PANDA TAG Tracking
Minutes for 6th of Februar:
present: P. Gianotti, B. Ketzer, M. Steinke, J. Symrski, F. Hügging.
Top 1: Diskussion on TAG Tracking draft 2.6.0
All members of the group discussed the recent version of our concluding document. Several minor comments were made which we agreed on. They will be all implemented into the next draft. Bernhard and Kai gave later some more minor comments via email which will be included as well.
Only one major point was covered; the benchmark channel overview chapter (2.1) should contain all benchmark channels mentioned later on. Therefore we decided to move the table with CT benchmark channel from section 2.3 to section 2.1 and complete it with the other benchmark channels.
To the more important minor changes belongs that in the MVD chapter the two additional silicon strip disks further downstream have to be mentioned and that in the overall performance table in the appendix the caption shall be extended with a comment that the given numbers are state-of-the-art for the detectors but this doesn't mean that this is sufficient for reaching all envisaged physics goals of PANDA.
Fabian will prepare a new draft by beginning of next week (last week in February of 2008) and circulate it. He will discuss with Lars how to proceed in order to conclude formally our work.
Top 2: Any other business
There is a free time slot during the upcoming Panda week (Wed 5th of March 9:00-10:30) reserved for a TAG meeting. It is not clear whether this will be needed but maybe we can convene briefly to decide upon the next draft. Fabian is in charge to decide.
FabianHuegging - 22 Feb 2008