You are on: PANDA > Wiki > Magnet > Drawings ; login


Here the relevant technical drawings and sketches are collected. Please use this page to upload your documents and replace existing outdated versions by more recent ones. Following the manage option you can create a link to your respective picture, which you can move to the appropriate section. If you don't feel comfortable to edit this page, either upload the file(s) and send me a mail with names and short descriptions or send me the files directly IntiLehmann.

  • Logo for the PANDA Magnet Group:
    Logo for the PANDA Magnet Group, small version

All pictures included in the TDR can be found on the SVN server (only accessible if you have a login):

Template Slides for Presentations

This template is meant as a source of inspiration and and to provide images for presentations which touch the subject of the PANDA magnets. Details may, however, change and you are generally encouraged to ask the Magnet group for advice if you plan to talk about details of the PANDA magnets. We will be happy to advice you and provide possible updates.

Model Files (Step Format)

Please find and place all model files on the Internal page, as all other pages are publicly accessible.


  • Full Setup 3D, Jost Luehning, Feb. 2007:
    Full Setup 3D, Jost Luehning, Feb. 2007, small version

Solenoid Pictures


  • 3D view of the Solenoid - 21/11/2008:
    3D view of the Solenoid - 21/11/2008 (small)

Coil and Cryostat

  • Detail of the coil and cryostat - 30/11/2008:
    Detail of the coil and cryostat - 30/11/2008 (small)

Flux Return Yoke

  • Cross section of the Solenoid - 18/11/2008:
    Cross section of the Solenoid - 18/11/2008 (small)

