You are on: PANDA Wiki * *BaBarSupport BaBarSupport I have received the following message on 1/4/2011 from Wes Craddock Dear Michael and Inti, Here is the...
Magnet : DetIntegration Detector Integration Yoke Lamination Detector Integration Questions Questions recieved on 20/11/07 1. Have we decided on the en...
Magnet : DraftIntegration Draft Integration Document This was planned at the magnet discussion meeting on the 8th and 9th November 2007. All contributions ...
You are on: PANDA Wiki ** Drawings ; Drawings Here the relevant technical drawings and sketches are collected. Please use this page to upload your document...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet0709 Meeting of the Magnet Group, Sept. 2008, GSI Agenda * Lars Schmidt: "Considerations on the Magnet Design" * Evgeny Ko...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet080124 Magnet Meeting 24/01/2008 via EVO Agenda One sole topic was on the agenda. The possible change of geometry for the cry...
You are on: PANDA Wiki ** Meetings ; Meetings of the Magnet Group Please find the talks on the PANDA meeting servers, from March 2009 onwards on Indico and ...
You are here: PANDA Wiki Magnet Members Members of the Magnet Group The group is chaired by Guenther Rosner and members should be all actively participating...
Magnet : SolDecision : Minutes_SolD070226 Minutes of the TB Meeting on the Solenoid Design Participants: R. Parodi, A. Bersani, A. Pastorino, L. Schmitt, ...
Magnet : SolDecision Solenoid Design Decision In order to come to a design decision an external review has taken place. The meeting was held at GSI on the 19...
PANDA : Magnet : SuppDocs Supporting Documents for the Magnet Work This site is for uploading supporting documents, i.e. stuff that is not the output of our m...
Magnet : TB_GSI070226 Schedule of the TB Meeting at GSI on 26/27th Feb. 2007 Monday February 26th 9:00 13:00 Magnet Group meeting in preparation of the mag...
PANDA : Magnet : TasksResponsibilities Tasks and Responsibilities The two large spectrometer magnets are built by seven groups from universities and research ...
PANDA : Magnet : Timeline Timelines The time lines are still subject to change, as the constriants from FAIR are not yet clear. Therefore the attached files ...
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