PANDA TAG Tracking
Minutes for 12th of October:
present: O. Hartmann, S. Neubert, M. Steinke, L. Schmitt, J. Symrski, F. Hügging.
excused: K.-T. Brinkmann, B. Ketzer.
not-present: P. Gianotti, J. Ritman.
Top 1: Design choices criteria
Fabian mentioned that up to now no discussion about the criteria for the design choices took place. So everybody is asked to look over the given criteria in the TAG document and give comments and improvements. Especially more specific criteria including feasibility criteria for the two major design concerning the CT and FT are needed. Sebastian stressed the comparability of criteria for the different options must be considered. Otherwise it will be difficult to judge between the different design options.
Olaf reported that for the STT option as Central tracker basically only the skewed layout with the 'Jülich' design survived; the document will be updated accordingly.
Top 2: Timeframe and milestones
The milestones mentioned in the TAG document were discussed shortly. The definition of the R&D work-packages has to be before the time frames for design could be fixed. Furthermore the TR milestone was shifted to March 2008. Matthias reminded us that for the software it is important to get requests as soon as possible.
Top 3: Questions to the Simulations
Main part of our work is the definition of questions to be answered by simulations which are important for design, layout and realisiation of the tracking detectors. This means we have to identify key detector paramenters which should be optimized and find the appropriate figures of merit which allow a reasonable assesment of the detector's performance. We agreed that for each sub-system a VRVS session should take place before the December PANDA week. Within this session a presentation should be given from one representative concerning the simulation questions followed by a discussion. In particular:
- MVD: Fabian is able to give this presentation by mid of November after the special MVD R&D meeting in Torino.
- CT: Here it is not clear whether we should have one session (or presentation) covering both options or if we decide to spülit into two session, one for the TPC and one for the STT. However, for the TPC Sebastion claims he has quite a good picture and could give a presentation by mid/end of November. For the STT a candidate has to be identified.
- FT: Jerzy agreed to give such a presentation which will basically consists of the question how many numbers of drift chamber layers are needed and which impact the choice of the two dipole options with and without iron plate will have on the Forward Tracker. He might be able to give his presentation by beginning or mid of November.
- entire tracking system: It was agreed to come to this issue again after the sub-system discusions has been finished.
Top 4: Any other business
We reserved a time slot on November, 10th for the VRVS conference for the FT simulation discussion if Jerzy confirms this date. The other meetings could then take place on a weekly basis, i.e. 17th (MVD) and 24th of November (CT) but this is not fixed yet.
FabianHuegging - 26 Oct 2006