Statistics for PWA Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Mar 2025 298 0 0  91 ParserArguments
 48 WebHome
 37 WebSearch
 17 WebStatistics
 12 PawianPwaSoftware
 10 ExecutionModes
  9 HelicityFormalism
  7 PwaPhysicsResources
  7 CovariantTensorFormalism
  7 SamplePWA
  6 FirstStepInstructions
Feb 2025 1875 0 0 475 WebSearch
235 ParserArguments
187 WebHome
 89 PawianPwaSoftware
 67 PawianDynamics
 65 FirstStepInstructions
 54 SamplePWA
 52 WebStatistics
 42 HelicityFormalism
 40 WebChanges
 35 Qft++
Jan 2025 1149 0 0 217 WebSearch
174 ParserArguments
119 WebHome
 84 PawianPwaSoftware
 44 WebChanges
 39 SamplePWA
 33 FirstStepInstructions
 30 PawianDynamics
 26 FirstStepInstructions2
 24 HelicityFormalism
 19 WebStatistics
Dec 2024 1010 0 0  99 PawianPwaSoftware
 74 ParserArguments
 70 WebSearch
 66 WebHome
 43 SamplePWA
 36 CovariantTensorFormalism
 32 WebIndex
 32 PawianDynamics
 29 Minuit2
 29 WebChanges
 27 FirstStepInstructions2
Nov 2024 1213 0 0 121 WebSearch
 80 PawianPwaSoftware
 57 ParserArguments
 55 WebHome
 47 SamplePWA
 43 WebTopicList
 42 WebStatistics
 40 Qft++
 36 IsobarParameterizations
 35 CovariantTensorFormalism
 35 WebChanges
Oct 2024 1036 0 0 360 ParserArguments
 66 PawianPwaSoftware
 66 WebHome
 49 WebChanges
 37 WebIndex
 34 WebSearch
 34 SamplePWA
 30 FirstStepInstructions2
 28 FirstStepInstructions
 28 Benchmarkepem
 23 WebStatistics
Sep 2024 843 0 0 105 WebSearch
 92 ParserArguments
 71 WebHome
 64 PawianPwaSoftware
 43 SamplePWA
 38 WebIndex
 38 WebChanges
 31 CovariantTensorFormalism
 23 HelicityFormalism
 23 UnitaryIsobarModel
 21 KMatrixFormalism
Aug 2024 694 0 0 120 WebSearch
 79 WebHome
 65 PawianPwaSoftware
 46 WebChanges
 33 SamplePWA
 26 ParserArguments
 23 FirstStepInstructions2
 23 FirstStepInstructions
 21 KMatrixFormalism
 18 ExecutionModes
 17 CovariantTensorFormalism
Jul 2024 1979 0 0 871 WebSearch
112 WebHome
 95 PawianPwaSoftware
 74 SamplePWA
 65 ParserArguments
 54 FirstStepInstructions
 42 WebChanges
 38 FirstStepInstructions2
 36 PawianDynamics
 34 HelicityFormalism
 32 ExecutionModes
Jun 2024 699 0 0  92 PawianPwaSoftware
 72 WebHome
 57 WebSearch
 37 SamplePWA
 30 ParserArguments
 30 KMatrixFormalism
 26 FirstStepInstructions2
 20 FirstStepInstructions
 19 ExecutionModes
 19 PwaSoftwareDoc
 16 WebNotify
May 2024 1118 0 0 168 WebHome
131 ParserArguments
 88 WebSearch
 82 SamplePWA
 75 PawianPwaSoftware
 63 FirstStepInstructions
 36 WebChanges
 36 WebStatistics
 29 WebIndex
 26 ExecutionModes
 23 WebNotify
Apr 2024 1274 0 0 174 WebHome
106 ParserArguments
 86 PawianPwaSoftware
 71 WebSearch
 66 SamplePWA
 66 WebStatistics
 59 FirstStepInstructions
 43 WebChanges
 40 FirstStepInstructions2
 35 ExecutionModes
 34 PawianDynamics
Mar 2024 559 0 0  76 WebHome
 62 PawianPwaSoftware
 45 ParserArguments
 43 WebSearch
 29 SamplePWA
 29 FirstStepInstructions
 26 FirstStepInstructions2
 17 WebStatistics
 15 WebChanges
 14 Minuit2
 14 ExecutionModes
Feb 2024 621 0 0  86 WebHome
 66 PawianPwaSoftware
 45 ParserArguments
 45 WebSearch
 38 HelicityFormalism
 28 FirstStepInstructions
 26 FirstStepInstructions2
 20 WebStatistics
 16 KMatrixFormalism
 15 SamplePWA
 14 PawianDynamics
Jan 2024 629 5 0  74 PawianPwaSoftware
 70 WebSearch
 52 WebHome
 39 ParserArguments
 29 WebStatistics
 27 SamplePWA
 25 FirstStepInstructions2
 22 ExecutionModes
 21 FirstStepInstructions
 21 WebChanges
 20 KMatrixFormalism
  5 BertramKopf
Dec 2023 667 0 0  93 WebHome
 60 PawianPwaSoftware
 57 WebSearch
 55 ParserArguments
 26 FirstStepInstructions2
 25 FirstStepInstructions
 24 WebStatistics
 18 Boost
 17 SamplePWA
 16 PwaStudies
 16 KMatrixFormalism
Nov 2023 546 0 0  81 WebHome
 78 PawianPwaSoftware
 34 FirstStepInstructions2
 32 ParserArguments
 31 WebSearch
 23 PwaStudies
 22 ExecutionModes
 20 WebStatistics
 18 WebChanges
 17 FirstStepInstructions
 16 KMatrixFormalism
Oct 2023 598 0 0  68 PawianPwaSoftware
 66 WebHome
 56 FirstStepInstructions2
 32 WebStatistics
 27 ParserArguments
 27 WebChanges
 21 WebSearch
 20 FirstStepInstructions
 19 KMatrixFormalism
 18 SamplePWA
 17 ExecutionModes
Sep 2023 528 0 0  66 PawianPwaSoftware
 55 WebHome
 48 ParserArguments
 32 FirstStepInstructions2
 28 SamplePWA
 27 FirstStepInstructions
 23 WebSearch
 21 WebStatistics
 18 PwaStudies
 16 KMatrixFormalism
 16 Qft++
Aug 2023 723 0 0  70 ParserArguments
 61 PawianPwaSoftware
 54 WebHome
 51 FirstStepInstructions2
 44 SamplePWA
 29 FirstStepInstructions
 28 PawianDynamics
 27 WebChanges
 20 ExecutionModes
 19 PwaStudies
 19 WebStatistics
Jul 2023 615 0 0  69 ParserArguments
 53 WebHome
 38 WebStatistics
 36 SamplePWA
 35 FirstStepInstructions
 34 PawianDynamics
 32 PawianPwaSoftware
 28 ExecutionModes
 28 FirstStepInstructions2
 27 KMatrixFormalism
 21 Qft++
Jun 2023 671 0 0  62 WebHome
 56 ParserArguments
 53 FirstStepInstructions
 45 Qft++
 41 KMatrixFormalism
 39 PawianDynamics
 36 WebStatistics
 32 PawianPwaSoftware
 29 SamplePWA
 19 FirstStepInstructions2
