Statistics for Magnet Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Sorted ascending
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jul 2007 3176 25 2 1023 WebHome
300 WebNotify
218 WebSearch
213 WebChanges
205 Drawings
202 WebStatistics
195 WebTopicList
171 WebIndex
169 WebPreferences
150 Members
140 Meetings
 25 IntiLehmann
  2 LarsSchmitt
Aug 2008 4860 11 0 1024 WebIndex
510 WebHome
487 WebStatistics
412 WebTopicEditTemplate
359 WebSearch
301 CurrentDiscussions
154 Timeline
151 Magnet080624
141 Members
 97 SuppDocs
 95 Internal
 11 IntiLehmann
Nov 2007 6677 27 4 1032 WebChanges
929 WebIndex
629 WebHome
570 WebStatistics
384 WebTopicEditTemplate
287 Meetings
261 WebRss
260 WebPreferences
242 WebNotify
238 WebTopicList
226 Drawings
 30 EvieDownie
  1 IntiLehmann
Jul 2016 1686 0 0 1062 WebStatistics
102 WebHome
 90 Drawings
 77 SuppDocs
 43 WebSearch
 38 IntroSol
 31 Intro
 28 Timeline
 27 WebPreferences
 27 WebChanges
 25 WebNotify
Dec 2016 1831 0 0 1066 WebStatistics
130 WebHome
104 Drawings
 51 Timeline
 47 WebChanges
 39 TasksResponsibilities
 36 Intro
 35 WebPreferences
 31 SuppDocs
 26 Meetings
 22 WebNotify
Aug 2020 1731 0 0 1097 WebStatistics
109 WebHome
 86 Drawings
 34 SuppDocs
 34 Meetings
 32 Intro
 28 WebSearch
 21 WebPreferences
 21 WebChanges
 21 Timeline
 15 Magnet080305
Sep 2020 2145 0 0 1100 WebSearch
353 WebStatistics
107 WebHome
 91 Drawings
 67 Intro
 33 SuppDocs
 28 Meetings
 28 Timeline
 20 WebNotify
 20 Members
 18 WebChanges
Jul 2019 2382 0 0 1161 WebSearch
670 WebStatistics
 99 Drawings
 75 WebHome
 35 Intro
 35 WebChanges
 31 SuppDocs
 25 Magnet080305
 22 Meetings
 22 Timeline
 18 WebNotify
Feb 2013 5081 0 0 1174 WebHome
313 MagnetMinutes071211
219 Intro
215 IntroDip
197 SuppDocs
178 Magnet080124
178 Drawings
164 SolDecision
161 Timeline
159 Meetings
158 Magnet080305
Mar 2013 3930 0 0 1209 WebHome
238 MagnetMinutes071211
189 WebPreferences
169 Intro
157 IntroSol
133 SuppDocs
131 Timeline
122 IntroDip
119 SolDecision
111 Magnet090303
104 Magnet091107
Mar 2021 2436 0 0 1209 WebStatistics
220 WebHome
177 WebSearch
114 Drawings
 89 Intro
 54 IntroDip
 48 Meetings
 43 Timeline
 39 IntroSol
 35 SolDecision
 30 WebChanges
Aug 2009 5007 1 0 1229 WebHome
389 WebChanges
381 WebIndex
250 Drawings
240 WebTopicList
199 SuppDocs
196 Timeline
175 Meetings
151 WebNotify
149 WebStatistics
129 Magnet080624
  1 IntiLehmann
Nov 2009 5296 38 2 1256 WebHome
373 Intro
293 WebIndex
292 WebChanges
259 Drawings
256 Meetings
199 WebStatistics
176 IntroSol
152 Internal
150 Timeline
146 SuppDocs
 32 IntiLehmann
  8 RenzoParodi
May 2008 7188 2 1 1273 WebStatistics
1098 WebIndex
934 WebHome
802 WebRss
435 WebTopicEditTemplate
232 CurrentDiscussions
190 MagnetMinutes071211
189 WebNotify
186 Meetings
183 SuppDocs
173 Drawings
  3 RenzoParodi
Jun 2010 4175 0 0 1333 WebHome
483 WebChanges
400 WebIndex
305 WebTopicEditTemplate
178 WebStatistics
128 Meetings
122 WebSearch
118 WebNotify
109 Drawings
109 CurrentDiscussions
101 Internal
Apr 2016 2211 0 0 1382 WebStatistics
160 WebHome
 64 Drawings
 56 IntroSol
 55 SuppDocs
 49 Meetings
 38 WebPreferences
 37 Intro
 37 Timeline
 34 WebSearch
 25 WebChanges
Oct 2016 2626 0 0 1412 WebStatistics
262 WebHome
154 Drawings
 61 Timeline
 56 WebPreferences
 52 Intro
 52 SuppDocs
 50 WebChanges
 49 WebSearch
 36 WebTopicList
 35 Meetings
Sep 2009 5387 8 2 1421 WebHome
452 WebChanges
438 WebIndex
266 WebStatistics
214 Drawings
208 SuppDocs
183 WebNotify
183 Timeline
182 Meetings
134 WebPreferences
132 Members
 10 IntiLehmann
Feb 2022 2420 0 0 1447 WebStatistics
266 WebHome
139 Intro
 71 Drawings
 66 WebChanges
 35 Meetings
 31 Members
 31 IntroSol
 30 WebSearch
 25 Timeline
 24 WebPreferences
Dec 2010 2301 0 0 1458 WebHome
103 WebPreferences
 63 WebNotify
 58 Intro
 51 Members
 50 SuppDocs
 45 WebTopicList
 44 Timeline
 42 WebChanges
 40 WebSearch
 38 WebStatistics
Nov 2011 4087 0 0 1470 WebHome
223 WebIndex
215 WebChanges
208 WebSearch
194 WebTopicList
172 Members
153 TasksResponsibilities
153 WebStatistics
119 Meetings
118 WebNotify
106 Intro
Apr 2021 3292 0 0 1507 WebStatistics
299 WebHome
196 WebSearch
179 Drawings
170 Intro
 73 SuppDocs
 72 Timeline
 70 WebPreferences
 56 Meetings
 51 WebChanges
 46 Magnet080124
Mar 2022 2979 0 0 1510 WebStatistics
318 WebSearch
286 WebHome
108 Intro
 76 Drawings
 53 WebChanges
 51 Meetings
 40 Timeline
 36 IntroSol
 35 WebPreferences
 33 Magnet0709
Dec 2007 8294 41 13 1531 WebChanges
1329 WebIndex
620 WebStatistics
618 WebTopicEditTemplate
441 WebHome
395 WebRss
352 Drawings
280 Meetings
267 WebNotify
266 WebPreferences
230 WebSearchAdvanced
 50 AlexanderEfremov
  4 IntiLehmann
Sep 2011 2539 0 0 1575 WebHome
101 WebNotify
 95 WebSearch
 90 WebTopicList
