PANDA : Magnet : SuppDocs

Supporting Documents for the Magnet Work

This site is for uploading supporting documents, i.e. stuff that is not the output of our magnet work but rather input for it.

Summary of the design choices for the TS_Spectrometre Cryostat design.

07 Jun 2011 - RenzoParodi

* TSspectrometerCryostatThicknessandWeight.doc: Summary of the design choices for the Cryostat design.(Renzo Parodi & Andrea Pastorino)

Proposal for Interfaces from Dubna

  • EK_Interfaces131010.pdf: Proposal from Evgeny Koshurnikov for yoke/carriage and yoke/cryostat interfaces 13/10/2011

Proximity Cryogenics for the PANDA Coil

Outcome of the Solenoid Review

Construction of Other Solenoids

25 May 2011 - IntiLehmann

1 April 2011 - IntiLehmann

Pictures from the BaBar support structures send by Wes Craddock BaBar support

21 Jan 2008 - JostLuehning

The following document shows how the real BaBar-solenoid looks like. The actual design differs from the TDR design, there is for instance a double layer winding instead of a single layer winding, and the conductor current is 4.6 kA instead of 7.1kA .


22 Sep 2007 - AndreaBersani

To have some easy accessible material to discuss on, I (AndreaBersani - 22 Sep 2007) started uploading some articles and TDRs concerning the solenoid magnets built for former experiments:

The Atlas solenoid magnet TDR is also available... but it's too big to be uploaded, but it can be downloaded here.


PANDA : Magnet : SuppDocs

I Attachment ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
00_babar_tdr_ch09_magnet.pdfpdf 00_babar_tdr_ch09_magnet.pdf manage 1 MB 2007-09-22 - 17:59 UnknownUser BaBar TDR, Magnet chapter
00_cms_coil_fea.pdfpdf 00_cms_coil_fea.pdf manage 255 K 2007-09-22 - 18:26 UnknownUser CMS Coil FEA
BaBar_TechnicalSpecs.pdfpdf BaBar_TechnicalSpecs.pdf manage 2 MB 2011-05-25 - 13:41 IntiLehmann BaBar Technical Specifications taken from DOE server 25/5/2011
BabarSolenoid2001_244255.pdfpdf BabarSolenoid2001_244255.pdf manage 4 MB 2008-01-21 - 13:19 JostLuehning BaBar Solenoid how it was actually built and tested
EK_Interfaces131010.pdfpdf EK_Interfaces131010.pdf manage 1 MB 2011-03-21 - 19:07 IntiLehmann Proposal from Evgeny Koshurnikov for yoke/carriage and yoke/cryostat interfaces 13/10/2011
PandaM-RevRep-070917.rtfrtf PandaM-RevRep-070917.rtf manage 8 K 2008-01-17 - 13:00 IntiLehmann Review Committee Report for the Panda Magnet Design
Panda_proximity_Cryogenics.pdfpdf Panda_proximity_Cryogenics.pdf manage 384 K 2008-05-26 - 13:58 UnknownUser Thermosyphon and forced flow schematics for the panda Coil
TSspectrometerCryostatThicknessandWeight.docdoc TSspectrometerCryostatThicknessandWeight.doc manage 34 K 2011-06-07 - 13:45 UnknownUser summary of the design choices for the Cryostat design.
tdr_structure.pdfpdf tdr_structure.pdf manage 757 K 2007-09-22 - 18:25 UnknownUser Belle solenoid TDR
Topic revision: r9 - 2011-06-07, RenzoParodi
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