 16 PwaSoftwareDoc
May 2023 1018 0 0 152 ParserArguments
 79 SamplePWA
 70 WebHome
 53 PawianPwaSoftware
 53 WebStatistics
 49 FirstStepInstructions
 39 PawianDynamics
 36 WebChanges
 34 FirstStepInstructions2
 32 HelicityFormalism
 32 PwaMeetings
Apr 2023 701 0 0 112 WebHome
 59 ParserArguments
 46 FirstStepInstructions2
 40 WebStatistics
 38 SamplePWA
 30 PawianPwaSoftware
 30 PwaSoftwareDoc
 27 PwaMeetings
 23 WebSearch
 23 KMatrixFormalism
 22 WebChanges
Mar 2023 515 0 0  54 WebStatistics
 46 PawianPwaSoftware
 39 ParserArguments
 35 WebHome
 34 SamplePWA
 33 FirstStepInstructions
 26 FirstStepInstructions2
 15 Minuit2
 13 PwaStudies
 13 WebNotify
 12 PwaMeetings
Feb 2023 480 0 0  51 WebHome
 40 PawianPwaSoftware
 24 ParserArguments
 23 PawianDynamics
 17 SamplePWA
 16 WebSearch
 16 ExecutionModes
 16 PwaStudies
 15 WebLeftBar
 15 KMatrixFormalism
 14 WebStatistics
Jan 2023 194 40 0  38 PawianPwaSoftware
 33 ParserArguments
 25 WebHome
 23 SamplePWA
 14 FirstStepInstructions2
  8 ExecutionModes
  6 Benchmarkepem
  6 PawianDynamics
  4 Cmake
  3 KMatrixFormalism
  3 PwaStudies
 40 MeikeKuessner
Dec 2022 2335 0 0 939 WebStatistics
355 PawianPwaSoftware
244 WebSearch
170 WebHome
 59 SamplePWA
 56 ParserArguments
 51 FirstStepInstructions
 42 FirstStepInstructions2
 31 ExecutionModes
 29 KMatrixFormalism
 25 WebIndex
Nov 2022 4074 0 0 1768 WebStatistics
521 WebHome
475 PawianPwaSoftware
419 FirstStepInstructions2
212 WebSearch
106 ParserArguments
 64 SamplePWA
 50 FirstStepInstructions
 37 PwaPhysicsResources
 34 PawianDynamics
 29 ExecutionModes
Oct 2022 2865 0 0 1643 WebStatistics
259 WebHome
216 PawianPwaSoftware
145 FirstStepInstructions2
105 ParserArguments
 68 FirstStepInstructions
 66 SamplePWA
 29 PawianDynamics
 28 WebSearch
 23 KMatrixFormalism
 22 WebChanges
Sep 2022 3453 0 0 1632 WebStatistics
356 WebHome
281 WebSearch
228 PawianPwaSoftware
157 FirstStepInstructions2
106 FirstStepInstructions
 88 SamplePWA
 56 ParserArguments
 56 PwaPhysicsResources
 40 KMatrixFormalism
 35 WebChanges
Aug 2022 4073 0 0 1841 WebStatistics
891 WebSearch
268 WebHome
191 PawianPwaSoftware
144 FirstStepInstructions2
 96 SamplePWA
 90 ParserArguments
 73 FirstStepInstructions
 53 PwaPhysicsResources
 45 ExecutionModes
 31 WebChanges
Jul 2022 3381 0 0 1654 WebStatistics
296 WebSearch
287 WebHome
273 PawianPwaSoftware
156 FirstStepInstructions2
 85 SamplePWA
 54 FirstStepInstructions
 47 WebIndex
 45 ParserArguments
 35 KMatrixFormalism
 33 PwaPhysicsResources
Jun 2022 3363 0 0 1518 WebStatistics
305 WebSearch
265 WebHome
174 PawianPwaSoftware
167 FirstStepInstructions2
106 ExecutionModes
 94 PwaPhysicsResources
 59 FirstStepInstructions
 58 ParserArguments
 54 SamplePWA
 52 KMatrixFormalism
May 2022 3665 0 0 1387 WebStatistics
372 ExecutionModes
342 PwaPhysicsResources
246 PawianPwaSoftware
218 WebHome
207 WebSearch
111 FirstStepInstructions2
101 ParserArguments
 99 SamplePWA
 35 FirstStepInstructions
 23 WebIndex
Apr 2022 2442 0 0 662 WebStatistics
551 PawianPwaSoftware
204 WebSearch
165 WebHome
 77 ParserArguments
 52 FirstStepInstructions2
 48 SamplePWA
 43 ExecutionModes
 35 PwaPhysicsResources
 33 WebChanges
 32 FirstStepInstructions
Mar 2022 2128 0 0 685 WebSearch
635 WebStatistics
155 PawianPwaSoftware
124 WebHome
 49 SamplePWA
 38 FirstStepInstructions2
 27 WebPreferences
 24 WebIndex
 22 PwaPhysicsResources
 20 PwaStudies
 20 WebChanges
Feb 2022 1421 0 0 503 WebStatistics
180 WebSearch
170 WebHome
 96 PawianPwaSoftware
 31 FirstStepInstructions2
 27 SamplePWA
 25 PwaPhysicsResources
 23 WebPreferences
 23 PwaSoftwareDoc
 22 WebChanges
 20 Git
Jan 2022 1450 0 0 609 WebStatistics
164 WebHome
 63 WebIndex
 60 PawianPwaSoftware
 51 UnitaryIsobarModel
 49 FirstStepInstructions
 48 ParserArguments
 41 SamplePWA
 32 WebSearch
 25 WebNotify
 24 WebTopicList
Dec 2021 2230 0 0 803 WebSearch
789 WebStatistics
112 WebHome
 69 PawianPwaSoftware
 65 SamplePWA
 59 FirstStepInstructions2
 55 FirstStepInstructions
 45 WebIndex
 15 UnitaryIsobarModel
 14 PwaSoftwareDoc
 14 ParserArguments
Nov 2021 2062 0 0 661 WebStatistics
218 WebSearch
178 WebHome
 94 FirstStepInstructions
 88 SamplePWA
 82 PawianPwaSoftware
 66 PwaSoftwareDoc
 52 WebIndex
 50 FirstStepInstructions2
 43 ParserArguments
 33 PwaMeetings
Oct 2021 2033 0 0 833 WebStatistics
124 PawianPwaSoftware
121 WebHome
111 FirstStepInstructions
 91 ParserArguments
 76 WebIndex
 68 SamplePWA
 39 WebSearch
 39 KMatrixFormalism
 38 FirstStepInstructions2
 37 WebPreferences
Sep 2021 1961 0 0 580 WebStatistics
471 WebSearch
172 WebHome
123 FirstStepInstructions
 93 PawianPwaSoftware
 57 SamplePWA
 51 WebIndex
 45 FirstStepInstructions2
 30 WebPreferences
 22 WebChanges
 20 WebNotify
Aug 2021 1351 0 0 531 WebStatistics
135 WebHome
110 WebSearch
 87 PawianPwaSoftware
 46 SamplePWA
 42 WebIndex
 37 FirstStepInstructions2
 35 FirstStepInstructions
 33 KMatrixFormalism
 28 Benchmarkepem
 22 WebPreferences