 71 WebChanges
 63 WebIndex
 58 Intro
 51 Meetings
 49 Drawings
 48 WebPreferences
 48 SuppDocs
Apr 2022 3927 0 0 1628 WebStatistics
313 WebSearch
267 WebHome
183 Drawings
157 SuppDocs
112 WebChanges
103 Intro
 66 WebPreferences
 66 Meetings
 63 Timeline
 58 Magnet080305
Oct 2011 3251 0 0 1672 WebHome
161 WebNotify
152 WebSearch
149 WebTopicList
112 WebIndex
107 WebChanges
 74 Drawings
 74 Timeline
 73 Members
 69 WebStatistics
 65 WebPreferences
Jan 2022 3645 0 0 1703 WebStatistics
285 WebHome
147 Drawings
118 SuppDocs
104 WebPreferences
103 Timeline
 94 WebChanges
 91 Intro
 85 IntroSol
 76 Meetings
 68 WebIndex
Nov 2012 2778 0 0 1709 WebHome
162 WebNotify
150 WebSearch
 73 Intro
 70 Members
 62 WebPreferences
 56 Meetings
 51 WebTopicList
 50 Drawings
 48 TasksResponsibilities
 38 SuppDocs
May 2021 3540 0 0 1795 WebStatistics
313 WebHome
263 Drawings
178 WebSearch
 86 SuppDocs
 82 WebPreferences
 77 Intro
 61 Meetings
 55 Timeline
 50 WebIndex
 47 Magnet091107
Aug 2007 4609 23 7 1887 WebStatistics
405 WebHome
352 Drawings
277 WebNotify
257 WebPreferences
218 WebTopicList
201 WebIndex
198 WebChanges
155 WebTopicEditTemplate
149 WebSearch
121 Members
 30 IntiLehmann
Nov 2021 3426 0 0 1895 WebStatistics
236 WebSearch
176 Drawings
147 Intro
138 WebHome
 74 Timeline
 62 WebChanges
 54 IntroSol
 46 Magnet091107
 44 WebIndex
 43 WebPreferences
Sep 2021 3572 0 0 2021 WebStatistics
541 WebSearch
176 Drawings
128 WebHome
 76 IntroSol
 50 Intro
 47 WebChanges
 43 SuppDocs
 37 WebIndex
 35 WebPreferences
 33 WebTopicEditTemplate
Dec 2021 4056 0 0 2155 WebStatistics
875 WebSearch
132 WebHome
115 Drawings
 83 Intro
 67 IntroSol
 65 WebChanges
 60 SuppDocs
 46 IntroDip
 39 Timeline
 28 WebTopicEditTemplate
Jun 2020 3195 0 0 2158 WebSearch
351 WebStatistics
 97 Drawings
 73 WebHome
 51 Intro
 45 SuppDocs
 39 Timeline
 27 Meetings
 22 WebChanges
 16 WebIndex
 16 Magnet080124
Jan 2008 8019 74 16 2221 WebHome
552 WebChanges
543 WebIndex
499 WebTopicList
483 WebSearch
322 WebStatistics
271 SuppDocs
271 Timeline
259 Meetings
253 CurrentDiscussions
206 WebNotify
 64 IntiLehmann
 20 EvieDownie
  4 LarsSchmitt
  2 JostLuehning
Oct 2022 4498 0 0 2294 WebStatistics
392 Drawings
246 WebHome
187 SuppDocs
136 Meetings
135 Intro
118 IntroSol
 80 IntroDip
 71 Timeline
 63 SolDecision
 47 WebPreferences
Apr 2013 2982 0 0 2380 WebHome
 59 WebNotify
 48 Intro
 43 Members
 38 SuppDocs
 38 IntroDip
 36 WebIndex
 36 WebSearch
 34 Timeline
 32 WebTopicList
 28 Drawings
Dec 2022 3816 0 0 2556 WebStatistics
168 WebHome
159 Drawings
112 SuppDocs
 75 Intro
 69 WebSearch
 40 SolDecision
 39 Magnet080124
 39 Magnet080305
 37 Timeline
 35 WebPreferences
Oct 2013 297 0 0 224 WebHome
  9 CurrentDiscussions
  7 WebSearch
  6 Internal
  6 SuppDocs
  5 Intro
  5 Timeline
  4 Drawings
  4 Meetings
  3 WebIndex
  3 Minutes_SolD070226
Aug 2018 628 0 0 282 WebStatistics
 58 Drawings
 55 WebHome
 46 Intro
 28 TB_GSI070226
 20 IntroSol
 15 Meetings
 13 WebTopicList
 10 SuppDocs
 10 Members
  7 WebSearch
Dec 2011 1955 0 0 480 WebHome
224 WebIndex
209 WebChanges
107 WebStatistics
 80 WebTopicEditTemplate
 55 SolDecision
 53 Agenda070219
 46 SuppDocs
 45 Internal
 40 WebSearch
 40 Drawings
May 2018 2712 0 0 983 WebStatistics
833 WebSearch
137 Drawings
129 WebHome
 79 Agenda070219
 63 Intro
 48 Meetings
 35 WebTopicList
 32 SuppDocs
 31 WebChanges
 27 Magnet080624
Jun 2024 1095 0 0 131 WebHome
 58 WebStatistics
 51 SuppDocs
 51 Meetings
 48 MagnetMinutes071211
 47 Magnet080909
 45 Timeline
 38 WebChanges
 38 WebPreferences
 32 Magnet080624
 31 IntroDip
Sep 2016 388 0 0 139 WebStatistics
 45 WebHome
 44 Drawings
 17 SuppDocs
 11 WebChanges
 10 IntroSol
  9 Intro
  9 WebTopicEditTemplate
  9 Timeline
  8 IntroDip
  7 Magnet071211
Apr 2024 2399 0 0 235 WebHome
162 WebStatistics
121 SuppDocs
110 Intro
110 MagnetMinutes071211
 99 IntroSol
 98 Meetings
 95 Timeline
 91 WebPreferences
 86 IntroDip
 79 Magnet080909
Jan 2013 6066 0 0 528 WebHome
457 MagnetMinutes071211
398 IntroDip
330 Magnet080305
317 Magnet090616
296 Drawings
296 Timeline
295 Magnet080124
292 Magnet080909
283 Meetings
279 Magnet080624
Jun 2016 964 0 0 538 WebStatistics
 86 Drawings
 63 IntroSol
 43 WebHome
 22 SuppDocs
 20 Intro
 17 WebSearch
 16 BaBarSupport
 14 MagnetMinutes071211
 13 WebChanges
 12 Timeline
May 2009 1753 44 9 548 WebHome
162 TdrReviewDiscussion
106 WebChanges
 90 CurrentDiscussions
 86 WebIndex
 77 Drawings
 71 Internal
 49 WebNotify
 48 SuppDocs
 48 MagnetMinutes071211
 43 WebTopicEditTemplate
 43 IntiLehmann
 10 RenzoParodi
Jan 2015 1349 0 0 558 WebStatistics
250 Drawings
 94 Timeline
 79 WebHome
 56 WebPreferences
 53 SuppDocs
 25 MagnetMinutes071211
 19 Intro
 18 IntroSol
 16 SolDecision
 13 WebIndex
