Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Meeting, 30th of September 2024, 14:00 - 14:30

  • Christian did laser tracker measurements on the FWEC as he did in Juelich back in 2023
  • Submodule positions after transport to and setting up of the detector in Bonn measure to be unchanged
  • The upper part of the backplate in the region of the top suspension pin seems to have shifted by half a millimeter which might come from the fixing clamps installed for transport that are still attached
  • Need to unmount those clamps and check if that was the cause for the displacement seen
  • There are certain VPTT submodules showing higher noise figures as expected, THMP connection/unconnection may correlate to this -> need to further check
  • The Julabo FP-50 from BO which was borrowed to Giessen was given to Bonn for testing the cooling of the FWEC backplate plug for the ELSA setup, need to look for the manual in BO
  • Bonn has 2 submodules left for testing in the cosmics test stands - need to get more tested submodules from BO
  • Need to clarify w/ Tobias Holtmann what is needed to get our submodule test stand back in operation
  • Pawel may come to the November PANDA meeting at GSI, bringing 20 more SADCs
  • There are also still SADC crate power supply components sitting in Uppsala (coils need to receive shielding)
- ThomasHeld - 2024-09-30
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-09-30, ThomasHeld
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