Panda Wiki's Tagpid/Pandatagpid web The Tagpid/Pandatagpid web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2025 by contributing authors Panda Wiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of Panda Wiki Panda Wiki Powered by Foswiki, The Free and Open Source Wiki.Tagpid/Pandatagpid PidtagMeeting05 5. PID TAG Meeting (27.3.2007) Agenda * "New steps" * e e Benchmark Studies, Bertram Kopf * EplusEminusStudies.pdf * Parametrization of the (Barrel)... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2007-04-11T13:09:25+02:00 g.schepers MeetingsandWorkshops Meetings * PidtagMeeting01 at the PANDA Collaboration Meeting Dresden (05. 10.03 2006) * VrvsMeeting01 26.04.2006 * VrvsMeeting02 24.05.2006 * PidtagMee... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2007-04-10T17:00:52+02:00 g.schepers VrvsMeeting08 8. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (20.3.2007) Agenda * "New steps preparation for Genua" * e e Benchmark Studies, Bertram Kopf uni (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2007-04-10T15:20:19+02:00 g.schepers WebNotify This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Tagpid/Pandatagpid web. This is a convenient service, so you do n... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2007-04-10T15:09:01+02:00 g.schepers ProximityFocussing Proximity Focussing For more results see presentation in VrvsMeeting07. Here is a quick calculation with slightly different geometry as Lars Schmitt requested. ... (last changed by KlausFoehl) 2007-03-22T17:34:23+01:00 KlausFoehl CherenkovCounter Disc Cherenkov Counter Main.KlausFoehl 25 Apr 2006 * Motivation and Kinematics: Particle ID cannot rely on strangeness conservation as strangeness is... (last changed by KlausFoehl) 2007-03-22T17:14:50+01:00 KlausFoehl VrvsMeeting07 7. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (1.3.2007) Agenda * "PID update and outlook" * the development from December 2006 to March 2007 * the echange of knowledge, as... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2007-03-20T13:51:07+01:00 g.schepers VrvsMeeting06 6. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (7.12.2006) Agenda * Status und Preparation * Status Georg Schepers * Very first Concept for presentation, to be discuss... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2007-02-28T16:51:29+01:00 g.schepers TasksandResults Requirements for the PID Detectors * PiddetectorRequirements Basic Informations about the PID Detectors * BarrelDirc * C. Schwarz, G. Schepers * B... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2007-02-26T13:34:35+01:00 g.schepers PidtagMeeting04 4. PID TAG Meeting (11.12.2006) Agenda * Status und Preparation * EMC Neuronal Network analysis and ideas * Status Georg Schepers * Conc... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2006-12-11T09:46:47+01:00 g.schepers CommentsandSuggestions Presentation comments: Klaus Foehl has a lot of nice performance plots for the endcap DISC. They surely should be included. Matthias Hoek can probably provide a... (last changed by BjoernSeitz) 2006-12-08T16:03:33+01:00 VrvsMeeting05 5. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (9.11.2006) Agenda * Parametrization and Phase Space * Barrel Tof example Aida Galoyan: http://www (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2006-12-06T15:20:00+01:00 g.schepers BarrelTof Barrel Time of Flight Aida Goloyan provided a parametrization for the Time of Flight measurment with the barrel tof: * TOF_galoyan.ppt: Parametrization for Bar... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2006-12-01T15:16:32+01:00 g.schepers VrvsMeeting04 4. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (13.10.2006) Preliminary Agenda * Parametrization of Detector responses * Barrel Tof example Aida Galoyan: * TOF_galoyan.... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2006-11-09T13:16:14+01:00 g.schepers VrvsMeeting03 3. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (20.07.2006) Agenda * Common plots for separation power * example K. Foehl: * bin/view/Pandatagpid... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2006-10-12T16:57:53+02:00 g.schepers BarrelDirc Purpose the DIRC provides * a positive kaon identification * a destinction of gammas and relativistic charged particles entering the EMC behind him Workin... (last changed by GeorgSchepers) 2006-10-12T15:53:40+02:00 g.schepers

Topic revision: r2 - 2004-08-16, PeterThoeny
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