The members of the author list are physicists, engineers, or Ph.D. students. A person becomes a member of the author list six months after joining the Cherenkov g...
Let us develop a list of items and tasks to do for the Cerenkov R D for PANDA Beside of other use, this list aims for next BMBF funding applications. Following gr...
QDC V862 from CAEN Input cable for signals and individual gates The special input cable holds 32 signal lines and 32 individual gates for these signals. The chan...
DesignItems * FocussingLightguide Main.KlausFoehl 05 May 2006 * GiessenDirc Main.MarkusEhrenfried 07 Jun 2006 This page is part of Pandcerenkov WebHome
* Evironment requirements like temperature, humidity: We assume that the target hall is climatized to room temperature and humidity is controlled to prevent de...
Environment: For assembly, installation, operation and maintenance we need a temperature stabilised, humidity controlled environment. Might want to flush the ...
FocussingLightguide Optimisation routine for lightguide coefficients End of June 2006 I have asked our Edinburgh workshop to build two of the lightguides as...
* Environment requirments like temperature, humidity: We will have to cool the PMT matrix. Air cooling may be sufficient, but also water cooling may be ...
Some information on SensL GeigerAPD Please find three pictures sent by Deborah Herbert from SensL on this page. Here is the text I received from her. "What makes...
A new concept for the PANDA Endcap DIRC was proposed by the Giessen group in June 2006, incorporating both the time of propagation (TOP) technique and a chromati...
How to upload pics: * Go to the bottom or top right of the page and click 'Attach' * Browse for your file * Insert a caption in the 'Comment' section ...
Main.RolandHohler 17 Nov 2008 Find here attached the PANDA contribution (Talk and Proceedings) for the IeeeConference08 in Dresden * RH_081021_IEEE.pdf: ieee t...
Add points to list and find answers to points: Detectors * DircBarrel * EndcapDirc * ForwardRich Points to address * Evironment requirements like te...
List of items and tasks to do for the Cerenkov R D for PANDA. Please feel free to add and change things. If you delete items you should inform the author or ever...
Momentum Range for Panda Cherenkov detectors As requested in the Glasgow meeting, I have written up the results of my simulation concerning the required momentum ...
INSTR08, Novosibirsk, Russia 28.02 05.03.2008 Find here attached the PANDA contribution (Talk and Proceedings) for the INSTR08 in Novosibirsk * GS14 080303_Nov...
Figures for Presentations Upload your 'typical' plots, drawings, photos, etc...If possible as vector graphic. HowTo * Photons propagating in plate: ...
Startup procedure for starting the DIRC test setup DataAcquisition: login: rsh l pandadrc r3 29 cd /aladin/usr/pandadrc/mbsrun/caen/v862 mbs mbs @startup mbs ...
Usage cd dirc_test/trunk One is working in the trunk directory and below. Use it like cvs, for example an commit looks like svn commit m "introduced gotos" if yo...
For a transverse path of 1m for Cherenkov light emitted from a particle of normal incidence in fused silica, the time difference for $\beta$=1 and $\beta$=0.99 i...
Timelines and Names Personell FTEs and actual people today and prospected to the end of 2006, obviously not enough * Cracow 0.3 FTE (1 person) * Dub...
RICH07 Triest 15. 20.10.2007 * Find here attached the PANDA contributions (Talks and Proceedings) for the RICH07 in Trieste * Performance Studies of Micro...
UselessMethods While trying to find and work out a suitable design for the Cherenkov Imaging Detectors, on comes across nice ideas, but several of them do not wor...
Talk and Proceedings of combined EXA08 and LEAP08 in Vienna 2008 * exa08_talk.odp: This is the talk * proceedings_schwarz.pdf: and the proceedings Main.Ca...
Welcome to the home of Panda Wiki.Cerenkov. This is a web based collaboration area for the members of the Cerenkov group of the PANDA collaboration Panda Cheren...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Cerenkov web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to...
Cerenkov Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Cerenkov web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be o...