Dec 2012 2268 0 0 627 WebHome
113 Meetings
104 IntroDip
100 IntroSol
 95 Intro
 90 SuppDocs
 90 Timeline
 86 MagnetMinutes071211
 86 Magnet080305
 86 Magnet080624
 81 Drawings
Jun 2018 1705 0 0 800 WebSearch
353 WebStatistics
113 WebHome
 62 Drawings
 47 MagnetMinutes071211
 33 Intro
 29 Agenda070219
 20 WebPreferences
 20 Timeline
 19 WebChanges
 18 WebNotify
Feb 2021 2371 0 0 846 WebStatistics
286 WebHome
156 Drawings
101 WebSearch
 80 Intro
 71 IntroDip
 71 Timeline
 64 WebPreferences
 54 WebChanges
 53 SuppDocs
 44 MagnetMinutes071211
May 2023 1180 0 0  92 WebHome
 75 WebStatistics
 60 Intro
 58 IntroDip
 55 IntroSol
 54 SuppDocs
 47 MagnetMinutes071211
 47 WebPreferences
 46 Timeline
 44 Magnet080124
 44 Meetings
Dec 2009 4212 0 0 924 WebHome
295 Intro
213 WebChanges
209 WebIndex
197 Drawings
187 SuppDocs
173 WebStatistics
165 Meetings
143 WebTopicList
138 MagnetMinutes071211
132 Timeline
Dec 2020 2492 0 0 936 WebStatistics
302 WebHome
207 Drawings
123 Intro
 75 SuppDocs
 73 WebSearch
 69 Meetings
 56 Members
 56 Timeline
 47 WebPreferences
 31 Magnet071211
Oct 2021 4280 0 0 2636 WebStatistics
211 WebHome
208 Drawings
 91 WebChanges
 89 Intro
 80 IntroSol
 71 SuppDocs
 64 WebPreferences
 64 Timeline
 57 WebSearch
 57 Magnet080305
Sep 2024 602 0 0 144 WebSearch
 50 WebHome
 38 SuppDocs
 34 Intro
 27 BaBarSupport
 22 Magnet080124
 20 MagnetMinutes071211
 18 TasksResponsibilities
 17 Meetings
 17 IntroSol
 15 Magnet091107
Oct 2008 2457 6 3 445 WebHome
320 WebIndex
299 WebChanges
130 Drawings
108 CurrentDiscussions
 95 WebNotify
 93 Magnet080124
 82 WebPreferences
 74 WebStatistics
 65 Members
 60 WebTopicList
  9 AlexanderEfremov
Jun 2019 1191 0 0 465 WebStatistics
193 WebSearch
105 Drawings
 92 WebHome
 52 Intro
 20 SuppDocs
 19 WebChanges
 18 Members
 18 Magnet080305
 16 Timeline
 15 MagnetMinutes071211
Sep 2008 3117 5 1 603 WebIndex
481 WebTopicEditTemplate
266 WebHome
217 WebStatistics
203 WebTopicList
101 Internal
 88 CurrentDiscussions
 87 Drawings
 75 Magnet080305
 74 SuppDocs
 65 WebPreferences
  6 IntiLehmann
Jun 2017 2061 0 0 836 WebSearch
526 WebStatistics
112 WebHome
 86 Drawings
 61 Intro
 46 WebChanges
 31 WebIndex
 28 WebPreferences
 22 Magnet080305
 20 BaBarSupport
 19 WebTopicList
Mar 2024 847 0 0 103 WebHome
 80 WebSearch
 68 WebStatistics
 55 Drawings
 41 WebChanges
 31 IntroSol
 30 Timeline
 30 SuppDocs
 26 IntroDip
 25 Intro
 22 Magnet080624
Jul 2012 205 0 0 106 WebHome
 14 Meetings
 12 WebPreferences
  9 Magnet080624
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebTopicEditTemplate
  4 Magnet190709
  4 Magnet091107
  3 Drawings
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebNotify
Sep 2014 746 0 0 161 WebHome
134 WebStatistics
 56 WebPreferences
 52 SolDecision
 47 Drawings
 41 Meetings
 34 SuppDocs
 31 Magnet080624
 26 Timeline
 25 Intro
 22 Magnet090303
Aug 2014 789 0 0 164 WebChanges
 85 WebStatistics
 74 WebIndex
 58 WebHome
 40 SolDecision
 35 Magnet080624
 28 Drawings
 27 WebPreferences
 22 Meetings
 22 Timeline
 19 Intro
Oct 2014 709 0 0 179 WebStatistics
103 Drawings
 93 WebHome
 46 Magnet080611
 40 SuppDocs
 28 WebPreferences
 24 Members
 20 Magnet080124
 14 Magnet080624
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebSearch
Dec 2023 402 0 0  45 WebHome
 36 Intro
 26 WebChanges
 22 IntroSol
 19 WebStatistics
 19 Timeline
 17 IntroDip
 17 SuppDocs
 15 Drawings
 13 Magnet080624
 13 WebNotify
Jul 2008 4200 3 1 612 WebHome
488 Timeline
483 Magnet080624
435 WebIndex
256 WebTopicEditTemplate
249 WebStatistics
142 Members
112 Magnet080611
108 Agenda070219
 98 CurrentDiscussions
 91 WebPreferences
  4 IntiLehmann
Jun 2008 3719 30 5 747 WebStatistics
576 WebIndex
488 WebHome
241 WebRss
163 WebTopicEditTemplate
123 Meetings
104 TasksResponsibilities
 93 Magnet080624
 91 CurrentDiscussions
 83 Magnet080305
 81 Internal
 29 IntiLehmann
  6 EvieDownie
Feb 2010 5584 1 0 769 WebHome
765 WebChanges
751 WebIndex
543 WebTopicList
344 WebStatistics
290 Intro
152 Internal
141 CurrentDiscussions
129 Meetings
119 IntroDip
115 Magnet080611
  1 IntiLehmann
Jan 2009 3137 0 0 458 WebHome
243 WebChanges
239 WebIndex
237 WebSearch
160 SuppDocs
154 Drawings
151 TasksResponsibilities
142 WebStatistics
135 CurrentDiscussions
112 Magnet080909
 92 Magnet0709
Apr 2009 4514 51 15 656 WebChanges
644 WebIndex
508 WebHome
296 WebTopicEditTemplate
246 WebStatistics
240 Drawings
173 Magnet080909
163 SuppDocs
136 WebPreferences
122 Meetings
118 Timeline
 66 IntiLehmann
Mar 2009 5782 22 8 798 WebIndex
792 WebChanges
488 WebHome
486 Magnet080909
411 Meetings
274 WebStatistics
195 Drawings
190 WebTopicEditTemplate
176 CurrentDiscussions
176 Timeline
160 SolDecision
 30 IntiLehmann
May 2014 254 0 0  37 WebHome
 30 Timeline
