With the barrel ToF good separation of pions, kaons and protons are possible in the momentum range of 0.1 to 0.6 GeV/c. Up to 1.1 GeV/c protons still can be separated well.
Klaus Foehl: A parametrisation in separation power still has to come.
First electron-ID studies with the EMC, Bertram Kopf
Bertram presented an analysis with neuronal networks that he worked out together with Klaus Goetzen. Including energy deposit of the cluster and shower shapes the analysis within the BaBar like software gives already after a short training of the neural network good results for momenta above 0.8 GeV/c. Below this momentum the identification of pion and electrons are not yet sufficient. A larger training sample might help to improve the results of the analysis. Any lack of separation power at low momenta that is connected with the performance of the Barrel Tof at this position might be filled with other detectors as with ToF, dE/dx or the Barrel DIRC.
Bertram: "The time for the analysis with a neural network is not longer than with another method"
Bjoern Seitz: "in addition the neural network can give input for other methods a the likelihood method"
Kinematic Plots of Benchmark channels, Bertram Kopf.
As Bertram showed in the investigated benchmark channels the higher momenta particles are mostly ejected under small angles, i.e. less than 20 degrees. He liked to find a channel with kaons under angles bigger than that. Carsten Schwarz told that in the channel p-bar p --> K+ K- gamma the kaons have angles of 80 degrees. He will send the full informations about this channel (as interesting beam energies) to Bertram.
New Wiki-Page for the Barrel ToF detector, Aida Galoyan, Georg Schepers
Very first Draft of the presentation to the PANDA-Collaboration on the December meeting at GSI to be discussed in the next VRVS-meeting and the PID-TAG session at GSI, Georg Schepers
next meeting
The next (the 6th VRVS meeting was declared to take place between the 4th and 7th of December 2006.