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Meetings of the Magnet Group

Please find the talks on the PANDA meeting servers, from March 2009 onwards on Indico and 2004 to 2008 on the PANDA server.

Upcoming meetings

  • 6-10/6/2011 during Protvino meeting: participation unclear, EVO?

Previous meetings

  • 26-27/01/2009, GSI: TDR editorial
  • 29-30/10/2008, GSI: Mechanical Workshop
  • 31/10/2008, GSI: TDR editorial meeting

There is a strong overlap of the MTB TAG and Magnet-Group meetings. So please also refer to Tagmtb.Meetings!


You are on: PANDA Wiki > Magnet > Meetings ; login
Topic revision: r26 - 2011-05-19, IntiLehmann
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