 28 WebStatistics
 21 Drawings
 16 WebChanges
 13 Magnet090616
 12 SuppDocs
 10 WebNotify
  7 Intro
  7 WebIndex
  7 Meetings
Mar 2017 2262 0 0 738 WebStatistics
207 WebHome
173 Drawings
121 SuppDocs
100 WebPreferences
 64 Intro
 63 Timeline
 59 IntroSol
 58 Meetings
 40 Magnet090616
 37 WebChanges
Apr 2017 1957 0 0 758 WebStatistics
225 WebHome
169 WebSearch
163 Drawings
 88 SuppDocs
 59 Intro
 51 WebPreferences
 51 Timeline
 37 WebChanges
 28 Meetings
 25 Magnet090616
Oct 2009 3151 58 8 921 WebHome
324 Intro
187 WebChanges
179 WebIndex
136 IntroSol
135 IntroDip
128 WebStatistics
106 Drawings
 94 WebTopicEditTemplate
 72 Magnet090616
 70 SuppDocs
 66 IntiLehmann
Dec 2008 4239 29 11 625 WebHome
458 WebIndex
436 WebChanges
255 Drawings
244 WebTopicList
235 WebTopicEditTemplate
198 WebStatistics
182 Meetings
101 Magnet091107
 99 CurrentDiscussions
 95 Magnet080124
 38 IntiLehmann
  2 AlexanderEfremov
Sep 2015 4916 0 0 3426 WebStatistics
277 Drawings
255 WebHome
 96 Timeline
 91 SuppDocs
 74 Meetings
 69 Intro
 59 WebPreferences
 47 IntroSol
 44 Magnet080305
 37 SolDecision
Nov 2018 4170 0 0 3440 WebStatistics
149 WebHome
130 Drawings
 55 Meetings
 36 Intro
 34 TasksResponsibilities
 32 BaBarSupport
 25 Magnet090303
 24 WebSearch
 24 MagnetMinutes071211
 15 IntroSol
May 2022 4941 0 0 3484 WebStatistics
201 Drawings
171 WebHome
 93 Intro
 80 SuppDocs
 79 WebPreferences
 71 WebChanges
 64 Timeline
 59 IntroSol
 58 Magnet080305
 48 Magnet0709
Jun 2022 7081 0 0 4700 WebStatistics
341 WebHome
278 Drawings
174 WebSearch
158 WebChanges
123 SuppDocs
106 IntroSol
 96 WebPreferences
 90 Timeline
 76 Meetings
 73 MagnetMinutes071211
Sep 2018 6267 0 0 5237 WebStatistics
364 Drawings
113 WebHome
 99 IntroSol
 69 Intro
 40 BaBarSupport
 27 TasksResponsibilities
 26 Timeline
 24 Meetings
 21 Members
 18 DetIntegration
Jul 2022 8368 0 0 5740 WebStatistics
393 WebHome
321 Drawings
216 SuppDocs
187 WebSearch
135 Intro
105 Timeline
100 Meetings
 99 WebPreferences
 84 IntroSol
 83 WebChanges
Aug 2022 8884 0 0 5922 WebStatistics
965 WebSearch
367 Drawings
278 WebHome
142 SuppDocs
141 WebPreferences
113 Timeline
 72 Meetings
 69 Intro
 57 WebChanges
 56 IntroSol
Oct 2018 7585 0 0 6717 WebStatistics
227 WebHome
142 WebSearch
 97 Intro
 57 Drawings
 40 IntroSol
 28 WebLeftBar
 25 Members
 23 TasksResponsibilities
 21 DetIntegration
 16 WebChanges
Feb 2014 5 0 0   3 WebHome
  1 Drawings
  1 SuppDocs
Jan 2014 14 0 0  11 WebHome
  2 WebPreferences
  1 CurrentDiscussions
Dec 2013 29 0 0  13 WebHome
  9 Internal
  3 CurrentDiscussions
  2 Drawings
  2 SuppDocs
Jan 2023 95 0 0  31 WebHome
 10 Meetings
  7 WebStatistics
  5 WebNotify
  4 IntroDip
  4 SuppDocs
  3 DraftIntegration
  3 Intro
  3 Drawings
  3 WebIndex
  2 SolDecision
Aug 2023 457 0 0  38 WebHome
 33 WebChanges
 32 WebStatistics
 27 WebPreferences
 27 Intro
 18 Drawings
 17 TasksResponsibilities
 15 WebSearch
 15 SuppDocs
 15 IntroSol
 13 SolDecision
Jan 2024 481 0 0  41 IntroSol
 39 WebHome
 28 WebChanges
 27 WebSearch
 22 IntroDip
 21 Intro
 21 Drawings
 19 BaBarSupport
 16 WebStatistics
 14 SuppDocs
 14 WebTopicList
Jul 2023 412 0 0  42 WebHome
 36 WebStatistics
 26 IntroSol
 26 WebSearch
 24 BaBarSupport
 24 IntroDip
 22 Intro
 22 SuppDocs
 20 WebChanges
 11 WebPreferences
  9 Minutes_SolD070226
Jun 2015 338 0 0  43 WebStatistics
 32 Drawings
 29 WebHome
 18 WebSearch
 16 Intro
 15 WebChanges
 12 Magnet080611
 12 WebNotify
 12 WebPreferences
 12 IntroSol
 11 WebIndex
Jun 2023 574 0 0  51 WebChanges
 50 WebSearch
 46 WebStatistics
 33 SuppDocs
 33 IntroSol
 31 WebHome
 26 IntroDip
 26 Intro
 24 Meetings
 18 Magnet080124
 18 BaBarSupport
Sep 2023 458 0 0  57 WebHome
 39 WebSearch
 27 Intro
 25 IntroSol
 25 Drawings
 23 SuppDocs
 22 WebChanges
 18 WebStatistics
 15 IntroDip
 14 BaBarSupport
 13 WebPreferences
Feb 2024 558 0 0  66 WebStatistics
 64 WebSearch
 43 WebHome
 28 WebChanges
 28 IntroDip
 22 BaBarSupport
 21 Timeline
 20 Intro
 19 IntroSol
 19 Drawings
 19 WebPreferences
Feb 2023 474 0 0  66 WebHome
 37 SuppDocs
 32 WebStatistics
 24 Intro
 19 WebPreferences
 17 IntroSol
 17 Meetings
 16 TasksResponsibilities
 16 IntroDip
 16 WebIndex
 16 Drawings
Jan 2017 382 0 0  66 WebStatistics
 48 WebHome
 47 Drawings
 29 Intro
 20 SuppDocs
 18 WebIndex
 17 WebChanges
 14 WebTopicList
 13 Timeline
  9 WebSearch
  8 WebNotify
Oct 2023 538 0 0  75 WebSearch
 68 WebHome
 38 WebChanges
 30 Intro
 28 Drawings
 22 BaBarSupport
 19 IntroDip
 17 WebTopicList
 15 WebStatistics
 14 SuppDocs
 14 WebPreferences
May 2015 565 0 0  83 WebHome
 59 WebStatistics
 51 Drawings
 29 WebSearch
 26 Meetings
 23 Intro
 18 WebTopicList
 17 SuppDocs
 16 WebChanges
 15 WebNotify
 15 Timeline
Jul 2014 512 0 0  85 WebChanges
 60 WebHome
