Panda Wiki's PANDAMainz web
The PANDAMainz web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.en-usCopyright 2025 by contributing authorsPanda Wiki Administrator []The contributing authors of Panda WikiPanda WikiPowered by Foswiki, The Free and Open Source Wiki.PANDAMainz
* Kolloquium zur Bachelorarbeit * Pascal Lautz:* Vorarbeiten zur Entwicklung eines Datenaufnahmealgorithmus' für einen Prototypen der Rückwärtsendkappe des ... (last changed by UdoKurilla)2024-09-19T13:53:56+02:00u.kurillaAnnouncement
Guest account and daq account for hadron physics 2 at GSI have been issued. For details, please write to yma #64; Main.YueMa 12 Mar 2010 New member on... (last changed by DavidRodriguezPineiro)2015-04-09T16:34:00+02:00d.rodriguezpineiroOtherMaterial
* Dmitry's contribution: * lab2cm.eps geometrical acceptance of some panda detectors in the pbarp cm farme updated 27.06.2014 * emc_cluster_size_p3.3.ep... (last changed by DmitryKhaneft)2014-06-27T09:46:43+02:00DmitryKhaneftArticleVersions
The different versions of the paper, as pdf and tex file: * version0.1.pdf: version0.1.pdf * version0.1.tex: version0.1.tex Main.MariaCarmenMoraEspi 15 ... (last changed by MariaCarmenMoraEspi)2014-05-15T16:59:17+02:00MariaCarmenMoraEspiMinutes
In the following you can find the minutes of the meetings we have had so far concerning the paper related with the simulation and the analysis of pbarp e e do... (last changed by MariaCarmenMoraEspi)2014-05-15T16:57:34+02:00MariaCarmenMoraEspiWebHome
Welcome to the home of Panda Wiki.PANDAMainz This is a web based collaboration area for Helmholtz Institut Mainz Information and activities carried out at Prof. ... (last changed by MariaCarmenMoraEspi)2014-05-15T16:40:47+02:00MariaCarmenMoraEspiNewMinutesPaperEpEm2014
Main.MariaCarmenMoraEspi 15 May 2014 (last changed by MariaCarmenMoraEspi)2014-05-15T16:32:16+02:00MariaCarmenMoraEspiMinutesPaperEpEm2014
Minutes of the meetings held with Egle Tomasi in Mainz: * resume 6 5 14.pdf: Minutes of the meeting on May 6th, 2014 * resume 7 5 14.pdf: Minutes of the mee... (last changed by MariaCarmenMoraEspi)2014-05-15T16:30:05+02:00MariaCarmenMoraEspiInfoArticle
Title: Bla, bla, bla... Section 1: This is just a test about what we wanna do. Section 2: This is the second part of the text Page created by: Main.MariaCarme... (last changed by MariaCarmenMoraEspi)2014-05-07T15:19:55+02:00MariaCarmenMoraEspiDocumentation
Hardware Software Home of Mainz (last changed by RoserioPW)2014-04-27T18:29:19+02:00RoserioPWEventGenerators
Event Generators twoPionGen A Monte Carlo event generator for the process %$\bar{p} p \rightarrow \pi^ \pi^ $%, when both the proton target and the antiproton bea... (last changed by RobertoPerezBenito)2013-12-12T16:43:35+01:00RobertoPerezBenitoArticles
Bachelor thesis * O. Noll: Vorbereitende Studien zum Bau eines Prototyp Kalorimeters für das PANDA Experiments * P. Lautz: Vorarbeiten zur Entwicklung eines D... (last changed by RobertoPerezBenito)2012-12-18T11:40:12+01:00RobertoPerezBenito2012May24
Group Meeting at Mainz 24th May 2012 * Dmitry Khaneft: PANDA PID * PANDA Root Implementation of the radiative correction * final stat of radiate ... (last changed by RobertoPerezBenito)2012-09-04T18:01:51+02:00RobertoPerezBenito2012June21
Group Meeting at Mainz 14th June 2012 * Keith Griffioen: Clas12 Magnetology for Transversely Polarized Targets and Similarities with PANDA * Paul Larin: ... (last changed by RobertoPerezBenito)2012-06-22T15:57:16+02:00RobertoPerezBenito2012June14
Group Meeting at Mainz 14th June 2012 * Roberto Perez: Cross section calculation * Dmitry Khaneft: Panda root PID Home of Mainz Meeting Minutes (last changed by RobertoPerezBenito)2012-06-22T15:37:38+02:00RobertoPerezBenito2012May31
Group Meeting at Mainz 31th May 2012 * Dexu Lin: APD Measurement * Question during the presentation * Angular resolution of the EMC backward en... (last changed by RobertoPerezBenito)2012-06-22T15:31:18+02:00RobertoPerezBenito