PANDA TAG Tracking
Minutes for 6th of Februar:
present: A. Braghieri, K.-T. Brinkmann, P. Gianotti, O. Hartmann, B. Ketzer, S. Neubert, J. Ritman, L. Schmitt, M. Steinke, J. Symrski, F. Hügging.
Top 1: Requirements and Simulation questions
Paola summarized the requirements and open simulation questions of the STT option for the Central tracker. The details can be found in her presentation (
Among others one point will be the evaluation whether PID via dE/dx measurements is possible. First rough simulation showed that a pion kaon separation up to 700 _MeV/c might be possible. Especially the the readout technology (ADC vs _ToT) for analog signal must be investigated.
Top 2: Requirements and Simulation questions
Bernhard presented the requirements and simulation questions for the TPC, details can be taken from the
pdf-file. He emphasizes that the basic figures of merit for the physics performance of the CT must be the same for both options. In particular he suggested 4 main _FoMs:
- Point resolution vs. θ, pT for single tracks, for D0, K decay vertices and for hyperon decay vertices.
- Momentum resolution vs. θ, pT for single tracks and hyperons.
- Reconstruction efficiency for single tracks and hyperons.
- Reconstruction efficiency & purity w/ pile-up and realistic background conditions for single tracks and hyperons.
Additionally the material budget in terms of X0, λI vs θ, φ and the dE/dx separation power vs p must be considered because they deliver important input parameters for other sub-detectors like the PID detectors and the calorimeters. This was agreed upon the participants and should be presented accordingly in the final TAG document.
Lars mentioned that also feasibility studies have to be included to the simulation program; to a certain extend they are included in the detector performance optimization studies but they should be mentioned more explicitly.
Top 4: Design choice Central Tracker
The topic of how to come to a decision between the two option for the Central Tracker was discussed. It was agreed that a detailed list of criteria for the decision has to be prepared. Apart from the already mentioned _FoM which can serve as criteria for the physics performance other criteria must be considered. Among them are for instance the costs, feasibility of the production and the reliability and robustness of the detector. Everybody is asked to think about further criteria and at the next meeting more discussions on a first draft will take place.
It is clear that the results of the extended prototyping in the next two years are very important for the final decision so that this decision can't be taken before the end of 2008. Therefore it was decided that it is to early to define the decision procedure now. Rather we will collect some suitable possibilities like the 'external review' option as it will be done for the magnet decision. Moreover a timeline has to be indicated for the CT decision.
Top 4: Any other business
Lars pointed out the business about the forward tracking detectors will be rediscussed under special consideration of hyperon decays in the region between the CT and the first DC of the FT. It is most likely that this will be a plenary discussion during the next PANDA meeting in Genova but it must be reflected in an appropiate way in our TAG, too. However, we decided to wait until the Genova programm is settled before addressing this topic again inside our TAG.
Fabian is in charge to prepare a new draft of our final document and circulate it before the next meeting. Topic for that meeting is then apart from the CT decision and the FT business a detailed discussion about this concluding document. This will also include a distribution of responsibilities for different chapters of this report. Depending on the time when I finished this draft the next meeting will either be a VRVS meeting before the Genova PANDA meeting or a presence Meeting during Genova.
FabianHuegging - 12 Feb 2007