 36 WebIndex
 28 SolDecision
 25 Drawings
 25 Timeline
 23 WebStatistics
 18 SuppDocs
 18 IntroDip
 16 WebPreferences
 10 DetIntegration
Aug 2013 153 0 0  90 WebHome
 10 Intro
  6 CurrentDiscussions
  6 SuppDocs
  5 WebStatistics
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebChanges
  4 TasksResponsibilities
  4 Timeline
  2 WebTopicList
Aug 2012 212 0 0  94 WebHome
 16 WebTopicList
  7 WebSearch
  6 Timeline
  5 Intro
  5 WebNotify
  5 Drawings
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebPreferences
  4 Internal
Nov 2023 657 0 0  99 WebHome
 52 WebChanges
 40 Intro
 35 Drawings
 30 WebSearch
 29 WebStatistics
 28 IntroSol
 27 IntroDip
 26 SuppDocs
 20 Timeline
 18 WebPreferences
Mar 2015 640 0 0 113 WebStatistics
 96 WebHome
 63 SuppDocs
 33 Drawings
 26 WebPreferences
 24 Intro
 21 WebIndex
 21 WebChanges
 18 IntroSol
 18 Timeline
 17 WebSearch
Jul 2015 743 0 0 117 WebHome
117 WebStatistics
 89 SuppDocs
 44 Intro
 36 Drawings
 32 WebPreferences
 30 WebSearch
 28 IntroSol
 25 Magnet080624
 19 BaBarSupport
 18 WebIndex
Apr 2015 843 0 0 118 WebHome
 94 WebStatistics
 80 Drawings
 56 Intro
 42 IntroSol
 41 SuppDocs
 37 Meetings
 28 WebNotify
 28 WebSearch
 26 Timeline
 25 WebPreferences
Nov 2013 271 0 0 139 WebHome
 13 WebStatistics
 11 WebNotify
 10 WebSearch
  9 WebChanges
  9 TasksResponsibilities
  8 WebTopicList
  7 Intro
  7 WebIndex
  5 WebPreferences
  5 Meetings
Aug 2024 1073 0 0 140 WebSearch
 84 WebHome
 79 IntroDip
 49 SolDecision
 45 Magnet091107
 42 WebChanges
 40 Drawings
 38 WebPreferences
 36 Magnet080624
 34 Intro
 32 Meetings
Apr 2011 252 0 0 141 WebHome
 11 WebNotify
  8 Intro
  8 SuppDocs
  7 WebTopicList
  7 Internal
  6 WebSearch
  6 Drawings
  5 Members
  5 CurrentDiscussions
  5 Timeline
Feb 2015 536 0 0 142 WebHome
 94 WebStatistics
 37 SuppDocs
 31 Drawings
 30 WebPreferences
 18 WebSearch
 16 Intro
 16 WebIndex
 13 Meetings
 13 IntroSol
 12 WebChanges
Aug 2011 225 0 0 146 WebHome
 10 WebNotify
  9 WebTopicList
  8 Drawings
  8 WebStatistics
  6 WebSearch
  4 Intro
  4 Timeline
  3 WebIndex
  3 SuppDocs
  2 WebChanges
Jun 2011 307 8 1 155 WebHome
 44 SuppDocs
  9 CurrentDiscussions
  8 WebNotify
  8 WebStatistics
  8 Drawings
  8 Meetings
  7 Intro
  7 WebTopicList
  7 WebSearch
  6 TasksResponsibilities
  9 RenzoParodi
Jun 2012 397 0 0 164 WebHome
 23 Members
 22 Drawings
 20 Timeline
 18 Intro
 18 WebPreferences
 16 SuppDocs
 16 WebStatistics
 15 Meetings
  9 WebNotify
  8 WebTopicList
Sep 2010 373 0 0 169 WebHome
 24 Drawings
 18 Intro
 18 WebNotify
 18 Members
 18 Meetings
 18 Timeline
 15 TasksResponsibilities
 14 WebPreferences
  9 WebTopicList
  7 WebStatistics
Sep 2013 246 0 0 180 WebHome
 13 CurrentDiscussions
 10 Intro
  9 Timeline
  6 SuppDocs
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebChanges
  2 Internal
May 2024 1614 0 0 186 WebSearch
169 WebHome
 87 Drawings
 82 Intro
 82 MagnetMinutes071211
 74 WebStatistics
 57 IntroDip
 57 Meetings
 51 WebPreferences
 51 WebChanges
 49 IntroSol
May 2012 348 0 0 186 WebHome
 31 Internal
 26 Drawings
 16 Timeline
 10 Intro
 10 CurrentDiscussions
  7 WebIndex
  7 WebNotify
  7 WebChanges
  7 SuppDocs
  6 WebSearch
Oct 2010 445 0 0 195 WebHome
 30 WebPreferences
 29 Intro
 26 Timeline
 24 SuppDocs
 21 Meetings
 18 TasksResponsibilities
 17 WebNotify
 14 Drawings
 11 WebTopicList
  9 Members
Feb 2017 798 0 0 199 WebStatistics
126 WebHome
 63 Drawings
 54 SuppDocs
 46 Intro
 25 WebPreferences
 24 WebChanges
 24 Meetings
 20 WebSearch
 20 Timeline
 16 WebIndex
May 2011 437 17 9 199 WebHome
 36 SuppDocs
 28 BaBarSupport
 27 Intro
 20 Meetings
 15 WebNotify
 12 Drawings
 11 WebSearch
 10 WebTopicList
  6 WebIndex
  6 TasksResponsibilities
 26 IntiLehmann
Mar 2011 682 9 4 201 WebHome
101 Internal
 59 Intro
 37 SuppDocs
 26 Drawings
 24 WebStatistics
 21 Meetings
 20 IntroSol
 18 IntroDip
 17 CurrentDiscussions
 17 Timeline
  6 JostLuehning
  4 IntiLehmann
  3 RenzoParodi
Feb 2008 1146 0 0 201 WebRss
149 WebHome
 89 WebIndex
 78 WebStatistics
 77 WebChanges
 65 WebTopicList
 52 TasksResponsibilities
 48 Members
 46 Meetings
 28 WebPreferences
 28 Timeline
Mar 2023 639 0 0 204 WebStatistics
 74 WebHome
 38 Meetings
 33 WebSearch
 29 Intro
 27 WebPreferences
 21 IntroSol
 19 SuppDocs
 18 Timeline
 15 Drawings
 13 IntroDip
Nov 2014 766 0 0 222 WebStatistics
 94 WebHome
 68 Drawings
 59 SuppDocs
 38 WebPreferences
 33 Members
 31 Intro
 30 Magnet080124
 22 Magnet080611
 13 WebIndex
 13 WebSearch
Apr 2023 1198 0 0 247 WebHome
123 WebStatistics
 86 WebSearch
 72 Meetings
 68 Intro
 52 WebPreferences
 47 Timeline
 46 SuppDocs
 43 WebChanges
 43 Drawings
 29 WebIndex
Aug 2010 527 0 0 251 WebHome
 29 Intro
 28 WebStatistics
 24 Timeline
 19 WebPreferences
