Magnet : SolDecision : Minutes_SolD070226

Minutes of the TB Meeting on the Solenoid Design

Participants: R. Parodi, A. Bersani, A. Pastorino, L. Schmitt, J. Luehning, A. Vodapianov, J. Smirski, G. Rosner, E. Koshurnikov, B. Lewandowski, I. lehmann; partially: F. Hueging, H. Orth, P. Rosier

Guenther argued that we need to make the Review a successful process and the outcome a strong statement, to have things in hands to argue against funding agencies.

The review committee will be constituted as:
  • Davide Tommasini CERN
  • Antoine Daël Saclay
  • Akira Yamamoto KEK/ATLAS
Walter Scandale had to be replaced by Davide Tommasini due to time constraints. The list of members was approved by the participants.

The date for the Review has been fixed to 19-20th April at GSI. There will be public presentations of the groups and no companies invited. Hence all public price discussion should be avoided. On request we give the quotations in the closed sessions with the caveat of not being final and objective. The topic of inviting companies was discussed in detail, but it was decided not to invite them, in order not to mix the decision between designs and companies. (Possible companies, which could be contacted later as well are: Babcock, Oxford Danpfysik.) The Review should concentrate on the Solenoid only. We will have a dipole presentation for information only.

The first part will be fully public on Thursday 10:30-13:00, and 14:00-16:00. Following will be closed parts: committee only, Lars and Guenther explaining the remit, Dinner, which will be covered from Guenther’s overhead money. On Friday the committee should decide on the schedule. It might e.g. be: closed session, limited group meeting to ask specific questions, last the committeemembers meet. The experts should stay available to answer questions. Expenses for referees will be covered.

EU Grant Request foresees a prototype. There’s a general agreement that a prototype has become obsolete, and would be more expensive than sensitive. Prototypes for specific aspects might be an option for specific aspects. These should become clear from the outcome of the Review.

A remit for the review committee was decided on as on SolDecision If there are any additions or changes proposed to that list, they have to be raised within the next days. By 12. March a compilation including an introduction to FAIR/PANDA will be send to the referees. Lars collects the material and needs it not later than that day, better before!

-- IntiLehmann - 26 Feb 2007


Magnet : SolDecision : Minutes_SolD070226
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-01-17, IntiLehmann
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