PANDA TAG Tracking Benchmark Channels Four physics channels has been choosen for benchmarking the tracking properties of the detector components. * Open char...
PANDA TAG Tracking Here you find the current draft of the summay document about the work of ur group. * tag2 draft2.5.1.pdf: Draft Version 2.5.1 16 May 2007...
PANDA TAG Tracking Agenda for 21th of February: * Top 1: Discussion on Tracking Requirements * Top 2: Discussion on Design Choices and Criteria * To...
PANDA TAG Tracking Agenda for 10th of November: * Forward Tracker: Requirements, Design Choices and Simulation questions * Jerzy's presentation: ppt fil...
PANDA TAG Tracking Agenda for 5th of December: * MVD: Requirements, Design Choices and Simulation questions * Fabian's presentation: ppt file or pdf ...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 21th of February: present: K. T. Brinkmann, P. Gianotti, B. Ketzer, J. Ritman, L. Schmitt, F. Hügging excused: J. Symrski not pres...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 13th of June: Top 1: Tracking Requirements Benchmark Channels: The choice of the tracking benchmark channels have been re discus...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 4th of September: Top 1: Benchmark Channels: The chosen benchmark channels has been presented (see attached pdf file of the prese...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 11th of December: Top 1: Status of the TAG work Fabian gives a short overview about the current status of the TAG Trk, which can...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 27th of March: The transparencies shown by Fabian during the meeting can found here:tag_tracking.pdf. Top 1: TAG document new ...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 21th of February: present: K. T. Brinkmann, P. Gianotti, B. Ketzer, J. Ritman, L. Schmitt, F. Hügging excused: J. Symrski not pres...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 12th of October: present: O. Hartmann, S. Neubert, M. Steinke, L. Schmitt, J. Symrski, F. Hügging. excused: K. T. Brinkmann, B. K...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 10th of November: present: O. Hartmann, S. Neubert, J. Ritman, M. Steinke, J. Symrski, F. Hügging. excused: K. T. Brinkmann, P. G...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 5th of December: present: K. T. Brinkmann, P. Gianotti, O. Hartmann, B. Ketzer, L. Schmitt, M. Steinke, J. Symrski, F. Hügging. e...
PANDA TAG Tracking Minutes for 6th of Februar: present: A. Braghieri, K. T. Brinkmann, P. Gianotti, O. Hartmann, B. Ketzer, S. Neubert, J. Ritman, L. Schmitt, M....
PANDA TAG Tracking Tracking Requirements The requirements for the PANDA tracking detectors can be dividied into: Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) More details are gi...
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