 18 SuppDocs
 17 WebNotify
 15 Drawings
 13 TasksResponsibilities
 12 WebTopicList
 11 Internal
Apr 2014 498 0 0 258 WebChanges
 41 WebIndex
 40 WebHome
 33 WebStatistics
 32 Drawings
 11 WebNotify
  9 SuppDocs
  8 Timeline
  7 WebTopicList
  7 WebSearch
  7 WebPreferences
Jul 2013 578 0 0 259 WebHome
 32 BaBarSupport
 29 SuppDocs
 25 WebSearch
 25 WebStatistics
 22 Drawings
 20 Intro
 19 WebTopicList
 19 WebPreferences
 17 Members
 17 Meetings
Jan 2012 647 0 0 265 WebHome
 39 WebTopicList
 30 WebChanges
 29 Internal
 24 WebStatistics
 24 CurrentDiscussions
 23 Drawings
 23 Timeline
 22 SuppDocs
 20 WebSearch
 18 WebIndex
Feb 2011 548 8 4 267 WebHome
 63 Internal
 31 Intro
 24 Drawings
 17 WebNotify
 17 SuppDocs
 14 Members
 11 WebTopicList
 11 Timeline
 10 WebSearch
 10 WebPreferences
 12 RenzoParodi
May 2013 394 0 0 283 WebHome
 25 WebSearch
  9 Drawings
  8 Intro
  7 WebTopicList
  7 CurrentDiscussions
  7 WebStatistics
  7 Timeline
  6 Members
  5 WebNotify
  5 SuppDocs
Jan 2021 1475 0 0 286 WebStatistics
239 WebSearch
168 WebHome
 75 Intro
 71 Drawings
 40 IntroSol
 31 IntroDip
 30 Magnet080124
 28 WebPreferences
 28 MagnetMinutes071211
 27 Magnet091107
Mar 2020 801 0 0 295 WebStatistics
 83 WebHome
 64 Drawings
 36 BaBarSupport
 28 WebSearch
 22 Intro
 20 MagnetMinutes071211
 19 SuppDocs
 15 Magnet091107
 15 Meetings
 14 IntroSol
Nov 2010 596 0 0 308 WebHome
 29 Intro
 29 Timeline
 28 Meetings
 23 Drawings
 22 WebNotify
 19 Members
 18 WebPreferences
 17 TasksResponsibilities
 15 WebTopicList
 15 WebStatistics
Nov 2015 1021 0 0 312 WebStatistics
138 WebHome
 82 SuppDocs
 48 Drawings
 44 WebSearch
 39 Timeline
 35 Intro
 30 WebChanges
 27 WebPreferences
 26 IntroSol
 25 WebIndex
Mar 2008 2768 21 7 312 WebHome
251 WebIndex
243 WebChanges
212 WebTopicList
205 CurrentDiscussions
176 WebStatistics
111 Members
108 Drawings
 95 SuppDocs
 85 Meetings
 77 TasksResponsibilities
 15 EvieDownie
 10 IntiLehmann
  3 LarsSchmitt
Jan 2020 1253 0 0 313 WebStatistics
159 WebSearch
142 WebHome
 82 Drawings
 54 SuppDocs
 51 Intro
 50 Meetings
 37 Timeline
 32 WebChanges
 28 WebPreferences
 21 BaBarSupport
Sep 2017 1767 0 0 329 WebStatistics
293 WebHome
165 Intro
 97 BaBarSupport
 95 Drawings
 91 Meetings
 57 WebSearch
 51 MagnetMinutes071211
 48 WebPreferences
 43 Magnet080624
 43 IntroDip
Oct 2015 692 0 0 329 WebStatistics
 60 WebHome
 40 Drawings
 27 Intro
 19 SuppDocs
 19 WebChanges
 17 WebSearch
 12 WebNotify
 12 TasksResponsibilities
 12 IntroSol
 11 WebIndex
Oct 2017 713 0 0 334 WebStatistics
 78 Drawings
 52 WebHome
 28 WebChanges
 25 Magnet080624
 24 Intro
 14 SolDecision
 13 Magnet080611
 10 WebIndex
 10 WebSearch
 10 SuppDocs
Aug 2015 1359 0 0 355 WebStatistics
177 WebHome
134 Intro
106 SuppDocs
 89 IntroSol
 71 Drawings
 52 Magnet080624
 37 Meetings
 36 WebSearch
 31 WebPreferences
 23 Magnet080909
Dec 2014 934 0 0 356 WebStatistics
 74 Drawings
 71 WebHome
 49 SuppDocs
 36 WebPreferences
 35 WebChanges
 23 WebIndex
 21 Timeline
 20 TasksResponsibilities
 18 WebNotify
 18 DetIntegration
Jul 2017 1319 0 0 361 WebStatistics
203 WebHome
 92 Drawings
 86 Intro
 69 Meetings
 43 WebChanges
 38 BaBarSupport
 36 SolDecision
 32 WebIndex
 26 SuppDocs
 25 WebPreferences
Feb 2009 2325 7 0 367 WebHome
263 WebIndex
257 WebChanges
151 Drawings
123 Meetings
117 SuppDocs
 82 Timeline
 72 WebNotify
 71 Members
 68 WebStatistics
 68 CurrentDiscussions
  7 IntiLehmann
Feb 2019 906 0 0 372 WebStatistics
 70 Drawings
 56 WebHome
 39 Intro
 37 SuppDocs
 29 BaBarSupport
 28 WebTopicList
 28 Members
 25 IntroSol
 23 WebPreferences
 21 Timeline
Oct 2012 877 0 0 404 WebHome
 51 WebNotify
 39 WebTopicList
 38 Intro
 34 WebSearch
 33 Members
 33 WebChanges
 27 WebPreferences
 19 Meetings
 18 WebIndex
 16 SuppDocs
Nov 2008 2343 8 3 408 WebHome
231 WebIndex
228 WebChanges
151 WebStatistics
123 Drawings
107 WebTopicEditTemplate
104 WebNotify
 67 TasksResponsibilities
 67 CurrentDiscussions
 66 WebTopicList
 61 WebPreferences
 10 AlexanderEfremov
  1 JostLuehning
May 2020 1322 0 0 416 WebStatistics
130 Drawings
 96 WebSearch
 76 WebHome
 66 Meetings
 60 Intro
 56 Timeline
 55 WebPreferences
 47 SuppDocs
 24 IntroSol
 23 Members
Jun 2013 784 0 0 431 WebHome
 53 Intro
 27 WebTopicList
 25 Members
 21 WebStatistics
 21 Timeline
 20 WebSearch
 19 TdrReviewDiscussion
 19 WebNotify
 17 TasksResponsibilities
 16 SuppDocs
Nov 2017 1482 0 0 432 WebStatistics
166 WebSearch
119 WebHome
 77 Drawings
 72 Meetings
 62 Intro
 44 SuppDocs
 32 SolDecision
 31 Magnet090303
 31 WebChanges
 30 WebPreferences
Aug 2017 2497 0 0 451 WebHome
372 WebStatistics
185 Meetings
180 Intro
136 Drawings
123 BaBarSupport
 91 MagnetMinutes071211
 72 WebPreferences
 65 SuppDocs
 59 IntroDip
