Magnet : SolDecision : Agenda070219

Preliminary Agenda

on the Solenoid design Decision:

April 19th

10:30 Introduction SB3 3.170a
L. Schmitt Introduction of PANDA (30 min)
J. Lühning The PANDA Dipole (10 min)

11:15 Presentation of the Genova design SB3 3.170a
R. Parodi The Panda Target Spectrometer COIL (15 min)
A. Bersani PANDA Solenoid Magnet Design Summary (35 min)
A. Pastorino Mechanical and Thermal Overview of the INFN Genova PANDA Superconducting Solenoid (25 min)

13:00 Lunch
14:00 Presentation of the Dubna design SB3 3.170a
A. Vodopianov Overview of JINR design effort (10 min)
E. Koshurnikov Concept of the PANDA Solenoid (20 min)
Yu. Lobanov Magnetic field and forces calculations for the PANDA solenoid (20 min)
A. Efremov Design of the PANDA solenoid (20 min)
A. Makarov Stresses and deformations of the solenoid coil, cryostat and iron yoke (20 min)

16:00 Coffee
16:30 Closed Sessions SB3 4.161 (continued on April 20th)
16:30 TBPresentation of remit (closed)
17:00 Questions & Answers (closed)

April 20th

  • 9:00-12:00 Conclave of reviewers (magnet designers are available for Q&A)
  • 12:00-13:00 Closing session
  • Experts, please reserve time till 16:00 !

Further time for discussion or workspace for the reviewers is available also in the afternoon of April 20th, if required by the reviewers. The agenda can be adjusted accordingly and PANDA experts should still be available in the afternoon until 16:00.

The schedule can be still adjusted according to travel requirements by the reviewers (there arrival in the morning of April 19th should be made possible).

See also public site


Magnet : SolDecision : Agenda070219
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-01-17, IntiLehmann
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