Friday, May 15, 2020 9am and 11am


Sebastian Coen, Thorsten Erlen, Thomas Held, Fritz-Herbert Heinsius, Tobias Holtmann, Faiza Khalid, Aron Kripko, Dong Liu, Markus Moritz, David Pineiro, Quing Pu, Hang Qi, Ben Salisbury, Christoph Schmidt, Claudius Schnier, Sun Shengsen, Matthias Steinke, Ulrike Thoma, Tobias Triffterer, Guang Zhao

Tobias Stockmanns

Topics 9am

  • Dong Liu: Working on calibration. Monte Carlo events generated. Standalone calibration software running. ToDo storing of calibration in database.
  • Quing Pu: Shashlik code received from Markus Preston. Work in progress.
  • Markus Moritz: Two students in Giessen work on PID and combination of PID for different detectors. Its observed that leaving a detector can improve the PID. In the discussion it was pointed out, that this can only be due to bugs in the PID code of a detector and should be fixed. One student is working on ML for PID. Presentation is planned for next computing meeting or PANDA meeting.
  • Ben Salibury: Restructuring code was pushed to special branch. Restructuring also done for PANDA PID correlator.

Topics 11am

Next meetings

  • PANDA meeting June 22-26

-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 15 May 2020
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-05-15, FritzHerbertHeinsius
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