Jul 2021 1329 0 0 362 WebStatistics
113 WebHome
 99 WebSearch
 94 ParserArguments
 86 PawianPwaSoftware
 48 WebIndex
 47 SamplePWA
 44 WebPreferences
 37 FirstStepInstructions
 30 Benchmarkepem
 29 FirstStepInstructions2
Jun 2021 1617 0 0 347 WebStatistics
261 WebSearch
156 WebHome
 86 FirstStepInstructions
 68 SamplePWA
 62 PawianPwaSoftware
 55 WebChanges
 50 WebIndex
 48 FirstStepInstructions2
 34 WebNotify
 33 WebPreferences
May 2021 2091 0 0 660 WebSearch
452 WebStatistics
200 WebHome
127 PawianPwaSoftware
 55 FirstStepInstructions
 51 SamplePWA
 43 WebChanges
 40 WebIndex
 40 FirstStepInstructions2
 37 PwaSoftwareDoc
 34 KMatrixFormalism
Apr 2021 2024 0 0 563 PawianPwaSoftware
369 WebStatistics
213 WebSearch
136 WebHome
 68 FirstStepInstructions
 58 SamplePWA
 54 WebChanges
 51 Git
 35 WebIndex
 33 FirstStepInstructions2
 32 WebNotify
Mar 2021 2163 0 0 773 PawianPwaSoftware
514 WebHome
205 WebSearch
137 WebStatistics
 51 FirstStepInstructions
 49 SamplePWA
 25 WebChanges
 24 Minuit2
 22 WebIndex
 22 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 21 ParserArguments
Feb 2021 1437 0 0 316 WebHome
218 PawianPwaSoftware
144 WebStatistics
108 WebSearch
 73 SamplePWA
 58 ParserArguments
 43 WebPreferences
 32 WebIndex
 32 PwaSoftwareDoc
 26 Benchmarkepem
 26 PwaStudies
Jan 2021 1521 0 0 451 PawianPwaSoftware
298 WebHome
294 WebSearch
 46 WebStatistics
 41 SamplePWA
 39 WebIndex
 19 WebChanges
 17 WebNotify
 17 FirstStepInstructions
 17 FirstStepInstructions2
 16 WebPreferences
Dec 2020 1444 0 0 294 WebHome
292 WebStatistics
168 PawianPwaSoftware
115 WebSearch
 43 SamplePWA
 36 FirstStepInstructions
 29 WebChanges
 27 WebNotify
 26 PwaMeetings
 25 WebIndex
 22 ParserArguments
Nov 2020 1234 0 0 267 WebStatistics
219 WebSearch
191 WebHome
 96 PawianPwaSoftware
 35 FirstStepInstructions
 29 ParserArguments
 24 WebIndex
 23 SamplePWA
 22 WebChanges
 21 WebPreferences
 20 Git
Oct 2020 1214 0 0 496 WebStatistics
137 WebHome
 50 PawianPwaSoftware
 30 ParserArguments
 28 WebChanges
 27 WebSearch
 27 FirstStepInstructions
 24 WebNotify
 23 FirstStepInstructions2
 21 WebIndex
 21 SamplePWA
Sep 2020 1096 0 0 289 WebSearch
112 WebHome
104 WebStatistics
 85 PawianPwaSoftware
 45 SamplePWA
 30 HelicityFormalism
 25 ParserArguments
 23 FirstStepInstructions
 23 Benchmarkepem
 20 FirstStepInstructions2
 18 ExecutionModes
Aug 2020 2783 0 0 932 WebSearch
605 WebStatistics
281 WebHome
 89 ParserArguments
 68 PawianPwaSoftware
 66 FirstStepInstructions
 51 SamplePWA
 34 WebIndex
 34 WebChanges
 30 Benchmarkepem
 29 PwaSoftwareDoc
Jul 2020 1102 0 0 166 WebStatistics
148 WebHome
 95 PawianPwaSoftware
 52 SamplePWA
 48 ParserArguments
 42 FirstStepInstructions2
 38 WebChanges
 29 WebIndex
 29 WebSearch
 27 FirstStepInstructions
 27 Benchmarkepem
Jun 2020 1946 0 0 1136 WebSearch
135 WebHome
102 WebStatistics
 58 PawianPwaSoftware
 45 FirstStepInstructions
 28 MigradTolerance
 24 WebChanges
 23 Benchmarkepem
 22 ParserArguments
 20 SamplePWA
 19 Boost
May 2020 1018 1 0 199 WebHome
136 WebStatistics
119 PawianPwaSoftware
 65 WebSearch
 41 ParserArguments
 40 FirstStepInstructions2
 35 SamplePWA
 34 FirstStepInstructions
 29 Benchmarkepem
 27 PwaStudies
 23 WebChanges
  1 MalteAlbrecht
Apr 2020 1554 0 0 833 WebSearch
114 PawianPwaSoftware
109 WebStatistics
 82 WebHome
 27 WebChanges
 24 FirstStepInstructions
 20 ParserArguments
 18 SamplePWA
 17 WebIndex
 17 Benchmarkepem
 16 Qft++
Mar 2020 851 0 0 116 WebStatistics
 91 WebSearch
 85 PawianPwaSoftware
 79 WebHome
 29 FirstStepInstructions
 25 ParserArguments
 25 Benchmarkepem
 24 Qft++
 23 SamplePWA
 23 MigradTolerance
 22 FirstStepInstructions2
Feb 2020 1307 0 0 655 WebSearch
145 WebStatistics
128 WebHome
 61 PawianPwaSoftware
 33 FirstStepInstructions
 27 ParserArguments
 15 WebPreferences
 14 WebIndex
 14 FirstStepInstructions2
 14 WebChanges
 13 PawianDynamics
Jan 2020 831 0 0 156 WebSearch
 86 WebStatistics
 74 WebHome
 59 PawianPwaSoftware
 34 FirstStepInstructions
 32 ParserArguments
 22 PwaPhysicsResources
 21 MigradTolerance
 20 GenEvA
 18 PwaStudies
 18 Qft++
Dec 2019 1512 0 0 811 WebSearch
152 WebStatistics
126 WebHome
 52 PawianPwaSoftware
 33 WebNotify
 32 WebChanges
 29 FirstStepInstructions
 15 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 14 WebTopicList
 14 FirstStepInstructions2
 14 MigradTolerance
Nov 2019 1660 0 0 900 WebSearch
189 WebHome
156 WebStatistics
 45 PawianPwaSoftware
 39 ParserArguments
 22 WebNotify
 22 Qft++
 20 WebChanges
 18 WebIndex
 17 FirstStepInstructions
 16 GenEvA
Oct 2019 1687 0 0 837 WebSearch
163 WebStatistics
149 WebHome
 54 PawianPwaSoftware
 39 WebChanges
 32 Qft++
 28 WebPreferences
 26 WebNotify
 26 PwaPhysicsResources
 23 WebIndex
 21 MigradTolerance
Sep 2019 1707 0 0 840 WebSearch
219 WebStatistics
126 WebHome
100 PawianPwaSoftware
 28 FirstStepInstructions
 22 WebNotify
 22 WebChanges
 22 Qft++
 21 MigradTolerance
 20 WebPreferences
 18 ParserArguments
Aug 2019 1053 0 0 270 WebStatistics
