Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Meeting, 13th of May 2024, 15:00 - 15:40

Preparation of Moving FWEC to Bonn:

  • The FWEC is prepared for being protected with wood on front and back lid
  • Bonn people will work on the wood with Claudius (plus...) helping in getting the wood from hardware store to FZ Juelich (need to calrify availability of car)
  • Chiller and pump box need to go to Bochum first as there is no space in FTD to store them during finishing of the FWEC there
  • About 100 SADCs still sitiing on the shelfs in Uppsala. Maybe some more can be brought to GSI in June
  • The metahnol/water mixture drained off the detector is still properly mixed (50/50...40/60) and clear. Nevertheless we will let FZ dispose it and buy new methanol for the Bonn setup as transport is difficult to legally arrange
-- ThomasHeld - 2024-05-14
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-05-14, ThomasHeld
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