Group meeting in mainz KPH at 13:00 to 16:00
- Dmitry Khaneft pbarp->e+e- study with PANDAroot
- Minutes : Dmitry Khaneft show new progress in pbarp going to e+e- analysis.
- Check the color code in the plots and see what is the difference in the cubs
- Verify the plots cos[theta_cm] end check if corresponds to the acceptance
- Multiplicity for all cuts
- Same cuts to raw or calibrated energy is not the best because the peak position shifts
- Strange peak at 0 for red curve -> don't know what it is.
- Check the efficiencies (November) for each plots and see if they are comparable
- Invariant mass -> total Energy in CM.
- 2D HIST Ecm(e+) vs. Ecm(e-)
- Try sum first Ecm(e+) + Ecm(e-) and than apply cut.
- Are the red curve over corrected?
- Calculated the mean of the electron?
- There is no PID hist. for PANDAroot?
- Somebody has to write a kinematic fit to correct energies and choose track?
- Mikel Catania Goikoetxea & Javier Navarro Medrano Progress on the Prototype design
- May 5.6 or 11 12 -> EMC meeting at Bochum.
- Minutes : Ingeniers Mikel and Javier shows us the progress of prototype design
- How to attach the pins of the APD's to the preamplifier, patch panels?
- welding
- some mechanical connection.
- Find the tolerance of the connector of the preamplifier. How is the shape.
- Tolerance tack into account the thermal dilatation?
- Tools for mounting/Gluing/...?
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