Exotics: pp→Y(3940)→J/ψ ω


Klaus Peters, GSI


Marc Pelizaeus, Bochum

Decay Modes

pp → Y(3940) → J/ψω

  • 50%: J/ψ → e+e-

  • 50%: J/ψ → μ+μ-

  • 100%: ω → π+π-π0

CMS energy: 3940 MeV

Background Channels

Main background should appear from &psi primes decaying to J/ψ π+π-, thus the background channel should be ppbar → ψ prime π0. Another source could be ppbar → J/ψ ρ π in various charge states. Same number of events as in the signal channel.


  • pad0001.pdf: Panda Note: Charmonium and Charmonium Hybrids (preliminary)

Topic revision: r4 - 2008-09-06, BertramKopf
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