"Spin Formalisms" by S. U. Chung: CERN-71-08, Mar 1971. Lectures given in Academic Training Program of CERN, 1969-1970., updated version (still in progress) available at http://cern.ch/suchung/spinfm1.pdf
"A Primer on Partial Wave Analysis" by K.J. Peters (Ruhr U., Bochum): Dec 2004. 62pp.. Lectures given at International Enrico Fermi School of Physics: Background Microwave Radiation and Intracluster Cosmology, Varenna, Italy, 6-16 Jul 2004. Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.A21:5618-5624,2006. Also in Varenna 2004, Hadron physics 451-514. e-Print: hep-ph/0412069