 85 WebHome
 82 PawianPwaSoftware
 56 FirstStepInstructions
 39 FirstStepInstructions2
 33 Qft++
 30 SamplePWA
 30 ROOT
 26 PwaPhysicsResources
 26 WebChanges
 25 PwaSoftwareDoc
Jul 2019 2330 0 0 1215 WebSearch
237 WebStatistics
138 ParserArguments
119 WebHome
 59 FirstStepInstructions
 45 PawianPwaSoftware
 30 FirstStepInstructions2
 29 PwaPhysicsResources
 28 SamplePWA
 27 ROOT
 25 ExecutionModes
Jun 2019 1003 0 0 200 WebSearch
116 WebStatistics
 76 PawianPwaSoftware
 70 WebHome
 51 MigradTolerance
 39 FirstStepInstructions2
 36 ParserArguments
 31 FirstStepInstructions
 30 Minuit2
 25 GenEvA
 24 PwaPhysicsResources
May 2019 1191 0 0 189 WebHome
175 WebStatistics
 90 PawianPwaSoftware
 59 ParserArguments
 57 WebSearch
 50 FirstStepInstructions2
 46 FirstStepInstructions
 39 WebNotify
 39 SamplePWA
 30 MigradTolerance
 29 Minuit2
Apr 2019 796 0 0 164 WebStatistics
 73 PawianPwaSoftware
 56 WebHome
 39 FirstStepInstructions2
 37 WebSearch
 35 FirstStepInstructions
 31 Minuit2
 28 MigradTolerance
 26 ParserArguments
 25 PwaPhysicsResources
 25 PwaFormalismsGeneral
Mar 2019 1014 0 0 219 WebStatistics
 80 WebHome
 65 FirstStepInstructions2
 57 PawianPwaSoftware
 41 WebSearch
 39 MigradTolerance
 32 WebNotify
 32 Qft++
 29 FirstStepInstructions
 29 Minuit2
 26 PwaPhysicsResources
Feb 2019 944 0 0 167 WebStatistics
 83 PawianPwaSoftware
 67 WebHome
 56 ParserArguments
 53 WebSearch
 44 FirstStepInstructions2
 38 PwaPhysicsResources
 36 MigradTolerance
 35 WebNotify
 34 WebTopicList
 32 FirstStepInstructions
Jan 2019 1872 0 0 844 WebSearch
193 WebStatistics
113 PawianPwaSoftware
 73 WebHome
 63 ParserArguments
 61 FirstStepInstructions2
 37 WebNotify
 33 WebChanges
 30 Minuit2
 29 SamplePWA
 28 MigradTolerance
Dec 2018 1211 0 0 344 WebStatistics
123 WebHome
120 PawianPwaSoftware
 60 FirstStepInstructions2
 45 Qft++
 43 PwaPhysicsResources
 42 MigradTolerance
 40 WebNotify
 34 WebSearch
 31 ParserArguments
 22 GenEvA
Nov 2018 1094 0 0 194 WebStatistics
168 PawianPwaSoftware
 59 WebHome
 58 FirstStepInstructions
 52 MigradTolerance
 50 WebNotify
 36 WebSearch
 33 WebTopicList
 33 FirstStepInstructions2
 31 PwaPhysicsResources
 29 Log4cpp
Oct 2018 1166 0 0 298 WebHome
131 WebSearch
128 PawianPwaSoftware
122 WebStatistics
 47 ParserArguments
 46 Qft++
 44 FirstStepInstructions2
 35 WebNotify
 35 MigradTolerance
 33 PwaPhysicsResources
 29 Minuit2
Sep 2018 1567 0 0 234 PawianPwaSoftware
176 WebStatistics
168 WebHome
 81 Minuit2
 76 MigradTolerance
 61 FirstStepInstructions2
 61 KMatrixFormalism
 56 GenEvA
 54 Boost
 53 UnitaryIsobarModel
 52 Qft++
Aug 2018 701 0 0 141 WebStatistics
109 WebHome
 83 PawianPwaSoftware
 43 ParserArguments
 27 SamplePWA
 21 Qft++
 19 FirstStepInstructions2
 18 WebNotify
 17 PwaPhysicsResources
 16 WebIndex
 15 WebSearch
Jul 2018 519 0 0 115 WebStatistics
 77 PawianPwaSoftware
 53 WebHome
 36 WebSearch
 27 FirstStepInstructions2
 20 SamplePWA
 16 WebIndex
 15 PwaPhysicsResources
 14 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 12 WebChanges
 12 MigradTolerance
Jun 2018 1754 0 0 799 WebSearch
174 WebStatistics
121 Qft++
118 PawianPwaSoftware
 84 WebHome
 65 MigradTolerance
 45 ParserArguments
 36 SamplePWA
 28 Minuit2
 24 FirstStepInstructions2
 24 WebChanges
May 2018 4360 0 0 2451 WebSearch
435 WebHome
339 WebStatistics
198 PawianPwaSoftware
169 SamplePWA
 93 ParserArguments
 77 WebNotify
 58 FirstStepInstructions
 50 FirstStepInstructions2
 36 PwaPhysicsResources
 30 IsobarParameterizations
Apr 2018 993 0 0 330 WebStatistics
161 WebHome
 64 PawianPwaSoftware
 58 SamplePWA
 27 PawianDynamics
 25 FirstStepInstructions
 25 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 25 MigradTolerance
 23 HelicityFormalism
 21 PwaPhysicsResources
 19 WebNotify
Mar 2018 3663 0 0 877 WebSearch
803 WebHome
305 WebStatistics
168 HelicityFormalism
166 ParserArguments
154 PawianPwaSoftware
125 FirstStepInstructions
118 SamplePWA
 87 FirstStepInstructions2
 67 PawianDynamics
 64 Benchmarkepem
Feb 2018 3388 0 0 653 WebHome
341 ParserArguments
250 WebStatistics
245 PawianPwaSoftware
148 HelicityFormalism
135 FirstStepInstructions
121 PawianDynamics
112 Benchmarkepem
110 SamplePWA
102 FirstStepInstructions2
 91 WebNotify
Jan 2018 4595 1 0 651 WebHome
608 ParserArguments
287 WebStatistics
232 FirstStepInstructions
226 PawianPwaSoftware
206 SamplePWA
179 PawianDynamics
161 HelicityFormalism
147 Benchmarkepem
141 WebPreferences
136 PwaSoftwareDoc
  1 MalteAlbrecht
Dec 2017 3897 0 0 889 WebSearch
448 ParserArguments
277 WebStatistics
182 WebHome
181 SamplePWA
165 FirstStepInstructions
163 PawianPwaSoftware
120 PawianDynamics
112 PwaSoftwareDoc
106 FirstStepInstructions2
 85 WebPreferences
Nov 2017 1404 0 0 262 ParserArguments
173 WebStatistics
144 WebSearch
138 WebHome
 78 PawianPwaSoftware
 61 FirstStepInstructions2
 41 FirstStepInstructions
 39 SamplePWA
 38 MigradTolerance
 37 PwaMeetings
 35 WebIndex
Oct 2017 1300 0 0 650 ParserArguments
