Magnet : Magnet190709

Magnet Discussion Meeting

GSI, C26.1.014

Wednesday 19th September 2007

1) Attendance

Present:- Andrea Bersani (Genova), Evie Downie (Glasgow), Evgeny Koshurnikov (Dubna), Inti Lehmann (Glasgow), Herbert Orth (GSI), Renzo Parodi (Genova), Alexander Vodopianov (Dubna)

2) Minutes

It was decided that the Magnet Group would produce a single unifed design for the PANDA solenoid magnet by the December meeting, drawing on the previous designs of both Genova and Dubna and suggestions / comments made in the reviewers' report in order that the final design be the optimum solution for the PANDA detector system. The initial unifed design will subsequently be modifed in response to detector group requests. It was agreed that any such detector requests should be posed to the Magnet Group as a whole. They should be addressed to Inti, and he will circulate the request to the whole Magnet Group, in order that group consensus can be reached on the feasibility and implementation, or otherwise, of said requests. The unifed Magnet Group response will then be conveyed to the relevant person.

Some concern was expressed at the lack of clear design criteria for the final magnet system, both in terms of detector / physics requirements and the legislative engineering standards to be met. It was decided that the detector requirements for the initial unifed design will be based on a direct interpretation of the outcome of the collaboration-wide detector integration meeting on 20th September 2007, with later change requests following the above outlined procedure. Inti will further investigate the required / requested engineering standards, via enquiry to FAIR management etc. In the meantime, we will apply the German Atomic Rules (to be circulated by Evgeny) as our baseline standards. This can be reviewed, if necessary, when more information becomes available.

It was agreed that the first stage in the construction of a unified design would be to decide on a coil design. The groups agree that they will talk directly with each other to produce a solution as efficiently as possible. This coil evaluation process should take no longer than a month, with the next meeting currently planned for early November (date to be confirmed).

Inti will coordinate the discussions with detector groups and reporting back to the main collaboration, with an emphasis on consensus and transparency. To facilitate this, allfuture formal Magnet Group Meetings will be fully minuted and the minutes circulated both via the Wiki page and via email for discussion, comment and remedy, where necessary. Where a presentation will be given on behalf of the Magnet Group, the intended presentation should be mailed to all Magnet Group members in due time for comment and, where necessary, correction or clarification. This should be at least 48 hours. Where 48 hours notice is impossible (i.e. when reporting in the main meeting the results of the previous day's discussions), the bones of the presentation will be constructed by the group throughout the process of the discussion, and can be re-ordered and formatted later, but the main body of the content should directly originate from and be agreed upon in the Magnet Group meeting.

The Magnet Group as a whole feels that, to ensure the timeliness and quality of our final magnet delivery, we need to have final boundary conditions as a result of decisions by and discussions with the various detector subsystem groups by the end of 2007. This is especially important with respect to the number, location and dimensions of muon chambers, and the location and dimensions of the end-cap Cerenkov detector system.

3) Required Actions

Individual / Group Responsible - Agreed responsibility.

I. Lehmann - Investigation of required / recommended legislative engineering standards via discussion with FAIR management / other signifcant organisations.

E. Koshurnikov - Circulation of the suggested design criteria for the items not ruled by known industrial codes to all members of the Magnet Group.

R. Parodi - Preparation and circulation of provisional magnet decision list to all members of the Magnet Group for discussion at next meeting.

Dubna & Genova Groups - Discuss & investigate coil options in sufficient detail to allow final decision at next Magnet Group Meeting.


Magnet : Magnet190709

-- Created by EvieDownie - 12 Oct 2007
Topic revision: r2 - 2007-10-15, EvieDownie
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