 54 WebSearch
Sep 2012 1213 0 0 456 WebHome
130 WebSearch
120 WebNotify
102 WebChanges
 39 Intro
 39 Drawings
 34 Timeline
 32 WebIndex
 31 Internal
 30 Members
 28 Meetings
May 2017 1073 0 0 457 WebStatistics
157 WebSearch
103 WebHome
 71 Drawings
 36 Intro
 22 WebChanges
 19 Timeline
 17 Members
 16 SuppDocs
 14 WebNotify
 13 WebPreferences
Sep 2007 2243 19 2 457 WebHome
297 Drawings
261 WebNotify
254 WebStatistics
193 WebPreferences
118 WebIndex
 91 WebChanges
 84 WebTopicList
 79 Meetings
 73 WebLeftBar
 70 WebSearch
 11 IntiLehmann
 10 AndreaBersani
Apr 2008 1376 0 0 508 WebStatistics
194 WebHome
 63 Drawings
 50 WebRss
 47 CurrentDiscussions
 43 Meetings
 43 SuppDocs
 41 Timeline
 38 WebPreferences
 35 WebIndex
 32 WebSearch
Oct 2019 1470 0 0 509 WebStatistics
168 WebHome
112 Members
 87 Drawings
 57 WebPreferences
 55 SuppDocs
 52 Meetings
 50 Timeline
 43 Intro
 37 WebSearch
 28 BaBarSupport
May 2016 1128 0 0 523 WebStatistics
103 WebHome
 71 Drawings
 48 SuppDocs
 48 Meetings
 32 WebSearch
 31 Timeline
 23 WebPreferences
 21 Intro
 21 WebNotify
 21 WebChanges
Mar 2016 1086 0 0 543 WebStatistics
 84 SuppDocs
 59 Intro
 57 WebHome
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 29 IntroDip
 26 WebPreferences
 25 Meetings
 21 WebIndex
 16 WebNotify
 16 IntroSol
Apr 2019 1079 0 0 574 WebStatistics
 99 Drawings
 57 WebHome
 45 Intro
 35 WebSearch
 30 Timeline
 25 WebPreferences
 23 Members
 21 TasksResponsibilities
 18 SuppDocs
 16 Meetings
Jul 2018 1296 0 0 578 WebSearch
290 WebStatistics
 86 WebHome
 81 Drawings
 53 Intro
 20 Timeline
 16 WebChanges
 16 Meetings
 13 IntroSol
 11 SuppDocs
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
Oct 2007 2636 7 0 590 WebHome
215 WebPreferences
202 Drawings
202 WebChanges
198 WebStatistics
193 WebNotify
162 WebIndex
153 Meetings
109 WebSearch
 96 TasksResponsibilities
 94 Members
  7 EvieDownie
May 2019 1311 0 0 617 WebStatistics
187 Intro
105 WebHome
 70 Drawings
 34 Members
 33 WebPreferences
 28 IntroSol
 26 BaBarSupport
 25 TasksResponsibilities
 20 WebSearch
 18 SuppDocs
Jan 2010 4651 1 0 637 WebHome
636 WebChanges
630 WebIndex
389 WebTopicList
388 Intro
146 WebStatistics
123 WebPreferences
115 Internal
108 Drawings
102 TasksResponsibilities
 97 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 IntiLehmann
Nov 2020 1913 0 0 649 WebStatistics
223 WebHome
171 Intro
166 WebSearch
 81 Drawings
 60 SuppDocs
 57 IntroSol
 51 IntroDip
 40 WebPreferences
 36 Meetings
 32 Members
Jul 2009 2446 13 4 649 WebHome
202 WebChanges
175 WebIndex
124 WebSearch
109 Drawings
 88 Magnet080624
 67 Internal
 66 WebStatistics
 66 Meetings
 62 Magnet071211
 61 WebNotify
 11 AlexanderEfremov
  6 IntiLehmann
Jul 2020 1804 0 0 654 WebStatistics
203 WebHome
128 Drawings
115 Intro
 82 WebSearch
 43 Timeline
 42 SuppDocs
 36 Members
 32 IntroSol
 31 WebIndex
 28 WebPreferences
Feb 2016 1283 0 0 662 WebStatistics
104 WebHome
 65 Drawings
 43 IntroDip
 42 Meetings
 33 WebSearch
 29 SuppDocs
 24 Intro
 24 Timeline
 23 WebPreferences
 21 WebChanges
Feb 2020 1986 0 0 664 WebSearch
458 WebStatistics
289 Drawings
 76 WebHome
 51 Intro
 49 WebPreferences
 40 Timeline
 37 Meetings
 34 SuppDocs
 30 WebChanges
 26 WebIndex
Oct 2020 1582 0 0 675 WebStatistics
147 WebHome
 92 Drawings
 90 WebSearch
 77 Meetings
 52 WebPreferences
 47 Intro
 45 SuppDocs
 34 IntroDip
 33 IntroSol
 29 Timeline
Jan 2011 1260 6 4 709 WebHome
 65 Internal
 49 WebNotify
 48 Drawings
 38 SuppDocs
 36 WebTopicList
 35 WebSearch
 27 TasksResponsibilities
 27 Timeline
 26 Intro
 26 WebPreferences
 10 RenzoParodi
Mar 2019 1486 0 0 717 WebStatistics
101 WebHome
 87 Drawings
 45 WebSearch
 44 Intro
 43 SuppDocs
 39 IntroSol
 37 Members
 37 Meetings
 32 TasksResponsibilities
 28 BaBarSupport
Jun 2009 2462 31 0 742 WebHome
151 WebChanges
150 WebIndex
138 Drawings
114 SuppDocs
 84 WebPreferences
 81 WebNotify
 74 TasksResponsibilities
 73 WebSearch
 72 Timeline
 68 Meetings
 31 IntiLehmann
Feb 2012 2070 0 0 753 WebHome
186 WebNotify
179 WebSearch
154 WebChanges
100 WebIndex
 86 WebTopicList
 67 Members
 64 Drawings
 61 Intro
 51 Internal
 43 Meetings
Apr 2012 6281 0 0 754 WebIndex
736 WebChanges
564 WebTopicEditTemplate
405 WebStatistics
378 Internal
309 WebNotify
230 WebHome
216 Meetings
167 WebRss
164 WebSearch
164 CurrentDiscussions
Dec 2019 1841 0 0 799 WebSearch
512 WebStatistics
120 WebHome
 36 WebPreferences
 32 WebChanges
 32 Meetings
 29 WebIndex
 29 SuppDocs
 29 Drawings
 24 Intro
 17 WebTopicList
Mar 2010 3282 0 0 805 WebHome
375 WebChanges
355 WebIndex
248 Meetings
236 WebStatistics
108 Drawings
 97 Intro
 86 WebTopicEditTemplate
 82 WebNotify
 81 Timeline
 80 WebTopicList
Feb 2018 4590 0 0 811 WebStatistics
502 Meetings
394 WebHome