153 WebStatistics
102 WebHome
 46 PawianPwaSoftware
 37 SamplePWA
 31 FirstStepInstructions2
 30 FirstStepInstructions
 30 MigradTolerance
 25 WebIndex
 18 WebSearch
 15 PwaFormalismsGeneral
Sep 2017 3767 0 0 1838 ParserArguments
872 WebHome
163 SamplePWA
133 WebStatistics
104 FirstStepInstructions
 85 PawianPwaSoftware
 63 PawianDynamics
 50 HelicityFormalism
 35 WebSearch
 30 WebNotify
 30 WebPreferences
Aug 2017 3569 0 0 954 WebHome
896 ParserArguments
227 SamplePWA
214 FirstStepInstructions
119 WebStatistics
110 PawianPwaSoftware
100 PawianDynamics
 87 HelicityFormalism
 72 PwaSoftwareDoc
 67 WebNotify
 56 WebChanges
Jul 2017 1617 0 0 311 WebHome
176 ParserArguments
161 WebStatistics
104 FirstStepInstructions
 75 SamplePWA
 71 PawianPwaSoftware
 46 WebChanges
 45 WebNotify
 44 PwaSoftwareDoc
 43 PawianDynamics
 38 PwaFormalismsGeneral
Jun 2017 2788 0 0 1674 WebSearch
164 WebHome
160 WebStatistics
 85 PawianPwaSoftware
 84 ParserArguments
 46 WebChanges
 44 FirstStepInstructions
 43 SamplePWA
 38 PwaSoftwareDoc
 36 WebNotify
 33 FirstStepInstructions2
May 2017 914 0 0 184 WebStatistics
161 WebHome
 72 PawianPwaSoftware
 48 WebChanges
 39 PwaSoftwareDoc
 27 FirstStepInstructions2
 26 WebSearch
 23 WebIndex
 23 SamplePWA
 21 Log4cpp
 20 MigradTolerance
Apr 2017 1373 0 0 231 WebHome
217 WebStatistics
171 WebSearch
 93 PawianPwaSoftware
 54 SamplePWA
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Mar 2017 1198 0 0 193 WebStatistics
165 WebHome
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Feb 2017 1134 0 0 178 WebHome
164 ParserArguments
 82 PawianPwaSoftware
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 31 Benchmarkepem
 31 FirstStepInstructions2
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Jan 2017 431 0 0  93 WebHome
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 17 WebNotify
 15 WebIndex
 14 SamplePWA
 14 WebStatistics
 14 WebChanges
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 13 WebPreferences
 12 Benchmarkepem
Dec 2016 1264 0 0 160 ParserArguments
149 WebHome
102 PawianPwaSoftware
 80 SamplePWA
 55 WebNotify
 54 WebChanges
 52 WebStatistics
 47 PawianDynamics
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 43 WebSearch
 40 ExecutionModes
Nov 2016 823 0 0 108 WebHome
106 WebStatistics
 73 PawianPwaSoftware
 46 WebNotify
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 34 FirstStepInstructions2
 31 WebChanges
 30 KMatrixFormalism
 29 PawianDynamics
 28 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 25 CovariantTensorFormalism
Oct 2016 1781 0 0 212 ParserArguments
212 WebStatistics
163 WebHome
142 PawianPwaSoftware
113 SamplePWA
 73 FirstStepInstructions2
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 67 WebChanges
 65 PawianDynamics
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 47 WebIndex
Sep 2016 372 0 0  38 WebHome
 35 PawianPwaSoftware
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 21 ParserArguments
 21 FirstStepInstructions2
 20 SamplePWA
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 12 CovariantTensorFormalism
 11 WebNotify
Aug 2016 2137 0 0 295 WebHome
249 WebStatistics
201 ParserArguments
156 PawianPwaSoftware
133 SamplePWA
 68 FirstStepInstructions2
 67 CovariantTensorFormalism
 65 WebChanges
 57 Benchmarkepem
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Jul 2016 1068 0 0 282 WebStatistics
168 WebHome
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 42 SamplePWA
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 25 WebIndex
 22 WebChanges
 21 ExecutionModes
 21 PawianDynamics
 20 UnitaryIsobarModel
Jun 2016 1326 0 0 194 ParserArguments
160 WebHome
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 71 WebNotify
 54 FirstStepInstructions2
 54 CovariantTensorFormalism
 53 PawianDynamics
 50 WebStatistics
 47 Benchmarkepem
 39 FirstStepInstructions
May 2016 567 0 0  91 WebHome
 50 WebSearch
 46 PawianPwaSoftware
 45 ParserArguments
 39 WebStatistics
 25 SamplePWA
 21 WebNotify
 21 FirstStepInstructions2
 20 WebChanges
 17 Boost
 17 WebPreferences
Apr 2016 1292 0 0 193 ParserArguments
118 WebHome
108 PawianPwaSoftware
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 65 WebStatistics
 64 PawianDynamics
 48 FirstStepInstructions2
 40 Boost
 38 Benchmarkepem
 37 ExecutionModes
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Mar 2016 600 0 0 118 WebStatistics
 52 SamplePWA
 46 WebHome
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 22 FirstStepInstructions2
 22 Qft++
 21 FirstStepInstructions
 19 WebChanges
 15 ParserArguments
 15 CovariantTensorFormalism
Feb 2016 1116 5 0 157 ParserArguments
122 WebStatistics
108 WebHome
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 48 PawianPwaSoftware
 34 WebChanges
 33 WebSearch
 31 CovariantTensorFormalism
 29 FirstStepInstructions2
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  5 JulianPychy
Jan 2016 745 0 0  71 WebStatistics
 57 WebHome
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 48 ParserArguments
