PANDA TAG Tracking

Minutes for 20th of September:

The transparencies shown by Fabian during the meeting can found here:tag_tracking.pdf.

A new draft of the concluding document has been prepared; it can be received via the Wiki page here: version 2.5.2.

Top 1: TAG document - new draft 2.5.2 & discussion
The new draft version is now almost complete. Only the TPC section is missing; Bernhard promised to provide this section in the near future.

Further discussion took place about the specific criteria for the CT decision. The listed items which represent questions/tasks for each option were agreed but it was claimed that not all of topics could be answered by prototype test results within the given time frame for the decision. Therefore it must be stressed that also simulation results are considered, e.g. for the dE/dx aspect. Furthermore the ordering of the items should be slightly changed; some of topic are valid for both detector concepts and should be therefore put to a general part before the detector specifics lists are discussed. Fabian is in charge to adopt this in the next draft version of the concluding document.

It was agreed that the 'milestone chapter' should be changed according to the currently valid schedule keeping in mind that further changes are likely. Matthias rose the questions that the double track resolution for the tracking detectors is not defined. He agreed to take care about some simulations to clarify this question.

Remark outside of the minutes: Meanwhile Matthias together with Marc did the needed simulations for a broad variety of benchmark channels (see here for the results: The drawn conclusion is that the double track resolution is not that critical and a track separation requirement of about 5 degrees between two track should be sufficient for the Central and the Forward Tracker region. Fabian takes care about the implementation into the document.

Top 2: Future of TAG
The future of the TAG was shortly touched and discussed. Although no final conclusion was drawn it is clear that to original mandate of the TAG will be fulfilled after the TAG document is finished and given to the TB; this could be happen during the December PANDA week. However, the TAG group might be in charge also for the tracking of the progress of the sub-detector efforts during the prototype phase. Especially for the CT options the group can help in the preparation of the final decision. But this is a question to be answered by the TB eventually.

Top 3: Any other business
No other business, next meeting concerning the final version of the concluding document will be via EVO/VRVS on notice by Fabian.

-- FabianHuegging - 05 Oct 2007

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
tag_tracking.pdfpdf tag_tracking.pdf manage 65 K 2007-10-02 - 11:35 UnknownUser presentation given by Fabian
trkAng.psps manage 267 K 2007-10-05 - 09:54 UnknownUser simulation results concerning double track resolution
Topic revision: r2 - 2007-10-05, FabianHuegging
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