392 Intro
332 Magnet090303
205 SuppDocs
181 IntroDip
159 Magnet080624
137 Drawings
121 Magnet090616
110 IntroSol
Jan 2016 1580 0 0 825 WebStatistics
139 WebHome
105 Drawings
 51 Meetings
 45 SuppDocs
 43 WebPreferences
 37 WebSearch
 33 WebChanges
 33 Timeline
 29 WebNotify
 28 Intro
Jan 2019 1965 0 0 835 WebSearch
466 WebStatistics
 99 Drawings
 82 WebHome
 45 Meetings
 44 Intro
 32 Timeline
 29 BaBarSupport
 26 SuppDocs
 26 TasksResponsibilities
 25 Members
Jul 2024 1889 0 0 839 WebSearch
116 WebHome
 55 Intro
 49 Timeline
 48 Drawings
 43 WebStatistics
 39 SuppDocs
 38 IntroSol
 37 Meetings
 36 WebChanges
 33 WebPreferences
Mar 2018 5890 0 0 844 WebSearch
830 WebStatistics
756 Intro
616 Magnet090303
486 Meetings
375 WebHome
260 Magnet090616
253 IntroDip
208 SuppDocs
195 Magnet080624
148 Drawings
Sep 2019 2348 0 0 850 WebSearch
700 WebStatistics
191 WebHome
 98 Drawings
 71 Magnet080305
 54 Magnet080611
 39 Intro
 35 SuppDocs
 28 Meetings
 26 WebChanges
 24 WebPreferences
Nov 2019 2556 0 0 854 WebSearch
521 WebStatistics
231 WebHome
154 Drawings
106 Intro
 84 SuppDocs
 81 WebPreferences
 79 Meetings
 78 Timeline
 45 WebChanges
 28 WebNotify
Jan 2018 6093 0 0 856 WebStatistics
691 Meetings
556 WebHome
495 Intro
370 SuppDocs
253 Magnet080624
240 Magnet090303
226 IntroDip
202 Drawings
178 MagnetMinutes071211
151 WebPreferences
Nov 2016 1507 0 0 857 WebStatistics
160 Drawings
 91 WebHome
 64 Intro
 30 WebChanges
 30 Timeline
 23 DetIntegration
 20 SolDecision
 19 SuppDocs
 18 WebTopicEditTemplate
 16 IntroSol
Dec 2017 4661 0 0 873 WebSearch
751 WebStatistics
351 Meetings
338 WebHome
314 Intro
170 SuppDocs
132 MagnetMinutes071211
115 Drawings
109 Magnet080624
 93 WebPreferences
 93 Magnet090303
Aug 2016 2354 0 0 882 WebStatistics
276 WebHome
224 Drawings
101 SuppDocs
 73 Meetings
 71 IntroSol
 56 WebPreferences
 54 WebSearch
 52 Intro
 51 Timeline
 49 WebChanges
Aug 2019 1621 0 0 932 WebStatistics
140 WebHome
 78 Drawings
 60 WebSearch
 41 IntroSol
 38 Intro
 38 Members
 28 BaBarSupport
 24 WebChanges
 22 Magnet080305
 21 WebSearchAdvanced
Apr 2020 1785 0 0 946 WebSearch
316 WebStatistics
 73 WebHome
 70 Drawings
 31 Timeline
 30 Meetings
 29 Intro
 26 SuppDocs
 13 WebPreferences
 12 IntroSol
 11 WebIndex
Jul 2010 1911 0 0 950 WebHome
126 WebChanges
 91 WebNotify
 78 WebIndex
 77 WebSearch
 64 WebStatistics
 54 TasksResponsibilities
 53 WebTopicList
 42 Intro
 41 Timeline
 38 Drawings
Dec 2018 1574 0 0 964 WebStatistics
 85 WebHome
 76 Drawings
 59 Intro
 27 TasksResponsibilities
 25 Members
 24 IntroSol
 24 Meetings
 20 WebSearch
 19 SuppDocs
 19 Timeline
Apr 2010 4523 0 0 972 WebHome
397 WebChanges
351 WebIndex
304 WebSearch
302 WebNotify
217 Drawings
195 WebStatistics
171 SuppDocs
137 Timeline
129 Members
 92 SolDecision
Jul 2011 1446 0 0 980 WebHome
 37 WebSearch
 35 WebIndex
 35 WebNotify
 31 WebTopicList
 31 Intro
 29 Members
 26 WebChanges
 23 Meetings
 22 Timeline
 21 TasksResponsibilities
Dec 2015 1717 0 0 984 WebStatistics
124 WebHome
 74 Drawings
 65 SuppDocs
 52 Meetings
 41 Timeline
 38 WebSearch
 36 Intro
 32 WebPreferences
 31 WebChanges
 31 IntroDip
Apr 2018 1946 0 0 998 WebStatistics
152 Intro
116 Magnet090303
107 WebSearch
105 Drawings
 68 WebHome
 53 Meetings
 44 Magnet090616
 38 WebChanges
 36 Magnet080624
 28 IntroDip
May 2010 3752 8 3 1205 WebHome
403 WebChanges
374 WebIndex
192 Drawings
136 WebStatistics
109 SuppDocs
108 Internal
 94 WebNotify
 89 WebSearch
 88 Meetings
 72 WebPreferences
 11 IntiLehmann
Jun 2021 3726 0 0 1395 WebStatistics
698 WebSearch
334 WebHome
204 Drawings
 94 SuppDocs
 93 Intro
 87 WebPreferences
 66 IntroDip
 60 WebChanges
 58 Magnet080124
 54 IntroSol
Jul 2021 2896 0 0 1496 WebStatistics
248 WebHome
109 WebSearch
 96 Intro
 76 Drawings
 75 IntroSol
 69 SuppDocs
 59 WebPreferences
 53 Magnet080124
 47 IntroDip
 42 SolDecision
Mar 2012 5368 0 0 1620 WebHome
772 WebStatistics
337 CurrentDiscussions
320 WebChanges
267 WebIndex
244 Internal
179 WebNotify
168 WebSearch
167 Drawings
 97 SuppDocs
 95 Meetings
Aug 2021 3520 0 0 1995 WebStatistics
227 WebHome
221 Drawings
134 WebSearch
 99 Intro
 85 WebChanges
 85 Meetings
 79 IntroSol
 53 SuppDocs
 50 WebPreferences
 47 IntroDip
Sep 2022 5021 0 0 2923 WebStatistics
324 Drawings
264 WebHome
263 WebSearch
114 IntroSol
112 WebPreferences
 82 WebChanges
 76 Meetings
 75 SolDecision
 70 BaBarSupport
 68 MagnetMinutes071211
Nov 2022 5193 0 0 3594 WebStatistics
223 WebHome
181 WebSearch
142 Intro
136 Drawings
 88 SuppDocs
 81 IntroSol
 71 WebPreferences
 49 SolDecision
 45 WebChanges
 43 MagnetMinutes071211

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Topic revision: r605 - 2024-09-19, AdminUser
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