PANDA TAG Tracking
Minutes for 4th of September:
Top 1: Benchmark Channels:
The chosen benchmark channels has been presented (see attached pdf-file of the presentation); in the following discussion some points have been mentioned:
- pbar p -> D*+D*- is the most important channel for the MVD performance, however some details, e.g. the Kaon identification needs of course significant contribution of other detector parts.
- It has been decided to add to pbar p -> lambda lambda also the pbar p -> cascade cascade channel to evaluate also the tracking and performance of cascade decays. But this should be done in a second stage optimization process, see next point.
- We agreed about a strategy of the optimization and evaluation process to be done for the tracking detectors:
- All simulation results shall be expressed in terms of the important figures of merit for each tracking sub-detector. Therefore of course these figures of merit has to be identified for the MVD, CT and FT in the first place.
- In a first stage of the benchmark channel simulations then basic evaluation performance questions shall be addressed to allow optimization of each sub-detector stand-alone.
- In a second stage of the process the entire tracking system shall be considered to allow access to more complex performance questions and final states.
Finally it has been once again stressed that this final decision about the tracking benchmark channels does not mean that no other channels should be considered for simulations. For a full physics picture of course a lot of more channel have to be simulated but for the detector optimization work this full picture is not mandatory.
Top 2: Questions to the Simulations
A first draft of the questions to the simulations for the MVD has been given. Here the vertexing capabilities of close displaced decays vertices for D-mesons are one important issue. Especially the requirement of a quasi online detection of such events to allow a high level open charm trigger is quite challenging, not only for the MVD. Moreover the tracking of leptons coming from the J/Psi decays in pbar - nuclei reaction defines the performance of the MVD in multi-track environment. More details can be found in Fabian's presentation. The shown material have now be re-arranged and enhanced according the already mentioned considerations.
No presentation, postponed to next VRVS meeting; Paola promised to nomimate a candidate for this work by then.
No presentation, postponed to next VRVS meeting.
Top 3: Timeframe discussion
After a short introdution into the timeframe and milestone definition discussion more detailed information for the different sub-detectors have been collected.
For the MVD a dedicated MVD meeting has been scheduled for the end of October which deals with the definition of R&D tasks and time schedules. More details will be given to the TAG afterwards.
For the CT basically both options, either TPC or STT, foresee to finish their R&D and prototype phase by end of 2008. By then a detailed detector proposal for both options will be available which could be the basis for the design decision. However, more detailed time schedules will be discussed in the near future.
For the FT the rough time frame is that by end of 2007 a decision between the Straw and MDC option can be take place. By end of 2008 then the final layout should be ready for the TDR. Also here a more detailed plan should be worked out soon.
Top 4: Any other business and Next meeting
We should be able to finalize our work after the December PANDA meeting. Therefore a lot of work is needed for all sub-systems. Please use the Wiki page and or the GSI-Forum to distribute these informations among us as soon as possible. Discussions could then either take place via email/forum or during the meetings.
Fabian is in charge to update the draft of our document as soon as possible and distribute it within the TAG.
The next VRVS meeting is scheduled for the week of Oct, 9 - Oct, 14 2006. Details will be distributed by Fabian before the meeting.
FabianHuegging - 13 Sep 2006