Minutes of the forward endcap EMC meeting, 18th of September 2023, 14:00 - 15:15


  • Copying of the recorded data of the final FWEC beamtime at COSY is ongoing
  • Planning of the move of FWEC to Bonn will start next week when Christoph is back from vacation
  • The move of the detector will probably start only next year
  • From the data looked at Celina concludes that light pulser unit Q4 seems to always fire about half a microsecond later than the other units. Need to check that in Juelich before dismantling the detector (+/- wiring of the LVDS line accidently swapped?)
  • We will hold specific data analysis related meetings from next week on, every other week when there is no regular FWEC meeting
  • 2nd try on producing a working data concentrator board failed (Pawel), PCB will be resend to manufacturer for inspection

-- ThomasHeld - 2023-09-25
Topic revision: r1 - 2023-09-25, ThomasHeld
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