Minutes of the forward endcap EMC meeting, 9th of October 2023, 14:00 - 14:25
Biweekly Meeting Related to COSY Beam Data Analysis:
Ben and Celina worked on feature extraction: Ansatz to use the deconvolution of Celina for the feature extraction takes too much CPU time (24 h per run). Therefore the online feature extraction of Benedikt will be used for now.
Celina is working on the time calibration. It works for the first run period. However, with the 2nd run periond it may happen thatt one of the first (10th or 11th) forced trigger is missing. This requires special handling to define the t0 for the time calibration of that IPs.
Celina noted that the high/low gain conversion factors have a higher width for the integral compared to the maximum. It remains to be checked, whether pileup or baseline or something else is the reason for that. Therefore for now, the maximum will be used for the energy determination.