Minutes of the forward endcap EMC meeting, 25th of September 2023, 14:00 - 15:15

First biweekly Meeting Related to COSY Beam Data Analysis:

  • Bonn ansatz for data analysis, final pi0 caibration of the FWEC:
  1. Time calibration (see Endcap-Analysis-Meeting_20230925_Frenkel.pdf)
  2. Basic MIPs calibration
  3. Using Ben's clustering script
  4. Pion peak retrieval
  • Time calibration via forced 1 Hz trigger events insufficient; clocks of the FPGAs drift non-linear
  • No linear fit possible, instead interpolation between adjacent time stamps
  • Time calibration resdiuals then become linear

Work at COSY:

  • Lukas prepared copying of last beam time data (new hard disks installed in Juelich), remaing time to finish about 3 days
  • Access to TOF-hall from mid of next week on (beam until Oct. 4th)
  • Once access we should find the origin of the light pulser Q4-problem of delayed triggering, Bonn and Bochum colleagues needed, should agree upon a suitable date


  • Software repository available in Bonn, should be used
  • Analysis on ntuple, CB-Elsa software, PANDA-Root? -> PANDA-Root has 'feature extraction' functionality, Celina and Ben have some experience using PANDA-Root

-- ThomasHeld - 2023-09-28
Topic revision: r3 - 2023-10-02, ThomasHeld
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