Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Meeting, 13th of May 2024, 15:00 - 15:40
Preparation of Moving FWEC to Bonn:
The FWEC is prepared for being protected with wood on front and back lid
Bonn people will work on the wood with Claudius (plus...) helping in getting the wood from hardware store to FZ Juelich (need to calrify availability of car)
Chiller and pump box need to go to Bochum first as there is no space in FTD to store them during finishing of the FWEC there
About 100 SADCs still sitiing on the shelfs in Uppsala. Maybe some more can be brought to GSI in June
The metahnol/water mixture drained off the detector is still properly mixed (50/50...40/60) and clear. Nevertheless we will let FZ dispose it and buy new methanol for the Bonn setup as transport is difficult to legally arrange