross section calculation * Dmitry Khaneft: Panda root PID Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes
Group Meeting at Mainz 14th June 2012 * Keith Griffioen: Clas12 Magnetology for Transversely Polarized Targets and Similarities with PANDA * Paul Larin: ...
Group Meeting at Mainz 3th May 2012 * Iris Zimmerman: Muon System at PANDA * Angular coverage of muon 0.8° to 136° * Muon emitted at angles up to...
Group Meeting at Mainz 10th May 2012 * Keith Griffioen : Muon Acceptance for Timelike Form Factors in PANDA Meeting minutes * Dexu: * Collecting sadi...
Group Meeting at Mainz 24th May 2012 * Dmitry Khaneft: PANDA PID * PANDA Root Implementation of the radiative correction * final stat of radiate ...
Group Meeting at Mainz 31th May 2012 * Dexu Lin: APD Measurement * Question during the presentation * Angular resolution of the EMC backward en...
Guest account and daq account for hadron physics 2 at GSI have been issued. For details, please write to yma #64; Main.YueMa 12 Mar 2010 New member on...
The different versions of the paper, as pdf and tex file: * version0.1.pdf: version0.1.pdf * version0.1.tex: version0.1.tex Main.MariaCarmenMoraEspi 15 ...
Bachelor thesis * O. Noll: Vorbereitende Studien zum Bau eines Prototyp Kalorimeters für das PANDA Experiments * P. Lautz: Vorarbeiten zur Entwicklung eines D...
BaBar is an experiment done at SLAC, US. Main.YueMa 02 Dec 2009
BesIII BesIII Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes
This is the place of all design from our ingenier Main.RobertoPerezBenito 06 Apr 2011
Hardware Software Home of Mainz
Event Generators twoPionGen A Monte Carlo event generator for the process %$\bar{p} p \rightarrow \pi^ \pi^ $%, when both the proton target and the antiproton bea...
GiBUU model GiBUU model Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes
Thursday group meeting Dear colleagues, Because of the DESY test beam,we couldn't have our regular meeting last month. I would like to propose to meet at KPH this...
Backward Electromagnetic Calorimeter * BW back and Cooler: Jorge * David Home of Mainz
Title: Bla, bla, bla... Section 1: This is just a test about what we wanna do. Section 2: This is the second part of the text Page created by: Main.MariaCarme...
* Hadron Structure 2011: Lecture given to the summer student program GSI 2011 * Hadron Structure 2011 key: Keynote presentation files for summer student at GSI...
MeV: Mega electron volt (10^6 eV) Main.YueMa 02 Dec 2009
In the following you can find the minutes of the meetings we have had so far concerning the paper related with the simulation and the analysis of pbarp e e do...
Minutes of the meetings held with Egle Tomasi in Mainz: * resume 6 5 14.pdf: Minutes of the meeting on May 6th, 2014 * resume 7 5 14.pdf: Minutes of the mee...
Main.MariaCarmenMoraEspi 15 May 2014
Upload documents without relation with previous points. * ConclusionEmcBwStudies.pdf: Internal report. Studies of BW EMC. Previous version. Main.MariaCarmenM...
* Dmitry's contribution: * lab2cm.eps geometrical acceptance of some panda detectors in the pbarp cm farme updated 27.06.2014 * emc_cluster_size_p3.3.ep...
Virtual Monte Carlo simulation and analysis package developed by and for PANDA collaboration. Main.YueMa 02 Dec 2009
Photos This is the place for all photos, picture Iris during the Diploma Thesis Cooling system for the EMP Paris 2012 Home of Mainz...
* Next meeting will be on 5th Feb. 2010 starting from 13:00 at Mainz Univ. * Manuel will give a talk at KPH seminar on 8th Feb. * The physics semina...
Simulation work done by Mamen and Dmirty. Main.YueMa 02 Dec 2009 Home of Mainz
Event Generators Home of Mainz
Event Generators Documentation for the event generators developed in our group... * twoPionGen: a Monte Carlo event generator for pi pi #8722; productio...
* Kolloquium zur Bachelorarbeit * Pascal Lautz:* Vorarbeiten zur Entwicklung eines Datenaufnahmealgorithmus' für einen Prototypen der Rückwärtsendkappe des ...
I have added the new version of the document for the statement of traveling expenses. * RK_Abrech_en.pdf: Statement for travelling expenses, new document. Hom...
Welcome to the home of Panda Wiki.PANDAMainz This is a web based collaboration area for Helmholtz Institut Mainz Information and activities carried out at Prof. ...
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