50 recent changes in Tof Web retrieved at 02:08 (Local)

Statistics for Tof Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Main.GlebFedotov 08 Oct 2021 The goals of the project Steps of the code development Scorers Drawing the setup Main frame file Physics list ...
Main.VladimirStepanov 21 Oct 2021 Scorers positioned along the slab count the numbers of scintillator photons passing through. Particle number distributions were ...
Main.VladimirStepanov 27 Oct 2021
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 To do list: 1. Define/delete pointers in the classes 2. Remove unused variables 3. Fix any other compiler warnings Check if ther...
Main.VladimirStepanov 18 Oct 2021 1. Set the number of the initial particles in 1 run (1 for e and 3e6 for gamma) (done) NOTE: should we use gamma or opticalphot...
Main.VladimirStepanov 18 Oct 2021 Register only electromagnetic and optical processes (done) NOTE: it takes to make sure we register all of the processes we n...
Main.VladimirStepanov 18 Oct 2021 1. Construct the default run manager and set mandatory initialization classes (done) 2. Activate UI command base scorer. It give...
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 1. The setup is drawn with the help of OGL. Basic drawing settings are in vis.mac file (done) 2. Drawing each n th track. Needs ...
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 16 scorers were introduced to scoring.mac file. Positions are range( 70, 70, 10) not including 0. Those are used for attenuation...
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 1. To determine the number of laser photos (pulse energy) that produces the same signal at PMTs as a high energy particle going ...
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 Photomultiplier tubes. Needs to be done from scratch (geant examples LXe)
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 2.1. Geometry (done). CAD drawing is implemented using CAD mesh package CAD mesh package. 2.2. Light guide material properties t...
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 1.1. Geometry (done) 1.2. Scintillator material properties table (done). Refractive index, absorption length, scintillation yiel...
Main.VladimirStepanov 18 Oct 2021 Apply the generator and the run action to the programm (done)
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 1. Introducing the scintillator bar 2. Light guides 3. PMTs
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 1) 2) 3)
Main.VladimirStepanov 15 Oct 2021 1) 2) 3)
Main.GlebFedotov 22 Apr 2019  Hardware  Used software An additional calibration for ToT measurement Results Prototype Monte Carlo
Main.GlebFedotov 25 Apr 2019 Pulser, laser.
Main.GlebFedotov 25 Apr 2019 Readout electronics Counter prototype Signal sources
Main.GlebFedotov 25 Apr 2019 Dividers, scintillation bar, litghtguides.
Main.GlebFedotov 25 Apr 2019 TRB3, PADIWA3
Main.GlebFedotov 25 Apr 2019 TRB3 calibration with pulser Time resolution obtained with diod laser Cosmic rays test
Main.GlebFedotov 25 Apr 2019 TRB3 calibration with pulser Time resolution obtained with diod laser Cosmic rays test
Main.GlebFedotov 22 Apr 2019 Initially the data are collected in the HADES format (.hld files). Then in order to convert them to the root trees and perform the ch...
Main.GlebFedotov 22 Apr 2019 Conversion to the root format and channel to time calibration
Main.CarstenSchwarz 02 Dec 2008 Time Of Flight Wall (FS TOF) A wall of slabs made of plastic scintillator and read out on both ends by fast photo tubes will ser...
Main.CarstenSchwarz Detector requirements Finding the detector requirements from the physical program is the task of the PID TAG group. See there for details. ...
Scintillator Tile Hodoscope (SciTil) The SciTil detector is a new detector proposed in place of the previous concepts of barrel TOF detectors. It is based on sma...
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Welcome to the home of Panda Wiki.Tof. This is a web based collaboration area for ... the PANDA Time of Flight group. * TimingBarrel * ForwardTof Site Tool...
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Number of topics: 40

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Topic revision: r1 - 2001-08-16, PeterThoeny
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