 36 WebSearch
 29 CovariantTensorFormalism
 28 WebChanges
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 23 WebPreferences
 22 PawianDynamics
Dec 2015 811 0 0  68 SamplePWA
 64 PawianPwaSoftware
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 27 WebPreferences
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 24 WebChanges
 20 PwaSoftwareDoc
Nov 2015 683 0 0  68 WebHome
 61 PawianPwaSoftware
 53 ParserArguments
 44 SamplePWA
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 28 PawianDynamics
 24 WebIndex
 24 WebChanges
 20 WebNotify
 20 WebPreferences
Oct 2015 532 0 0  68 WebHome
 48 WebSearch
 31 PawianPwaSoftware
 22 ExecutionModes
 22 WebStatistics
 21 Minuit2
 21 Qft++
 19 Benchmarkepem
 17 WebIndex
 16 SamplePWA
 16 PwaPhysicsResources
Sep 2015 536 0 0  49 PawianPwaSoftware
 46 WebHome
 44 ParserArguments
 39 WebChanges
 28 WebStatistics
 27 PawianDynamics
 23 SamplePWA
 20 WebSearch
 19 WebIndex
 19 WebPreferences
 17 WebNotify
Aug 2015 723 0 0  94 SamplePWA
 65 PawianPwaSoftware
 45 WebHome
 42 WebTopicList
 41 WebIndex
 38 WebSearch
 32 WebNotify
 28 ExecutionModes
 27 Qft++
 23 Boost
 23 WebPreferences
Jul 2015 436 0 0  37 WebHome
 31 PawianPwaSoftware
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 31 WebChanges
 25 SamplePWA
 22 WebStatistics
 21 Qft++
 15 ExecutionModes
 14 WebTopicList
 14 WebIndex
 14 FirstStepInstructions
Jun 2015 354 0 0  40 WebHome
 27 PawianPwaSoftware
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 20 Qft++
 18 WebChanges
 14 FirstStepInstructions
 12 WebIndex
 12 PawianDynamics
 11 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 10 WebSearch
 10 SamplePWA
May 2015 559 0 0  71 WebHome
 54 WebStatistics
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 25 FirstStepInstructions
 25 PawianDynamics
 24 WebTopicList
 24 SamplePWA
 21 PawianPwaSoftware
 17 WebPreferences
 17 CovariantTensorFormalism
 16 Log4cpp
Apr 2015 726 0 0  78 WebHome
 44 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 41 WebStatistics
 34 HelicityFormalism
 30 WebSearch
 29 FirstStepInstructions
 26 PawianPwaSoftware
 26 WebChanges
 24 ParserArguments
 22 PwaPhysicsResources
 21 WebIndex
Mar 2015 548 0 0  63 WebHome
 41 PawianPwaSoftware
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 32 FirstStepInstructions
 32 PwaFormalismsGeneral
 27 HelicityFormalism
 22 WebChanges
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 20 Qft++
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Feb 2015 480 31 0  50 WebHome
 47 PawianPwaSoftware
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 26 WebStatistics
 24 WebChanges
 23 FirstStepInstructions
 22 WebIndex
 21 WebSearch
 18 Benchmarkepem
 17 UnitaryIsobarModel
 14 WebPreferences
 31 BertramKopf
Jan 2015 398 8 0  65 WebHome
 38 PawianPwaSoftware
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 17 WebIndex
 17 SamplePWA
 16 FirstStepInstructions
 14 UnitaryIsobarModel
 13 WebSearch
 13 PawianDynamics
 12 ParserArguments
  8 BertramKopf
Dec 2014 443 0 0  69 WebHome
 32 WebStatistics
 30 PawianPwaSoftware
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 22 WebChanges
 21 FirstStepInstructions
 19 SamplePWA
 16 WebIndex
 15 UnitaryIsobarModel
 11 WebNotify
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Nov 2014 398 0 0  67 WebStatistics
 44 WebHome
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 16 Qft++
 14 PawianDynamics
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 11 WebSearch
 11 FirstStepInstructions
 11 ParserArguments
Oct 2014 445 0 0 103 WebHome
 45 WebStatistics
 25 PawianPwaSoftware
 23 PawianDynamics
 20 FirstStepInstructions
 16 WebIndex
 16 FirstStepInstructions2
 15 WebChanges
 14 UnitaryIsobarModel
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 10 Log4cpp
Sep 2014 413 4 0  73 WebHome
 29 PawianPwaSoftware
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 23 FirstStepInstructions
 22 PwaSoftwareDoc
 19 ParserArguments
 16 WebIndex
 13 WebNotify
 12 WebSearch
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 CovariantTensorFormalism
  4 BertramKopf
Aug 2014 505 2 0 176 WebHome
 40 PawianPwaSoftware
 23 WebStatistics
 22 FirstStepInstructions2
 17 SamplePWA
 13 ParserArguments
 12 Qft++
 12 UnitaryIsobarModel
 11 WebIndex
 11 WebSearch
 11 Cmake
  1 JulianPychy
  1 BertramKopf
Jul 2014 1039 182 4 165 WebHome
147 PawianPwaSoftware
136 ParserArguments
 87 SamplePWA
 87 FirstStepInstructions2
 51 PawianDynamics
 44 ExecutionModes
 29 PwaSoftwareDoc
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 20 FirstStepInstructions
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129 JulianPychy
 57 BertramKopf
May 2014 141 0 0  30 WebHome
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebIndex
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  6 Boost
  6 WebStatistics
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Apr 2014 270 0 0  62 WebHome
