Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Meeting, 5th of August 2024, 14:00 - 14:30

  • Bonn colleagues report that taking the forward endcap transport frame off the beam height pedestal and moving it in the TOF hall by means of the dipole carriers went smoothly and as expected
  • Forward endcap now sitting in front of the hall gate (inside TOF hall)
  • Movement of the forward endcap to Bonn will be done on August 19/20. The detector will be stored in a video surveilled hall in Cologne overnight
  • Transport company Colonia as well as packaging subcontrator are insured to an amount of 2.5 million Euros, Bonn is looking for an additional insurance of damages that may occur to the submodules inside the wooden package
  • Packaging will be done on August 15, delivery of 1.1 tons of wood to Juelich the day before
  • The metal racks from BO will be disposed (or recycled) by Bonn colleagues (we have enough racks in BO and the ones used were salvaged from local disposal point anyway)
  • How much lightpulsers will be available for setting up the detector in Bonn?
-- ThomasHeld - 2024-08-07
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-08-09, ThomasHeld
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