Detector requirements
Finding the detector requirements from the physical program is the task of the PID-TAG group. See
there for details.
Timing information for the target spectrometer is helpful for PID and for cleaning up of events. For this an excellent time resolution in the order of 100 ps is needed.
The material budget should be kept as low as possible in order not produce too many electron showers. These showers deteriorate the performance of the EMC. The barrel DIRC has a (perpendicular) radiation length of 17% and causes in forward direction up to 30% of showers. These numbers indicate a upper threshold of the TOF material budget of 10% and less.
A device which mets all above criteria is the
It is a system of small scintillator tiles read out by
SiPM diodes.
Results of
test experiment at CERN.
Report on the Motivation of the Barrel Time-of-Flight Detector for PANDA