 19 WebIndex
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 15 Boost
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 12 FirstStepInstructions
 10 PwaPhysicsResources
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  9 PwaFormalismsGeneral
  8 KMatrixFormalism
Feb 2014 6 0 0   2 PwaSoftwareDoc
  2 WebHome
  2 FirstStepInstructions
Jan 2014 87 0 0  26 WebHome
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 10 PwaSoftwareDoc
  8 PwaFormalismsGeneral
  4 Boost
  4 FirstStepInstructions
  2 PwaMeetings
  2 Log4cpp
  2 WebPreferences
  2 CovariantTensorFormalism
  2 IsobarParameterizations
Dec 2013 23 0 0   7 WebHome
  5 PwaSoftwareDoc
  2 CovariantTensorFormalism
  2 PwaMeetings
  2 PwaPhysicsResources
  2 Minuit2
  2 KMatrixFormalism
  1 FirstStepInstructions
Nov 2013 135 0 0  73 WebHome
  8 PwaMeetings
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Oct 2013 329 0 0 187 WebHome
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  7 WebPreferences
  7 HelicityFormalism
  6 WebIndex
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Sep 2013 349 0 0 143 WebHome
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 11 FirstStepInstructions
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  8 Git
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Aug 2013 180 0 0  79 WebHome
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  4 Git
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  2 Log4cpp
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Jul 2013 620 0 0 195 WebHome
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 34 FirstStepInstructions
 23 WebChanges
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Jun 2013 404 0 0 257 WebHome
 25 WebChanges
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  4 Git
May 2013 226 0 0 129 WebHome
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  7 PwaSoftwareDoc
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  6 PwaFormalismsGeneral
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Apr 2013 2064 0 0 1469 WebHome
 90 WebNotify
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Mar 2013 1731 0 0 666 WebHome
202 WebStatistics
175 HelicityFormalism
140 FirstStepInstructions
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Feb 2013 2083 0 0 1120 WebHome
203 FirstStepInstructions
133 WebStatistics
105 HelicityFormalism
 42 WebChanges
 37 WebNotify
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 32 PwaSoftwareDoc
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 27 PwaPhysicsResources
Jan 2013 1868 0 0 365 FirstStepInstructions
351 WebHome
194 HelicityFormalism
191 WebStatistics
 55 WebNotify
 48 WebRss
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 35 WebChanges
Dec 2012 1437 0 0 463 WebHome
343 WebStatistics
 83 HelicityFormalism
 82 FirstStepInstructions
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 23 PwaFormalismsGeneral
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Nov 2012 2566 0 0 1625 WebHome
132 WebNotify
129 WebSearch
118 WebChanges
 82 PwaSoftwareDoc
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 49 WebIndex
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 40 PwaMeetings
 36 FirstStepInstructions
Oct 2012 647 0 0 334 WebHome
 39 WebChanges
 37 WebNotify
 36 PwaSoftwareDoc
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 22 FirstStepInstructions
 21 PwaPhysicsResources
 20 WebIndex
 20 WebStatistics
 16 PwaMeetings
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Sep 2012 1119 0 0 426 WebHome
147 WebSearch
130 WebNotify
113 WebChanges
 56 PwaSoftwareDoc
 36 FirstStepInstructions
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 24 WebIndex
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Aug 2012 159 0 0  85 WebHome
  9 PwaSoftwareDoc
  8 FirstStepInstructions
  7 WebIndex
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebChanges
  5 Git
  4 WebTopicList
  4 PwaPhysicsResources
  4 WebRss
  4 WebStatistics
Jul 2012 300 4 2 133 WebHome
 17 WebIndex
 17 WebChanges
 16 PwaPhysicsResources
 16 HelicityFormalism
 14 PwaSoftwareDoc
 11 FirstStepInstructions
  9 PwaFormalismsGeneral
  7 WebNotify
  5 Git
  4 WebPreferences
  6 BertramKopf
Jun 2012 333 0 0 154 WebHome
 25 PwaSoftwareDoc
 18 WebStatistics
 14 PwaPhysicsResources
 12 WebNotify
 11 WebPreferences
 10 Git
  9 WebTopicList
  9 FirstStepInstructions
  8 PwaMeetings
  8 WebIndex
May 2012 268 0 0 123 WebHome
 24 PwaSoftwareDoc
 20 FirstStepInstructions
 13 WebIndex
 13 WebStatistics
  7 WebTopicList
  7 PwaPhysicsResources
  7 WebChanges
  6 WebSearch
  6 Qft++
  5 WebNotify
Apr 2012 3343 0 0 682 WebIndex
673 WebRss
661 WebChanges
387 WebHome
186 WebStatistics
 89 WebPreferences
 60 ROOT
 59 FirstStepInstructions
 46 WebNotify
 39 PwaPhysicsResources
 39 PwaSoftwareDoc
Mar 2012 3196 7 0 1722 WebHome
269 WebChanges
202 WebIndex
148 WebSearch
128 WebNotify
 86 FirstStepInstructions
 76 WebStatistics
 74 PwaSoftwareDoc
 73 WebRss
