Results from PWA web retrieved at 02:02 (Local)

Tutorial: performing an Example Partial Wave Analysis for e e data For testing and benchmarking purposes, an example PWA of Monte Carlo toy data is located in t...
Boost Boost provides free peer reviewed portable C source libraries. There's quite a bunch of really useful stuff in the Boost libraries, and we plan to use Boos...
cmake cmake is the build system that we want to use for the PANDA PWA software. If cmake is not installed on your machine, please ask your system administrator to...
Covariant Tensor Formalism * "Covariant tensor formalism for partial wave analyses of psi decay to mesons" by B.S. Zou, (CCAST World Lab, Beijing Beijing, In...
PAWIAN execution modes Mode Description pwa Perform a PWA on a single machine, use Minuit as minimizer qaMode qaMode / histogramming qaMode...
First Step Instructions This documentation briefly summarizes the first steps on how to install and compile the PANDA PWA software and how to run some test applic...
First Step Instructions This documentation briefly summarizes the first steps to setup and run PAWIAN. The easiest way to start is using one of the pre installed ...
GenEvA GenEvA is a library for performing parametric optimization in parallel on devices ranging from multi processor machines over clusters to Grids and Cloud in...
git git is the second generation versioning control system we want to use for the PANDA PWA software. Check if git is already installed on your computer by typing...
Helictiy Formalism * "Helicity Amplitude for pp 0, 0 " by H. Koch, 2011: helAmpPbarPKochv3.pdf * "JP determination from decay chains" by H. Ko...
Isobar Parameterizations * "Pion Pion Scattering Amplitude I III" by Pelaez, Kaminsiki and Yndurain: Phys. Rev. D71, 074016 (2005). Phys. Rev. D74, 014001 (...
K Matrix Formalism * "Partial wave analysis in K matrix formalism" by S.U. Chung, J. Brose, R. Hackmann, E. Klempt, S. Spanier, C. Strassburger, (Mainz U., Ins...
log4cpp log4cpp provides a threadsafe error logger and message handler. The ErrLogger package is based on log4cpp. You don't need to know the details of log4cpp b...
Migrad tolerance The tolerance that can optionally be passed to Migrad defines the convergence criterion for the minimization by comparing it to the current estim...
Minuit2 Minuit2 is a new object oriented implementation, written in C , of the popular MINUIT minimization package. We plan to use Minuit2 as one minimizer for th...
Parser arguments Exactly one PWA application is provided for each individual reaction (e.g. pbarpReactionApp, epemReactionApp or .gammapReactionApp). The choice o...
Set up of the dynamics Several different descriptions for the dynamics of the decay of a resonance are supported. It has to be set up in the main configuration fi...
PAWIAN PWA Software Introduction PAWIAN (PArtial Wave Interactive ANalysis Software) is a partial wave analysis software package with the aim to support analyses...
PWA Formalisms: General * "Spin Formalisms" by S. U. Chung: CERN 71 08, Mar 1971. Lectures given in Academic Training Program of CERN, 1969 1970., updated vers...
Panda PWA Meetings * Brainstorming meeting, 20. Apr. 2010, Bochum Link to Indico * EVO meeting, 04.05.2010, Link to Indico * EVO meeting, 18.05.2010, Lin...
Panda PWA Physics Resources * PWA Formalisms * General * Helicity Formalism * Covariant Tensor Formalism * K Matrix Formalism ...
Panda PWA Software Documentation PWA Discussions * aaa * bbb Documentation External Tools * git * cmake * Boost * log4c...
PWA Studies In order to verify the correctness of the PWA tools at hand, the following studies should be undertaken. Until now this page is still a working templa...
qft qft is a helpful software tool for calculating decay amplitudes in various formalisms (e.g. covariant tensor, helicity or canonical formalism). The packa...
ROOT ROOT (mainly) is a toolbox for particle physics data analysis. We plan to user ROOT for histogramming, event data input, and fit result storage. You'll find ...
Tutorial: performing an Example Partial Wave Analysis For testing and benchmarking purposes, an example PWA of Monte Carlo toy data is located in the directory $T...
Unitarity in the Isobar Model: Guide to the Literature There has been a lot of work on unitary corrections to the isobar model. Here we mainly follow the work of ...
PANDA PWA Introduction In the 90s of the last century high statistics experiments with fully equipped 4π detectors have lead to a better insight in the spectrum ...
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