PANDA : Magnet : Timeline


The time lines are still subject to change, as the constriants from FAIR are not yet clear. Therefore the attached files show a time evolution. Please see the latest one for the most recent planings:

The time lines are based on the statement that the PANDA experiment starts data taking in 2014. This is, however, conflicting with statements that we should expect to have the hall ready for moving in October 2013, only. This is accoring to discussions in the TB on 28/03/2007.

Milestones and Decisions

  • It was agreed to build the dipole using resistive race-track coils.
  • The decision on the Solenoid Design has been taken.
  • The dipole has been approved and will be funded through STFC, UK.


PANDA : Magnet : Timeline
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MagnTime070129.pdfpdf MagnTime070129.pdf manage 40 K 2007-02-02 - 17:36 IntiLehmann Timeline as of 29/01/2007
P_mag_time_coil.pdfpdf P_mag_time_coil.pdf manage 26 K 2009-03-30 - 13:42 IntiLehmann Magnet timelines - coil and cryostat, 22/01/2009
P_mag_time_dipole.pdfpdf P_mag_time_dipole.pdf manage 26 K 2009-03-30 - 13:45 IntiLehmann Magnet timelines - dipole and muon filter, 22/01/2009
P_mag_time_yoke.pdfpdf P_mag_time_yoke.pdf manage 26 K 2009-03-30 - 13:44 IntiLehmann Magnet timelines - solenoid yoke and slow control 22/01/2009
mag_implem_plan.pdfpdf mag_implem_plan.pdf manage 35 K 2006-06-19 - 19:09 IntiLehmann Magnet Timelines June 2006
Topic revision: r4 - 2009-04-04, IntiLehmann
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