 69 WebTopicList
 47 WebPreferences
  7 BertramKopf
Feb 2012 2235 0 0 914 WebHome
244 WebChanges
214 WebNotify
206 WebSearch
105 WebRss
103 WebIndex
 61 WebStatistics
 55 WebTopicList
 40 PwaMeetings
 37 PwaSoftwareDoc
 35 FirstStepInstructions
Jan 2012 1015 0 0 349 WebHome
193 WebChanges
 49 FirstStepInstructions
 45 WebIndex
 45 PwaSoftwareDoc
 28 PwaMeetings
 26 PwaPhysicsResources
 26 WebRss
 24 WebStatistics
 23 WebNotify
 23 HelicityFormalism
Dec 2011 2980 0 0 819 WebHome
300 WebChanges
296 WebIndex
105 FirstStepInstructions
 94 WebTopicList
 90 WebStatistics
 87 PwaMeetings
 87 PwaSoftwareDoc
 81 WebSearch
 77 WebRss
 68 Git
Nov 2011 1967 0 0 626 WebHome
212 WebNotify
133 WebChanges
126 WebSearch
118 WebTopicList
110 WebIndex
109 PwaSoftwareDoc
 90 PwaMeetings
 90 PwaPhysicsResources
 42 WebStatistics
 39 FirstStepInstructions
Oct 2011 2702 0 0 1430 WebHome
132 WebChanges
121 WebSearch
117 WebTopicList
113 WebIndex
 98 PwaSoftwareDoc
 93 WebNotify
 72 WebStatistics
 71 PwaMeetings
 70 PwaPhysicsResources
 56 WebPreferences
Sep 2011 2570 0 0 1548 WebHome
104 WebSearch
 99 WebChanges
 91 WebIndex
 89 PwaSoftwareDoc
 85 WebNotify
 78 WebTopicList
 67 WebStatistics
 65 PwaMeetings
 59 PwaPhysicsResources
 51 WebPreferences
Aug 2011 644 0 0 243 WebHome
 51 PwaSoftwareDoc
 42 FirstStepInstructions
 39 PwaPhysicsResources
 28 KMatrixFormalism
 19 WebNotify
 18 IsobarParameterizations
 17 HelicityFormalism
 16 Git
 15 PwaMeetings
 15 WebIndex
Jul 2011 1971 10 2 1088 WebHome
103 PwaSoftwareDoc
 73 FirstStepInstructions
 70 WebIndex
 63 WebChanges
 62 WebTopicList
 61 WebNotify
 59 HelicityFormalism
 58 WebSearch
 54 PwaMeetings
 50 PwaPhysicsResources
 12 BertramKopf
Jun 2011 340 0 0 144 WebHome
 22 FirstStepInstructions
 19 PwaSoftwareDoc
 12 PwaMeetings
 12 GenEvA
 11 PwaPhysicsResources
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebRss
  9 WebSearch
  9 Minuit2
  8 Git
May 2011 471 0 0 179 WebHome
 35 PwaSoftwareDoc
 34 FirstStepInstructions
 20 Git
 18 PwaMeetings
 15 PwaPhysicsResources
 15 WebNotify
 14 WebIndex
 14 GenEvA
 13 WebSearch
 11 WebStatistics
Apr 2011 363 0 0 115 WebHome
 27 PwaSoftwareDoc
 25 PwaMeetings
 24 FirstStepInstructions
 15 PwaPhysicsResources
 14 Minuit2
 12 WebPreferences
 12 GenEvA
 12 WebStatistics
 11 Boost
 11 ROOT
Mar 2011 539 0 0 174 WebHome
 45 PwaSoftwareDoc
 31 FirstStepInstructions
 25 WebStatistics
 22 PwaMeetings
 19 WebNotify
 17 WebIndex
 17 PwaPhysicsResources
 16 ROOT
 15 Git
 15 GenEvA
Feb 2011 425 0 0 203 WebHome
 19 PwaSoftwareDoc
 18 PwaMeetings
 17 FirstStepInstructions
 16 WebNotify
 11 GenEvA
 11 ROOT
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebIndex
  9 PwaPhysicsResources
  9 WebRss
Jan 2011 1178 0 0 718 WebHome
 51 PwaSoftwareDoc
 39 WebIndex
 38 WebNotify
 34 PwaPhysicsResources
 29 WebTopicList
 29 PwaMeetings
 27 FirstStepInstructions
 26 WebChanges
 25 WebSearch
 25 WebStatistics
Dec 2010 1434 0 0 922 WebHome
 59 PwaSoftwareDoc
 52 FirstStepInstructions
 33 PwaPhysicsResources
 28 WebNotify
 28 Git
 24 PwaMeetings
 23 WebIndex
 21 WebSearch
 21 Minuit2
 20 WebChanges
Nov 2010 565 0 0 225 WebHome
 57 FirstStepInstructions
 52 PwaSoftwareDoc
 22 Git
 18 WebNotify
 16 PwaMeetings
 14 WebIndex
 13 WebStatistics
 12 WebPreferences
 12 Minuit2
 11 WebTopicList
Oct 2010 717 0 0 240 WebHome
 55 PwaSoftwareDoc
 45 PwaMeetings
 44 FirstStepInstructions
 36 PwaPhysicsResources
 26 WebStatistics
 20 Boost
 19 ROOT
 18 WebIndex
 18 Git
 17 WebSearch
Sep 2010 561 0 0 214 WebHome
 48 PwaSoftwareDoc
 35 FirstStepInstructions
 20 PwaMeetings
 20 PwaPhysicsResources
 20 WebRss
 17 WebNotify
 17 WebStatistics
 16 GenEvA
 14 WebIndex
 13 WebTopicList
Aug 2010 659 0 0 244 WebHome
 75 PwaSoftwareDoc
 64 FirstStepInstructions
 31 PwaMeetings
 26 WebStatistics
 24 ROOT
 21 WebNotify
 18 PwaPhysicsResources
 16 WebPreferences
 14 WebSearch
 13 WebIndex
Jul 2010 786 4 0 284 WebHome
 60 PwaSoftwareDoc
 57 FirstStepInstructions
 44 WebStatistics
 39 WebIndex
 31 WebNotify
 28 WebChanges
 27 WebRss
 23 ROOT
 22 Cmake
 22 PwaPhysicsResources
  4 MatthiasSteinke
Jun 2010 9814 5 0 2916 WebHome
1261 WebChanges
1192 WebIndex
500 WebStatistics
367 PwaSoftwareDoc
322 ROOT
295 WebPreferences
278 WebRss
254 FirstStepInstructions
252 Cmake
213 Git
  5 BertramKopf
May 2010 10835 50 2 6783 WebHome
519 WebChanges
513 WebIndex
453 PwaSoftwareDoc
375 WebStatistics
329 PwaMeetings
327 PwaPhysicsResources
294 FirstStepInstructions
262 WebPreferences
148 WebNotify
138 WebSearch
 46 BertramKopf
  5 SebastianNeubert
  1 FritzHerbertHeinsius
Apr 2010 1306 33 1 855 WebHome
106 PwaSoftwareDoc
 53 Git
 39 PwaMeetings
 32 PwaPhysicsResources
 24 Qft++
 18 WebTopicList
 18 WebChanges
 13 WebNotify
 13 WebSearch
 12 WebIndex
 14 MatthiasSteinke
 10 KlausGoetzen
  7 BertramKopf
  3 LarsSchmitt
Jan 2008 0 0 0    
Dec 2007 0 0 0    
Nov 2007 0 0 0    
Oct 2007 0 0 0    
Aug 2007 0 0 0    

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