Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Meeting, 16th of September 2024, 14:00 - 14:20
- Claudius and I will bring one light pulser unit (and submodules if there are final tested ones) to Bonn when visiting HISKP on the 17th
- Christian showed a distribution plot of the FWEC and its submodules:
purple: mounted
blue: glued, ready to be mounted
green: ready to be glued
yellow: ready for Bonn test station
red: sent back to BO for repair
white: still in BO
- In order to proceed with submodule installation low-x-submodules are preferred to be delivered next
- For the chiller maintenance we need to take 32 A three-phase cables plus cooling water hoses from BN back to BO
- For a regular chiller maintenance once the unit is in BN it might be included in the regular maintenance cycle of the ELSA hall
ThomasHeld - 2024-09-30