Alberto Riccardi : TDC for the front end architecture in the PANDA MVD
Hans-Georg Zaunick: Der Mikrovertex-Detektor des PANDA-Experiments
Tommaso Quagli: Integration of the strip barrel staves of the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector
Valentino Di Pietro: A low-power front-end amplifer for the microstrip sensors of the PANDA Microvertex Detector
Matteo Cardinali : Frontend Electronics for high-precision single photo-electron timing using FPGA-TDCs
Matthias Hoek: Entwicklung von DIRCs für PANDA
A. Karavdina : PANDA Luminosity Detector software: preparation for expected challenges
Erik Etzelmüller: Technical design of the PANDA Disc DIRC Detector
Julian Rieke: A new prototype for the PANDA Disc DIRC Detector
Alexander Britting: Measurements of recent microchannel-plate photomultipliers with significantly increased lifetime Alexander Britting
F. Feldbauer: Der PANDA-Luminositätsdetektor
Tobias Weber: High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the PANDA Luminosity Detector
Heinrich Leithoff: Ein Kühlsystem für den PANDA-Luminositätsdetektor
Gerrit Kuhl: Test von Avalanche-Photodioden für das PANDA-EMC
Claudius Schnier: Aufbau und Test von Kalorimeter-Modulen für PANDA
Tobias Holtmann: Charakterisierung von Vakuumphototetroden für das PANDA-Kalorimeter
Miriam Kümmel: The Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for PANDA
Milan Wagner: Concepts for Pre-Assemply Data Acquisition for the PANDA Experiment
Yutie Liang: FPGA helix tracking algorithm for PANDA
Luigi Capozza: The backward end-cap for the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter
Oliver Noll: Kühlung und Temperaturbestimmung für die Rückwärtsentkappe des elektromagnetischen Kalorimeters des PANDAExperiments
Stefan Diehl: Response of a Prototype for the PANDA Barrel EMC to Tagged Photons in the Energy Range from 750 MeV up to 3.2 GeV
Christoph Rosenbaum: Construction and First Characterisation of a Prototype for the PANDA Barrel EMC in a Close to Final Design
Maria Patsyuk: Simulation and reconstruction for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
Roman Dzhygadlo: Performance of the PANDA Barrel DIRC Prototype
Marko Zühlsdorf: A time-based likelihood approach for the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector
Marcell Steinen : A high resolution germanium detector array for hypernuclear studies at PANDA
Sebastian Bleser: Optimization of the target system for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDA
Andre Goerres: The PASTA Chip - A Free-Running Readout ASIC for Silicon Strip Sensors in PANDA
Andreas Herten: GPU Implementations of Online Track Finding Algorithms at PANDA
Simone Esch: The Influence of Additional Semiconductor Discs on the Reconstruction of lambda lambdabar in the PANDA Experiment
Huagen Xu: Commissioning of the recoil detector for the day-one experiment at HESR with pbarp elastic scattering at COSY
Christoph Wendel: Aufbau eines Messtandes zur Vorkalibration der Detektormodule für die Vorwärtsendkappe des elektromagnetischen Kalorimeters des PANDA-Experimentes
Georg Urff: Testmessungen an Vakuumphototetroden für das elektromagnetische Kalorimeter des PANDA Experimentes an FAIR
Poster: (9)
Lu Cao: Simulations of the Measurement of the Form Factor for the Ds Semileptonic Decay with the PANDA Detector
Maria Carmen Mora Espi: Simulation and Analysis of the channel pbarp -> e+e-pi0 using the TDA production mechanism for its measurement with PANDA.
Roserio Valente: Technical Development of the Backward End-Cap (BWEC) for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC)
Stephan Leiber: The electronic readout of the PANDA Straw Tube Tracker
Martin J. Galusk: Implementation of Pattern Recognition for the PANDA Forward Tracking System
Marvin Krebs: Study of the PANDA barrel DIRC prototype timing resolution
Tommaso Quagli: Radiation hardness studies of epitaxial diodes for the PANDA Micro-Vertex-Detector
Christian Hammann: Die PANDA-Vorwärtsendkappe: Simulationen und deren Vergleich mit Prototyptestmessungen
Dariusch Deermann: Characterization of the PANDA MVD Trapezoidal Silicon Strip Sensors and the Development of their Readout System
Hadronenstruktur und –spektroskopie (9)
Andreas Pitka: D0-Dbar0-Mischung im Zerfall D0 -> Ks_pi+pi- bei PANDA
Donghee Kang: Online software trigger at PANDA/FAIR
Dmitry Khaneft: Feasibility study: proton time-like electromagnetic form factors with the PANDA experiment
Bertold Fröhlich: Feasibility Study of a Transversely Polarized Target in Panda
Manuel Zambrana: Accessing Transition Distribution Amplitudes with the PANDA experiment at FAIR
Alaa Dbeyssi: Feasibility studies of _pbarp -> e+e- for the measurement of proton form factors at PANDA
Iris Zimmermann: Machbarkeitsstudien zur Messung der zeitartigen, elektromagnetischen Formfaktoren des Protons in Reaktionen von Pbar p -> mu+mu- am PANDA-Experiment
Alicia Sanchez Lorente: Studying the potential of antihyperons in nuclei with antiprotons
Elisabetta Prencipe: Perspectives on Open Charm Physics with PANDA