Dipole Pictures

  • View of the dipole magnet (26/11/2008):
    View of the dipole magnet


You are on: PANDA > Wiki > Magnet > Drawings ; login
I Attachment ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
Carriage_3D_2007_12_05.jpgjpg Carriage_3D_2007_12_05.jpg manage 890 K 2007-12-07 - 14:44 UnknownUser Transportation Carriage and Support Frames, Alexander Efremov (Dubna, Dec. 2007), full size
Cross-section.pngpng Cross-section.png manage 250 K 2009-04-01 - 16:34 IntiLehmann Cross section of the Solenoid - 18/11/2008
Cross-section_small.jpgjpg Cross-section_small.jpg manage 41 K 2009-04-01 - 16:39 IntiLehmann Cross section of the Solenoid - 18/11/2008 (small)
Disegno1-Model-1.pngpng Disegno1-Model-1.png manage 144 K 2007-09-22 - 17:37 UnknownUser Section of the solenoid with detectors (Genova)
Disegno1-Model2-1.jpgjpg Disegno1-Model2-1.jpg manage 90 K 2007-09-22 - 17:42 UnknownUser Section of the solenoid with coil particulars (Genova)
P-MagnetLogo.gifgif P-MagnetLogo.gif manage 18 K 2009-04-01 - 15:35 IntiLehmann Logo of the PANDA Magnet Group
P-MagnetLogo.pngpng P-MagnetLogo.png manage 35 K 2009-04-01 - 15:55 IntiLehmann Logo of the PANDA Magnet Group
P-MagnetLogo_small.gifgif P-MagnetLogo_small.gif manage 4 K 2009-04-01 - 15:36 IntiLehmann Logo for the PANDA Magnet Group (small)
P-MagnetLogo_small.pngpng P-MagnetLogo_small.png manage 12 K 2009-04-01 - 15:54 IntiLehmann Logo for the PANDA Magnet Group (small)
PA-Magnet_template1004.pdfpdf PA-Magnet_template1004.pdf manage 747 K 2010-05-02 - 23:18 IntiLehmann Template PDF for presentations concerning the magnet design at PANDA
PA-Magnet_template1004.pptppt PA-Magnet_template1004.ppt manage 738 K 2010-05-02 - 23:15 IntiLehmann Template PPT for presentations concerning the magnet design at PANDA
PA-Magnet_template1004.pptxpptx PA-Magnet_template1004.pptx manage 681 K 2010-05-02 - 23:14 IntiLehmann Template PPTX for presentations concerning the magnet design at PANDA
Panda3dView090127.pngpng Panda3dView090127.png manage 246 K 2009-04-01 - 15:37 IntiLehmann 3D view of the PANDA experiment, 27/01/2009
Panda3dView090127_small.pngpng Panda3dView090127_small.png manage 104 K 2009-04-01 - 15:38 IntiLehmann 3D view of the PANDA experiment, 27/01/2009 (small)
Panda_2007_02_08.pngpng Panda_2007_02_08.png manage 1 MB 2007-07-16 - 20:59 IntiLehmann Full Setup 3D, Jost Luehning, Feb. 2007
Solenoid_2D_2007_12_05.jpgjpg Solenoid_2D_2007_12_05.jpg manage 707 K 2007-12-07 - 14:18 UnknownUser Cross Section of PANDA Solenoid, Alexander Efremov (Dubna, Dec. 2007), full size
Solenoid_2D_front_2007_12_05.jpgjpg Solenoid_2D_front_2007_12_05.jpg manage 548 K 2007-12-07 - 14:28 UnknownUser PANDA Solenoid Front View, Alexander Efremov (Dubna, Dec. 2007), full size
Solenoid_2D_side_2007_12_05.jpgjpg Solenoid_2D_side_2007_12_05.jpg manage 731 K 2007-12-07 - 14:34 UnknownUser Cross Section of PANDA Solenoid Yoke, Alexander Efremov (Dubna, Dec. 2007), full size
Solenoid_3D_downstream_2007_12_05.jpgjpg Solenoid_3D_downstream_2007_12_05.jpg manage 935 K 2007-12-07 - 14:00 UnknownUser 3D View of PANDA Solenoid from Downstream Direction, Alexander Efremov (Dubna, Dec. 2007), full size
Solenoid_3D_upstream.pngpng Solenoid_3D_upstream.png manage 391 K 2009-04-01 - 16:31 IntiLehmann 3D view of the Solenoid - 21/11/2008
Solenoid_3D_upstream_2007_12_05.jpgjpg Solenoid_3D_upstream_2007_12_05.jpg manage 967 K 2007-12-07 - 13:44 UnknownUser 3D View of PANDA Solenoid from Upstream Direction, Alexander Efremov (Dubna, Dec. 2007), full size
Solenoid_3D_upstream_small.jpgjpg Solenoid_3D_upstream_small.jpg manage 120 K 2009-04-01 - 16:38 IntiLehmann 3D view of the Solenoid - 21/11/2008 (small)
coil.jpgjpg coil.jpg manage 147 K 2009-04-01 - 16:36 IntiLehmann Detail of the coil and cryostat - 30/11/2008
coil_small.jpgjpg coil_small.jpg manage 12 K 2009-04-01 - 16:39 IntiLehmann Detail of the coil and cryostat - 30/11/2008 (small)
dip_proj_front.pdfpdf dip_proj_front.pdf manage 19 K 2008-12-10 - 14:27 IntiLehmann Dipole front projection 26/11/2008
dip_proj_side.pdfpdf dip_proj_side.pdf manage 8 K 2008-12-10 - 14:26 IntiLehmann Dipole side projection 26/11/2008
dip_proj_top.pdfpdf dip_proj_top.pdf manage 15 K 2008-12-10 - 14:25 IntiLehmann Dipole top projection 26/11/2008
dipole_view.pngpng dipole_view.png manage 48 K 2008-12-10 - 14:21 IntiLehmann View of the dipole magnet (26/11/2008 J. Luehning/G. Yang)
dipole_view071203.pngpng dipole_view071203.png manage 169 K 2008-01-17 - 15:52 IntiLehmann View of the dipole magnet (J. Luehning/G. Yang 03/12/2007)
dipole_view081124_small.pngpng dipole_view081124_small.png manage 42 K 2008-12-10 - 14:34 IntiLehmann View of the dipole magnet - small 26/11/2008
sross-section.jpgjpg sross-section.jpg manage 544 K 2008-03-14 - 17:58 IntiLehmann Cross section of solenoid, Yuri Lobanov (Dubna) 15/02/2008
sross-section_small.jpgjpg sross-section_small.jpg manage 17 K 2008-03-14 - 18:06 IntiLehmann Cross section of solenoid, Yuri Lobanov (Dubna) 15/02/2008 small version
Topic revision: r20 - 2015-12-11, UdoKurilla
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